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Jan 8, 2011 – AP. Astronaut Mark Kelly is the husband of Arizona Congressman Gabrielle Giffords.NASA. Next Slide Previous Slide. The Arizona Democratic ...
Bio: Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords | Fox News
Bio: Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords | Fox News
Bio: G Giffords | Fox News
Bio: Gravity | F oxygen News
Bio: Gravity | F oxygen Ne
Bio-physics: Gravity | Math Function oxygen Neutrons
Thus we see that mass communications (television, radio, print, graphic arts, INTERNET) is really atomic mass communications from the periodic atomic table VIA the humanoid output atomic bio-computer device ..the human messenger .....the human interface communications vehicle for the elements and social engineering forces of NATURE.
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Gabrielle Dee "Gabby" Giffords (born June 8, 1970) is an American politician. ... On January 8, 2011, Giffords was a victim of a shooting near Tucson, which was ...
Let's look at the atomic bio-physics SCIENCE WAR clue ---> SIGNAL
born June 8, 1970 ---> translated using the 2 different, but related, atomic English languages of Oxygen BASE 16 and the Hemoglobin Iron 26 proton English alphabet letters (Oxygen 16 + Tensor space of the Tenzin LINK = 26 iron)...we see the messages
born --> Max Born physics project of June 8, 1970
June 8 --> Ju + ne 8 --> neutrons 8 of oxygen atom /Lungs
1970 --> rewritten in mathematical-physics exponents
1970 = 1 370 ......with 3 exponent 2 = 9 thus giving
the one IBM system 370 OS/JCL SNA VTAM bio-computer model of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic processor with OCR abilities ....the advanced eye/optical character reader of the Computer EARTH system 370 device UNIT = UNITED States of America and the advanced human bio-ocr needed for a modern DEMO of democracy ...with cy = read CYBERNETICS book by Norbert Wiener.
Thus we have year 1970 ....and the people born in that year...part of Nature's vast humanoid self-awareness experiment.
In addition, the Miss Gifford and Mr.Kelly .........Margaret Mead atomic anthropology social experiment ,,,,,
1970 --> rewritten in mathematical-physics exponents
1970 = 1 370 ......with 3 exponent 2 = 9 .........
thus ..in atomic metabolism ..... bio-physics terms we have Gifford and Kelly ...as atomic thermodynamic structures at 37.0 Celsius.
a human can maintain its 'internal pond' at a constant temperature of 37.0 °C", 37.o ° ...
consistent body temperature that is around the mark of 37.0 degrees celsius.
Thus we see Nature's EARTH Lab experiment with NASA .....the symbolic parameter applied to "around the Mark Kelly".
We ask...what is around Mark Kelly?
Being married ...we speculate that the bio-physics EARTH LAB humanoid specimen of
consistent body temperature .....would be Gabby Giffords.
Thus ..from Mark Kelly's subconscious MIND curiousity ....scientific point of VIEW ....the ONE he is married to at 37.0 degress Celcius with a college degree from Scripps College ......gives social equation one 37.0 --> 1 37. 0 ...giving a few information concepts to MR.Kelly
a) the adult female bio-computer with LU = Logical Unit = LUNG with oxygen activation date of June 8, 1370 (base 3 exponont 2 implies NUMBER 32 oxygen molecule atomic mass with Cobol atomic computer language word 32 LINKED to the concept of NASA acceleration theory which ought include the acceleration of GRAVITY = 32 and ought include the G theory of Gabby G. and the universal gravitational constant). Thus NASA, DARPA, and others need to update their concepts of gravity existential formats.
b) another secret of NASA physics and their university friends
1970 --> rewritten in mathematical-physics exponents
1970 = 1 370 ......with 3 exponent 2 = 9 .........
Coupling Constants for the Fundamental Forces
hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/forces/couple.htmlCached - Similar
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In obtaining a coupling constant for the strong interaction, say in comparison to the ... Using the electromagnetic coupling constant of 1/137 then leads to a ...
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In quantum electrodynamics, α is the coupling constant determining the strength of the ... In this theory, the electromagnetic interaction is treated as a mixture of..... The first mystery – the origin of its numerical value α ≈ 1/137 has been ...
Jun 28, 2011 – Report: Giffords stands, hugs husband at NASA event. 'She's showing ... Jump to photos Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords. photos. x ...
Above, since we have the HUSBAND ......we see the bio-physics process ...atomic em --> emotions and their eventual expression in this NASA social science experiment.
Mr. Kelly ..comprised of atoms ...that is.. comprised of neutrons, electrons, various nuclear forces ...was a bachelor at one time.
That is ....he was a bachelor = bach + el + or = batch electron orbits .......that were educated...his electron brain orbitals probably have a Bachelor of Science degree. Thus ...in the advanced atomic particle BACHELOR state of MIND ..... one day ..... he received some em = electromagnteic optical data in his input optical character reader ......an image of a different atomic species of humanoid with experimental LABEL: female --> ferrous oxide atomic fe = female structure.
Giffords is a native of Tucson, Arizona, and a graduate of Scripps College and ..... Nancy Pelosi said Giffords' husband Mark Kelly acknowledged that there is a .... Giffords married U.S. Navy Captain and NASA astronaut Mark E. Kelly on ...
His atomic brain ...fortifed with science education (perhaps the good courses known as the PSSC PHYSICS series of the National Science Foundation) ...upon receipt of the EM input data ..... calculated important data features
constant 137 --> 1 adult educated female at 37.0 degrees Celsius with a college degree
..to make a long story short ...... the atomic EM = EMOTION process was activated and consequently ...from the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness of the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic anthropology point of VIEW ......the atomic EM process of
electromagnetic coupling took place..... in terms of traditional social science language ...they became a married couple with em features.
Above, gives us clues to proton life of Gabby.
Max Born physics stated she was a Ne = Neutron agent .....BORN June 8 , 1970
June = Ju + ne =Justice Department Neutron agent ..specially 8 oxygen neutrons in year
The proton clues are below.
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What is the atomic weight of an element that contains 8 protons 8 neutrons and 8 electrons? That would be an oxygen isotope and it's Atomic Mass would be 16.
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Gabrielle Dee "Gabby" Giffords (born June 8, 1970) is an American politician. ...
On January 8, 2011, Giffords was a victim of a shooting near Tucson, which ...
Let the algebra subset of word: Oxygen = On giving the sentence
Oxygen January 8, 20 standard amino acids with the 11 protons of sodium ..symbol Na --> the Nation of atomic life forms in the United States of educated peoples with communicator .....
from Arizona's 8th district --> a geography surface region of EARTH with oxygen breathing life forms that ought help fix part of the HIERARCHY PROBLEM of the periodic atomic table of elements of life ...regarding the NO = Nitrogen/Oxygen NOBEL NOSE science problems of the Office of Science and the Department of Energy and address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 1600 = 16 protons of 00 = Oxygen Molecule used by Presidents and White House entities for over 200 years.
Thus we have the OXYGEN WARS with Ox = Oxygen VERSUS the Oxford University diplomatic errors and arrogance.
OM = Oxygen Molecule with 16 Ne = Neutrons and the shooting battle in OM = OMaha with Ne = Neutrons of Nebraska at the West Road Mall VERSUS Cambridge University and DAMTP, West Road astrophysics/ astronomy problems of intellectual diplomacy. The Richard Hawkins poetry evolutionary message for intellectuals ........Richard Dawkins and the Hawkins approximation parallel ...the Hawkings group of thinkers ...... THINKING of inbred communications theory and new applications.
More event SIGNAL are discussed over 256 BLOG papers on the SCIENCE WARS ....INTELLECTUAL WARS that ALAN Sokal and his blood/brain barrier with bio-mathematics engaged in .... that is the message debate with DUKE UNIVERSITY (alias the project of Nature ---> from year 1914 --> The ARCH-DUKE Fer --> Ferdinand with Fer = Ferrous oxide atoms in his blood Hemoglobin ...a message for modern year 2012 agents for Fer = FermiLAB)
Speaking of the ARCH-DUKE and Duke University ...we see BELOW.....the ARCH --> Architecture message about the structure of space/time/life of the Solar System 370 project VIA humanoid AGENTS in the Navy ... and in year 2012 ....we must consider Einstein's theory of relative viewing positions.
Below we see the Universe Systems Network Architecture (symbols U SNA .....familiar to the U.S. Naval Research Labs and their special secret projects division). What is SNA?
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Systems_Network_ArchitectureCached - Similar
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Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is IBM's proprietary networking .... and their Network Control Program, and by System/370 and their VTAM and other ...
Since Navy Captain Kelly is between age 32 and age 70 .....he qualifies as a human bio-computer 3270 terminal.
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Giffords is a native of Tucson, Arizona, and a graduate of Scripps College and ..... Nancy Pelosi said Giffords' husband Mark Kelly acknowledged that there is a .... Giffords married U.S. NAvy Captain and NASA astronaut Mark E. Kelly on ...
Above we have Gi = Gravity interface Giffords (math array) marry LINK to Universe Systems Network Architecture via NASA math/science agent Kelly.
Agent Miss Gabby Gifford (alias MISS = Management Information Social Sciences ....G G = Gravity Governmental agent from EARTH gravity region 66...U.S. ROUTE 66 Arizona Highways and G = the Universal gravitational constant)
Thus ...we see the range of EARTH existential dimensions ...as suggested by the 11-dimension of sting theory and M-theory.
in basic terms...the atomoc/astrophysics continuum and out live that are embedded with Nature's continuum,
Let ..take another look at the marriage of these to atomic bio-physics structures.
Scholarly articles for
electromagnetic coupling constant 137
Thus we see the atomic English language express itself VIA female electron shell = shell = pronoun she + number 11.
In addition, on June 8 , 1970 ...we have the 8 neutron MAX BORN messages of Gabby.
Now, bio-physics agent grows up...goes to college ,,,and then one we see
the electron shell theory of attraction/affinity.
Gabby brain electron shells -> she + 11 ..... recognizes agent K shell ...known as Mr.Kelly.
Then LS was activated ....that is L Shell feelings --> LS --> the Love Story of particle physics
An Oxygen Atom (8 Electrons + 8 Protons) and a Hydrogen Atom (1 Electron + 1
Thus we have an interesting puzzle form Nature ...a message in tragic format; however, we ought try to understand some of the event.
The newspaper reports are accurate regarding the surface veneer of the event (date, time, place, police data gathered, people involved, etc).
That provides a good data base for more detailed analysis of the deeper levels of REALITY, etc .....and the social engineering system messages of Nature and the symbolic brain engineering messages from Nature. Thus from the gestalt view of Nature's societal process control systems...the tragedy is like a feedback signal ...for the serious thinker ...high school education and the will/determination to understand the puzzle.
Universities, DARPA, NASA, and trust funds have no interest in the tragic situation; but you and I can be serious, responsible citizens that are interested in more complete news reporting. Thus we shall write our own reports ....after we study the situation for several weeks or months.
Recommended amateur detective tools are some basic college books ,..algebra, physics, chemisrty, biochemistry, genetics....good as reference tools ...a good source of concepts. Thus ...read the easy parts ..that you can understand .... and next year ....read some more. After 15 or 20 years you will have a good idea of many concepts ....maybe some details. The secret of SHERLOCK HOLMES ....was that he approached the events life as an intellectual puzzle, a mystery ...therefore a challenge ....exciting, filled with satisfaction, and the pride of awareness and accomplishment ..in building the data models of a crime, gathering clues, viewing the situation from various traditional and non-traditional angles.
The United States needs Sherlock Holmes type thinkers.