The theory of FermiLAB uranium code Turkey and Batavia BALLADS and TALES with NATURE and the Paul Dirac empirical data message of the 2007 Balad, Iraq aircraft crash. Does the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family exist? OS = Office of Science denies atomic social science REALITY WAR --> consequently OS = OSLO and O.SLOW and the UTOE tragedy.
Atomic English language translations of news reports ...from newspapers, television or the INTERNET.
The 2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. ...
NONE --> No reponse from Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic world-headquarters at Fer = FermiLAB.
Mirror Mirror on the wall , who is the most beautiful . ......
Mirror Mirrot on the atomic brain cell wall, who is the most beautiful WALL Street financial supersymmetry theory
Mirror Mirror on the lake, who is the most beautiful Lake --> Michigan with Navy Pier wave mechanics
Mirror Mirror on Lake Michigan, who is bio-physics Naval Pier and arm/elbow wave mechnaics
Mirror Miiror on the lake in picture above, what is the inverse universe picture about.
Ask Lewis Carroll?
"Please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand? ... suggesting that, upon falling down a rabbit hole, she had been transported to the ... Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland stories were originally published in two volumes at the end of 1865 and 1871.
For over a century, Lewis Carroll's classic stories of logic and lunacy have .... in children's literature, Lewis Carroll's tale follows Alice into the upside-down, ...
Please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand?
Please, Ma'am, is this New Z --->land?
Plea is this New Z = atomic number aomputer ---> Landau atomic geo-physics --> Batavia atomic geography LAND at --> Local Area Network Data of Computer earth system 370
The 2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at
The 2007 Ba aircraft crash --> Batavia messages
Antonov --> Ant -->Anthropology conflict between Anthony Peters and the bottom baryon bio-physics agent (Mayor Barrett) of University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee .....
in the Lewis Carroll project called ALICE in Dairyland (quantum STATE of Wisconsin) and the parallel city of West ALICE (West Allis, Wisconsin) with the Carl JUNG atomic collective uncosciousness ....with special monitering agent for Carl JUNG ......the humanoid format Police Chief JUNG + more symbols in his name .....thus MAN and his Symbols ..
180 quotes from C.G. Jung: 'The meeting of two personalities is like the ... “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate ...
Carl Jung, Man and his Symbols (NY: Doubleday, 1964) Part 4 by Aniele Jaffe, esp. p. 264. See also: The Spiritual in Art : Abstract Painting 1895 – 1985 (New ...
Feb 20, 2012 – West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth will retire at the end of the year, capping nearly 30 years with the West Allis Police Department.
THus we see the atomic calender message of Fe = Ferrous oxide atoms and their Fe= February 20 announcement of the 20 standard amino acids that the iron Heme group Fe(ii) ion agent ...IRON MAN Mike ..... a Carl Jung atomic collective extension with EARTH LAB label of
Chief Michael Jungbluth --> explained as
Chief atoMic Michael Jung + bluth with
bluth = BL + LU + th --> Benjamin Lewin logical unit thoughts (see genes textbook by BL)
(A)Tom Barrett |
Antonov An-26 --> thus we have ANTHONY Peters and the beating of Mayor Barrett ...with the iron HEME group Fe(ii) ion SIGNAL ...via the atomic age of the iron atoms within the Mayor .....
Jul 23, 2010 – It was Friday, the mayor's chance to tell his side of the story. ... Mayor Tom Barrett describes his actions to intervene in a domestic dispute in West Allis before he was beaten by Anthony Peters. ... Barrett's hand was repeatedly bashed by a tire iron. ....
Mayor Tom Barrett's chief of staff says the mayor attended a...a grandmother's cry for help Aug. ... Anthony J. Peters turned on Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in August when the mayor tried to stop an argument ... Barrett, 55, was in do
Does iron exist within the human body? Can NATURE send a signal via a nasty social science EVENT?
Let's look at EVENT label ...
Antonov An-26 and the event CLUES
Mayor Tom Barrett ..... in bio-physics theory of atoms in humans .... words
Mayor ATom Barrett
tire iron
Barrett, 55 (age) --> "aTom" Barrett
(Max Born December 8, 1953)
attacked outside the Wisconsin State Fair on August 15, 2009 (the 8th month)
Thus we have the Fer= Ferrous oxide FermiLAB equation for Margaret Mead nuclear family anthropology with Anthony Peters ..........EQUATION .... calculate using concpets
Mayor ATOM
Tire iron
Barrett, 55 (age) attacked in August (8th month) ---> giving symbolic life of words and numbers.......
Atom iron 55 8 --> Nature's atomic anhtropology blood/brain barrier (Mayor Barrett) signal .......from the living periodic atomic table and its elements of thought
Iron at Chemical Basic Information | Atomic Structure | Isotopes | Related Links | Citing This Page. Basic Information. Name: Iron Symbol: Fe Atomic Number: 26. Atomic Mass: 55.845 amu ... Chemical - Iron.
Thus we atomic chemsitry ---> social chemisitry ..........but, the entire metal working and tool and die industry NEVER heard ..that IRON is part of life and thinks using the 26 proton atomic English alphabet 26 letters
An-26 ----> Atomic number 26 letters of the English alphabet ..Virginia TECH nonsense English department ERROR with the Depaetment of EN = ENGLISH errors of the Department of Energy ...bull social science stories are unaccepatble to the iron Heme group proteins of Nature ...protein used by humanoiud structuires that have biased and dfistorted and incorrect Margaret Mead atomic anthropology explanations.
The periodic atomic table of elements has many atomic extensions. Cellulose trees, water moelcules, the Bald eagle aare some examples. Nature, using the experience gained from the design and developemnt of t hose examples ....embarked on the project to develop an atmoic humanoid structure with a symbolic brain computer that has a desire for awareness ....and eventually ...atomic self-awareness. Does agent O for Oxygen Lung data processing ....recognize his identifier .....that is agent O at address 16 0xygen 0rbitals of the molecule residence ---> 1600 ink Pen Avenue with Sylvania incadescent Light bulb --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ...
President O --> Oxygen base map --> in the humanoid messenger format with proper noun Obama.
The OFFICE of Science and universities advise President O ...that oxygen is nothing ...has no brains or thoughts ....that only EM --> Electromagnrtic life forms known as EM = Employee office CLERKS of the J.CLERK MAXWELL dimension explained by bio-music agents groups --> RADIO HEAD and TALKING HEADS.
Thus ...we see the continuation of that policy ferrous oxide bio-physics structures of the Deaprtment of Energy,and FermiLAB refuse to acknowledeg those that respect the various formats and components of NATURE's vast systems and Nature's social engineering projects with subset humans and their subset institutions.
Let's look at the empirical data CLUES for the atomic bio-physics human brain with a symbolic bio-computer processor ......that has curiosity and repsonsiblity attributes.
Thus tragic events that occur on the geography surface of the EARTH may be Nature's atomic anthropology feedback signals to scientists that think in terms of the INNER life and existence of the atomic Margaret Mead nuclear family of proton prose, neutron newspapers, and electron elections. Supersytmmetry physics predicts that the families/columns of the pertiod atomic table and its government have parity gith the larger atomic columns known as the standing humanoid ....hence . the atomic coloumns war .....with COL = COLOMBIA university and its major intellectual errors and violations of diplomatic communications protocol = prtton columns that use Darwinian selection of humanoid messengers on atomic social sciences. Intllectual ERRORS nd neglect and bulll ...and conequently COLE HALL and Columbine High SChool .
2007 Balad aircraft crash
The 2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. military base in Balad, Iraq.[3] The crash killed 34 people aboard and left one passenger critically injured. Officials claim the crash was caused by poor weather conditions, but other sources claim that this is a cover-up and the plane was actually shot down by a missile.[1][2][4]
base in Balad, Iraq
base in d Irac --> q-variables
Paul Dirac, tenacious 'high priest' of theoretical physicsDirac, Paul Adrien Maurice .... Dirac was confusing commuting p and q variables with noncommuting ...
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-1984), known as P. A. M. Dirac, was the fifteenth .... So one may write the variables x times y or y times x and expect the answer to be xy ... of physics, A and B in this case are represented by the terms p and q.
Paul Dirac was the greatest British theoretical physicist in the 20th century. ... based on non-commute dynamic variables (non-comuting dinamical variables).
The aircraft was an Antonov An-26B-100, registration number ER-26068.[5] It made its first flight in 1981, and was powered by two Ivchenko AI-24VT engines.[5] An-26s are a twin-engined light turboprop transport aircraft derived from the Antonov An-24, with particular attention made to potential military use. It has a modified rear fuselage with a large cargo ramp.
The aircraft, which took off from Adana, Turkey,[6] at about 0400 GMT,[7] was owned by the Moldovan company AerianTur-M, and on the day of the accident had been chartered to a Turkish construction company, Kulak,[3] who had been contracted to build a new hangar at the air
FermiLAB Turkey --> T + ur +key
--> 1 symbol, 2 symbols, 3 symbols
--> Theory uranium key
A uranium atom has 92 protons and 92 electrons, of which 6 are valence ... Uranium-238 is fissionable by fast neutrons, and is fertile, meaning it can be ...
92. U. Uranium. 238.02891. Atomic Number: 92. Atomic Weight: 238.02891 ... uranium consists of three isotopes: - Similar
2 answers - Jun 5, 2009
Top answer: Write your radioactive atoms with the atomic number on one side and the mass on the other, then you can see the subtraction problem that gets the
Uranium-238 is an α emitter, decaying through the 18-member uranium series ... 92U 140, 232U, U-232) is an isotope of uranium. It has a half-life of 68.9 years ... an atom of uranium 238 gives off an alpha particle ...
- 2 answers- Sep 29ranium-234, ur
Let's look at the IS = Information Systems properties of ISotopes ...
but uranium-238 is easier to figure out.
The atomic computer data processing equation 238 --> Base 2 exponent 3 = 8 = byte of atomic data
decaying through the 18-member uranium series (this is being written in the geography region of EARTH 18 = Watertown ...a molecular city in Wisconsin with HIghway 26 and hexadecimal Highway 16) ---> thus we see how the symbolic life of nouns/verbs/ equations has a life of its own ........and interacts with humans. Thus we see 2 parts of our intellectual existence. --> the obvious, direct usage of language in daily activities and our work at some company ...and our possible indirect LINKAGE to Nature's symbolic ...universal mind ..... that may involve us in some unusual messenger activity (probably an expression orginating at the subconsious level and then surfacing as a violent display) OR in my case .....I study others anf their situation...and on behalf of the Nature intellectual help it explain the subconscious and the Carl Jung atomic collective, etc.
which is an US Army National Guard from Missouri. Eight ambulances responded with support from the base QRF. Helicopters from the Air Force's 64th Expeditionary Rescue Squadron
Guard from MIS = Managemant Information Systems
eight --> 8 data bits
Force = mass * acceleration of gravity -->implies W8 = Weight ...hence the built in data processing structure of the physics equation
64 --> double word in DuPAGE County = 32 + 32 and DuPAGE ...the FermiLAB EARTH iron core project and the Computer Earth system 370 geography computer page is DUE.
quad --> the high school algebra quadratic equation PROJECT is due
quad --> the University of Chicago basic math law project is DUE
The Turkish Foreign Ministry stated they have been shipped to Antonov's Kiev headquarters, but Turkish Minister of Transportation Binali Yıldırım claims they are still in Iraq, with the rest of the debris
Foreign Ministry --> Fore + eigenvalues of linear algebra/matrics ...math govermental affairs
Foreign Ministry --> Mini-max theory and decision theory from Chicago Cirle campus ..agent identifier from 1972.1973 with Professors Hamilton, Howard. and iron automobile agent called mini-van from INDIA, Asia ..who made a trip to a math conference in England .....his theory may be true in one of the 11-dimensions of string theory and M-theory ...the math logic step in ERROR may have reperesented a transition step from 1-dimensional level of math to another level .
Thus MINI -VAN ---refers to a DR............Van ..his name constains the SIGNAL CODE and his work on the MINI-max theorem ...hence the combined atomic English langauage SIGNAL MINI-VAN ...and somehow...the sub-continent of INDIA is related to the living EARTH celll and the subconscious MIND of Nature..
Reaction from the Islamic Army in Iraq
Reaction from the Islamic Army in Iraq --> atomic
Reaction from the Islamic Army in Iraq --> mathematics
Reaction from the Islamic Army in Iraq --> math atomic ARM /elbow/ hand --> the symbolic army of numebrs and equations anf HONOR of accuracry ...
Army --> AR + My --> Accounts recievable myoglobin proteins with oxygen base 16 bio-data storage + T
TENZIN + iron 26 alphabet.
We have provided several CLUES to a puzzle about atomic life and atomic social science message events on EARTH.
Who will help understand Nature's SIGNAL?
If you lack an atomic bio-physics symbolic SRP ...then build one ......thru serious thinking Sherlock Holmes.
Your brain always has room for more ideas.
Ask FermiLAB about the missing brain particle ... and the missing Margaret Mead atomic anthropology nuclear family.
by RJ Keenan - 2001 - Cited by 426 - Related articlesDepartment of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San ... Abstract The signal recognition particle (SRP) and its membrane-associated ...
Feb 8, 2012 – Fermilab Fellowships in Theoretical Physics. Fermilab announces fellowships for graduate students at U.S. universities who are in the research ...
by N Bradshaw - 2007 - Cited by 18 - Related articlesJul 1, 2007 – The RNA component of the signal recognition particle (SRP) is universally required for cotranslational protein targeting. Biochemical studies ...
- Many variable and factors about atomic life ......come into play in GUT and TOE bio-physics models of existence and thought.
A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory is a putative theory of theoretical .... and because the inflationary force may be related to GUT physics (although it ...
A Grand Unified Theory, (GUT), is a model in particle physics in which at high ... three interactions would provide a theory of everything (TOE), rather than a GUT.
- - Similar
Oct 17, 2006 – What this boils down to is the claim that GUT is the TOE for reductionism, not the TOE for physics. Anyone claiming the existence of any form of ...
- GUT is the TOE --> GUT project of Nature started in year 1453 with Gutenburg printing press ...of math symbols and biochemsitry codes in the BIBLE TOE theory states ...Nature's TOE = Time Order Entry .........the 500 year project of Nature ...the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer architecture and advanced eye/optical nerve data processing systems and thought of DEMOCRACY ----> Code = DE + EM + OCR --> ElectroMagnetic optical character reader known as HUMANOID with eyes that respect English and math and chemistry formula. Bull-stories from citizens ...nonsense from Nature's point of new Darwinian systems take over the WORLD evidenced by the world-wide SCIENCE WAR cover-up and/or denial of REALITY explanations.