The living EARTH cell is an interesting structure. The EARTH and its geography surface AND the activities that occur on the earth surface …..have many features of genetics and molecular cell biology.
For a perspective, let’s consider the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) as a universe test site. A distant virtual astrophysics observer …..an astrophysics geneticists would view the EARTH as a cell ……and a reflection of the cell wall (the EARTH geography surface) might be the human activities on the EAST Coast of the United Strates.. The living EARTH cell ......has a cell wall (geography surface) and events on the geology/geography cell wall (geography land/ soil / city/ country ) .......human events ...eventually appear in format .... as news items in the WALL STREET Journal newspaper or your major city or national newspapers.
Thus we have a VIEW of the living EARTH cell ……in some ways parallel to a human cell. Einstein’s theory of relative sizes and viewing positions …allows us to use this approach. Supersymmetry physics allows the use of concept: symmetry. The actual applied symmetry physics sizes may vary from small to large. Let’s use college genetics, molecular cell biology, or biochemistry textbooks that explain the human sized cell …. AND let's get a geography book with a basic map of the United States and the East Coast region AND let's get a computer science book ...............AND then ...... thru Darwinian adaption of symbolic concepts…adapt the ideas to the living EARTH cell.
The EVENTS of interest are the EXTERNAL social engineering expressions of the INTERNAL biology Mitochondria and its thoughts. .
The process has been known for a long time ..... and was formally outlined by Herbert Spencer around year 1872.
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Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes.
books.google.com/books?id=p76tw6LAiLQC...William M. Lacy,Herbert Spencer - 1883 - 235 pages
William M. Lacy, Herbert Spencer ... Suppose the internal things expressed tell us of external things: then external things are expressed in thought. ... defined as the correspondence of internal conditions to conditions both external and internal
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Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), British philosopher and sociologist, was a prominent, late ... The sole purpose of the state is to protect its citizens against external and internal aggression. ... This is Spencer's theory of indirect correspondence.
Internal aggression ...in year 2012.... includes incomplete thoughts and opinions ........promoted by people that do not try to their math and science homework ..... that underlies the social sciences and political sciences. Their internal aggression is expressed externally with a self-tightous arrogance ...that they have exclusive wisdom on all public policy matters. Most citizens have this internal aggression ....that would be better spent at a science library ...trying to understand themselves and THY LORD ....... religious philosophy thought messages from the internal THYOID gland. about external social/family behavior.
Below, we are interested in the MIT student brain experiments in MITochondria awareness ....that is self-awareness.
A long ago.....when America was founded .......Nature designated the new GLAND molecular cell biology research region ...as the geography region ...called NEW GLAND. Since the humanoid lab sepciments spoke EN --> English language nouns, verbs ..... Nature decides a better description of the talking human GLAND project ...would be NEW EnGland ........... thus came into being the 1st stage of evolution. ....EVENTUALLY ........ some talking gland humanoids learned to study, research, and write ....and thus ervolution advanced with the NEW EnGland Journal of Me .... Medicine .
Above, we see the Department of Energy ...responsible for nuclear envelopes and nuclear power.
Thus we see 2 versions of atomic nucleus expression:
1) the nuclear reactors that use uranium to generate electricity that is transmitted over the copper wire power grids...
2) the bio-physics cell nucleus ...known as Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic social anthropology
Let's look at the living EARTH geology cell wall ---> that is the geography surface. In particular...is the east Coast region.
Keywords for this Map / Map-Content..
How does Nature perceive this area/ this information section of the living EARTH cell wall.
Let's look at the symbols...the proper nouns and other adjectives...that are used by Nature's molecular cell ...social engineering management team ...comprised of independent bio-computer programs and subroutines that use the human bio-processing platform....thus the human is a substrate / a vehicle for Nature's vast intellect.
First let's look at Nature's Computer EARTH system 370 geography LAND = Local Arae Network Data.
In COMPUTER EARTH system 370 we have the base 16 geography computer address known as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the BAL = Basic Assembler Language geography region of BAL = Baltimore...with the EARTH bio-computer line of assembler code ...geography assembler storage area known as DC = Define Constant...which is expressed in applied computer science as Washington, DC.
We had base 16 President Ford ...as base 16 hex'Fo' = 240.
The system 370 President was the 37th President N = Numeric NIXON
The IBM BAL CLI President CLI ( CLINTON) = Compare Logical Immediate instructions.
Thus we see Nature's vast intellect and our subset human role and our subset institutions ...... in some vast social engineeering , intellectual drama.
Let's outline some more computer components
Maine --> Main Frame America
Portland, Maine --> I/O PORT to maine Frame America
Connecticut --> Connect Ti=Time (connect to mathematical-physics space/ time) VIA the Greenwich, Connect (Connecticut's role in the system)
Massachusetts --> relationships with atomic mass dimensions OR planet Earth mass
CamBRIDGE --> in theory, is a bio-computer intellectual communications BRIDGE (not working properly in year 2012)
Rhode Isalnd -->RH --> Rh factors in blood of humanoid EARTH LAB specimens....with the blood RH symbolic data in RH = Record Hexadecimal format.
How is that? The theory of newspaper circulation in the EXTERNAL world and blood circulation (with information) in the INTERNAL world of biology and symbolic biology via tetxbooks,
North Carolina = NC = Numercial Control region
Vermont --> postal abbreviation VT --> the original VTOC = Volume Table of Contents .....the SUM of the SUMMIT treaty
Alexandria Virginia --> subset letters --> ndria --> nd = node mitocho.nd.mdria = system node mitochondria
VTOC Conversion Aid - visit public.dhe.ibm.com
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The VTOC Conversion Aid will process all current DASD device capacities, IBM 3380 standard, IBM 3380 D,E,J,K
publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/zvm/...ibm.../ick4020h277.htmCached - Similar
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Nature's announcement of a VTOC error was via the tragedy on the base 16 hex date of April 16.
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The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in ...
Thus we have VT = Virginia TECH ...... the VTOC = Volume Table of Contents WAR.
Now how do these ideas tie together using string theory physics.
1) we have the periodic atomic table treaty known as the SALT TREATY ....a treaty between NaCl = Sodium Chloride / SALT and the human species.
Thus we have the Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology treaty........known as the nuclear arms, elbows, mouth control treaty of the bio-computer VTOC = Volume (dinner) Table of Contents (people content).
2) The Salt Treaty is binding on all governments and all individuals ..regardless of belief or religon or politics.
The Salt treaty is also known as the SUM/ accounting total treaty of human MITCHODRIA cells --> Hence, the Name of SUM + MIT = SUMMIT.
It is therefore binding upon MIT university, its professors, employees, students, and its university graduates.
Since, MIT is a sample of UNCLE SAM = Sample Space of the United States .....the SUM treaty is binding on all universiies and colleges that have humanoid MITOCHONDRIA.
3) thus we see the word partition MITOCHONDRIA --->
MIT + O + CHO + N + DRIA --> the Science WAR battle equation issued in region
NDRIA --> Alexandria, Virginia .......and then the Darwinian molecular cell biology warrior selection process LOCATED MR.CHO for the
SUM + MIT ..Summit treaty war. SUM/total and Volume/quantity are remotely related concepts ..........thus the process continued .....as the MITOCHONDRIA orders were sent to
the bio-computer programmable brain of
MR.CHO ...the CHOSEN one for mitoCHOndria social engineering signals.
Above, is an INTERNAL biology structure. In EXTERNAL format (outside the huamn body) ....it can express itself in COFFIN format ..... such as the display of the 32 dead at Virginia TECH and Mr.CHO ...the molecular cell biology depart (department ) agent.
The pathophysiology of mitochondrial cell death - Green -
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Mitochondria and Cell Death. Edited by GC Brown, DG Nicholls, CE Cooper. Published for the Biochemical Society by Portland Press, London, UK: 1999, Pp.
Above...we see the BIOLOGY process ..... the internal flowchart and the 2 death substrates.
If we amplified.....magnified the above system of the INTERNAL world of Nature.... .... amplified it to EXTERNAL world sizes of concrete/ cement buildings ....then the Virginia TECH campus and its classroom buildings .......might be somewhat equivalent to the above biochemistry map.
That said.....the 2 death substrates of the above (the INTERNAL image) .....got transformed to the EXTERNAL world of daily life /events VIA agent CHO.......and the 2 death substrate SIGNAL was clearly expressed VIA his behavior of 2 separate times. Thus we see the Herbert Spencer correspondence .....displayed by Nature's Virginia TECH demo.
The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others[1]
in two separate attacks,
approximately two hours apart
The biology flowchart above of INTERNAL biochemistry molecules and their symbolic buildings and processes .....that are reflected on the Earth geography surface..the EXTERNAL WORLD ...by the Virginia TECH campus.
www.zimbio.com/Virginia+Tech+School+Shooting/.../Map+Virginia...Cached - Similar
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Some of the best coverage of the Virginia Tech school shooting is at The Roanoke Times, a local paper covering the area. Roanoke.com published this map of ...
The Charles Dickens Message " The Tale of 2 Cities " and university English departments shooting their mouth off ....... failure to accurately explain the Charles Dickens message in modern Science War terms ..... and failure to explain the Shakespeare statement " The World is a stage and we are the processing layers".
Thus the tragic events continue with university intellectual neglect of awareness of REALITY
" Tale of 2 Cities" --> Minneapolis and St. Paul I-35W Bridge
"Tale fo 2 Shootings" --> Virginia TECH
"Tale of 2 Tall Towers" ---> J.R. Tolkein BOOK and Sept 11, 2001
By Alan Kim, Roanoke Times via AP |
www.herbpayne.com/.../notes-deleting-orphaned-vsam-componentsCached - Similar
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LISTVTOC DUMP,VOL=3380=LRIP90,DSNAME=(TSTB. ... http://knowledge.storage.ibm.com is a useful mine of VSAM dataset and catalog recovery information.
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Direct access storage for MVS data sets is provided on IBM 3380 and IBM 3390 ... A volume table of contents (VTOC) records information about each data set .... UTCC makes a weekly dump to tape of all disk packs which it maintains; however ...
UTCC makes
UTC Coma --> UTOEYA Children Coma ... bio-computer IMS biological database Child records deleted.
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat -
View as HTMLdisk storage devices that attach to it, including the 3380. It is assumed that ... SC26-3949,
describes dump and ..... Volume Initialization and
VTOC Index, ............
The VTOC war of VT = Vermont and VT = Virginia TECH...has spread west to the middle of the United States.
describes dump and ..... Volume Initialization and VTOC Index, ............
VTOC dump --> VT OC = Oklahoma City Base 16 hex'Fe' = 254 Fe = Federal Building DUMP
.............................Volume Initialization with 168 dead --> LUNG base 16 oxygen atomic computer 8 electron orbitals
VTOC dump --> VT OC = Oconomowoc / Summit, Wisconsin and Pabst farms and the SUMMIT treaty murder of the SUM/ accounting TOTAL......the murder of school teacher GLORIA TOTZKE ..... the bio-computer CNTL Z key used to restore a present STATE to a previous STATE of display. Also, used on copper-wire computers and their software.
Gloria = GL + oria = General Ledger atomic bio-physics oria (orbital) ) accounting systems TOT --> TOTAL errors and the ax murder of brain axons/synapses of GL TOTZKE.
VTOC dump --> VT OC = Oak Creek, Wisconsin and the bio-computer rampage by Mr. Page.
Ram = Random Access Method PAGE. The Wisconsin state assembly/legislature and the University of Wisconsin assembly language CAD experiment ERRORS in human CAD = CADAVERS can explain how they programmed the brain of MR.Page ......using his "pattern of MIS = Management Information Systems conduct --> Misconduct"
The bio-computer system FBI = Function Bit Map ought be upgraded to modern year 2012 standards of awareness.
The bio-computer wars and problems were outlined in 1998.
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1998 -
Cited by 20 -
Related articlesThe human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, ...
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The US Army War College published an article called The Mind has no Firewalls, sent to me by Harlan Gerrard - America's leading mind control expert - who ...
Thus we look at the FUNCTION BIT MAP of Computer Earth system 370 to understand the latitude/longitude geography boundaries of the current MIT molecular cell biology SCIENCE WARS ...the brain MIT --> Mitochondria cells.
On the geography map we see a --> geometry wreck tangle OR rectangle.
The East Coast has VT= Vermont region of the geography living EARTH cell region...known as the NEW ENGLAND Journal of EARTH geography medicine.
By the NC = North Carolina = Numerical Control region ...SAMPLE Space of Uncle SAM 's math regions ..we have VT = Virginia TECH.
ON the WEST side... the Mississippi River geography region ,....
we had the OC component of the VTOC wars of mit.OC.hondria.
That was Oak Creek/Milwaukee, Oconomowoc/Summit/Milwaukee, Oklahoma City and FORT HO (mitochondria), Texas.
Thus we see an approximate geometry/ geography region on the brain cell war ....... which includes the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer. If we draw lines connecting the various tragic shooting points / cities .... we see the geometry shape. Virginia TECH...at approximately the 38th parallel is reminded to teach a more accurate history about the Korean War in 1951 ....thus Korean MR.CHO and the 38th parallel ...history repeats itself. WHY?
The VTOC math equation...suggest VT --> linear algebra Vector Transformations or matrices. Thus Nature's the BIOLOGY military commands seem to travel VIA human body languages OR , radio/ television OR ......
with the VTOC --> the component OC --> OptiC methods or OC = Organic Chemistry methods.
VTOC --> V + TO + C --> Vector TO City ....thus some sort of social engineering VECTORS of Nature's systems that ought be understood.
The SOCIAL Contract with Nature was outlined by John Locke and other philosophers and thinkers.
We know that the Penn State LOCKER room situation was about JOHN LOCKE ...a message that was expressed by human actors/players......as described over 400 years ago by William Shakespeare " The WORLD is a stage and we are the Penn State locker room players".
Why isn't that unpleasant situation explained by newspapers / universities ..... from the view of Shakespeare.
We have a few pieces to an interesting puzzle. Let's learn from this tragedy ... how Nature's social process control systems work.
... mitochondria with the activation of programmed cell death....
Fig. 5.
Proposed pathogenic scenario induced by complex I deficiency with MPTP in which DA neuronal death results from a self-amplifying cascade of deleterious events that start at the mitochondria with the alteration of oxidative phosphorylation and finish at
the mitochondria with the activation of the programmed cell death machinery.
In this scenario, p53 transcriptionally up-regulates Bax, whereas JNK promotes Bax mitochondrial translocation through transcriptional activation of the BH3-only protein Bim.
the mitochondria with the activation of
the programmed cell death machinery.
Norris Hall....brain engineering and social engineering WAR with Nature. Nature E