The modern intellectual war for control of the human student brain has claimed another casualty.
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Nov 30, 2010 – What motivated the 15-year-old sophomore to bring two semiautomatic ... Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., hospital without ... The 15-year-old boy who held 23 students and a teacher hostage in a ...
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Nov 30, 2010 – A 15-year-old student, Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting himself Monday night after holding a teacher and 23 classmates hostage, police said. Authorities are baffled by the sophomore's actions, saying he was "on an ...
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Nov 30, 2010 – A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette ... 15-year-old Samuel Hengel died from a self-inflicted gun shot ...
The various school shootings at grammer schools, high schools, and colleges are a result of the brain bio-computer wars.
Let's look at the high school sophomore and the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness group ...that is Nature's example of a Marionette puppet theater commnuity ---> Marinette Wisconsin.
The above news sentence stated.......
Authorities are baffled by the sophomore's actions, saying he was ......subset word clues
Author................................sopho............actions .........................translated
Author ..............................Sophocles ..
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Mar 29, 2005 – Summary: King Oedipus is divided into three parts. In the first part we have the problem and the accusation of Creon. In part two we have the ...
www.theatredatabase.com/ancient/sophocles_005.htmlCached - Similar
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But it is a mistake to remove them from their context, and to quote them in succession, as representing the philosophy of Sophocles. His plays, in the general ...
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Sophocles [496 B.C.E.-406 B.C.E.] seems to think that the will of the gods is mysterious to, and misapplied by, mortals. Mortals try to understand what the gods ...
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Sophocles (c. 497/6 BC – winter 406/5 BC) was a renowned Greek philosopher of the Hellenistic period, notable for his creation of the Sophistry, a classic tool of ...
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Sophocles (c. 497/6 BC – winter 406/5 BC) was a renowned Greek philosopher of the Hellenistic period, notable for his creation of the Sophistry, a classic tool of ...
Sophomore NOV 2010 and 420 BC = Bio-chemistry...social philosophy thoughts of Sophocles
The Sopho+MORE .....Sopho messenger
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Sophocles 1] is one of three ancient Greek tragedians whose plays have survived. His first plays were written later than those of Aeschylus, and earlier than or ...
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Biography of ancient Greek playwright Sophocles--plus links to all of his works currently in print.
Thus we have a Sopho tragedy VIA the bio-computer programmed brain of SAM HENGEL ...the programming being done by university education specialists in brain
bio-computer instructions. The state government legislative assembly are experts in human basic assembly languages .... but they ignore social programming bugs and social economic abends ...such as the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 program code ...the GM assembly line of automotive code in Janesville, Wisconsin.
According to the Suda, a 10th century encyclopedia, Sophocles wrote 123 plays during the course of his life, but only seven have survived in a complete form: Ajax, Antigone, The Women of Trachis, Oedipus the King, Electra, Philoctetes and Oedipus at Colonus.[
Thus we have the Wisconsin citizens, university, and state government philosophy experiments.
The equation they used for their modern expression of tragedy for citizen amusement and self-rightouness.
Sophocles wrote 123 plays ---> translated to modern social science commands -->
Sopho wrote 1 + 23 plays for Marionette puppet school theater at Marinette High Scool ..... with REALITY
Sophomore number one (Sample space statistical selection of Sam H. ) + 23 students playing hostages of Sophocles tragedy
Another high school play performance ...........
Oedipus at Colonus ..... modern human brain bio-computers
Oe ............Colo.......... OE = Order Entry instrcutions
Oe.................Colorado computer science class
OE.................Columbine High School
OE = Order Entry CAD = Computer Aided Design = Human CADavers
Thus we see the modern influence of ancient philosophy.
This suggest thats modertn cities and univerrsities have made MAJOR philosophy errors
...namely they talk bull-stories and bragg over trivial acheivements. Talking excessive nonsense on a cellular phone ...time that could be spent reading and studying books and articles about Sophocles and sophomore high school tragedies.
Thus we consider another piece of infomation...from the interrnal spirit /soul of Sophocles BC time zone --> the ancient BC + Bio-Chemistry molecular social philosophy within us.
The word BIOLOGY has an algebra subset...the letters
..............B...LOG .....which we know is related to the INTERNET computer BLOG system and WEB system..
In intellectual military circles...this we view as..
WEB --> then WEBSTER English language dictionary war zone......such as Virginia TECH university and IVY League colleges attempt to destroy the English langauge within the human body ...namely the biology structures and their symbolic languges. Lewis Carroll accurately outlined the destructive process in his ALICE stories from year 1865 ...in that case...it involved switching basic arithmetic equations around inside the iNTERNAL biology/brain .......in violation of external math laws that are printed in basic grammar school math books.
Thus the recent shootings at elementary schools (since year 1990) involved such math manipulation and schemes .....illegal math authorized by the Department of Education ..under the auspices on NEW MATH. There is no such thing as new math at the grammer school level ......just new schemes, tricks and manipulation rackets to help destroy the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer. Thanks to Lewis carroll.... we see the arrogance of the
Department of Education .......special algebra subset strategy
Depart ...education ...and
Nature's special algebra subset strategy for arrogant intellectual female teachers...
Nature's special math ..bra subset ...that is after BREAST cancer the female has a algebra subset remaining...Nature's payback for her family attack upon brain mathematics laws and standards.
The external BLOG and the usage of the copper wire computer system is a PARALLEL to
the internal BLOG and the usage of Nature's internal bio-computer systems ...that have existed for thousands of years.
Modern bio-computer scientists wish to manipulate Nature's natural biology system with advanced BULL-stories and nonsense.
To deliberately attack NATURE is a major source of pleasure for citizens .... who actively particpate in this process.
Let's look at the BIOLOGY...war zone of the Boy Scouts of America,,,,and their BLOG scheme to manipulated Sam Hengel.
The Future Farmer of America bio-computer scheme of Base 16 HEX ' FFA" resulted in the bio-computer brain accidental murder of Math agent --> Matt Anderson of Wisconsin hexadecimal HEX'FA" = 250 farm and faculty region..
Let's look at the Sophocles words .....
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A short saying oft contains much wisdom. 3. Aletes. Frag. 99. 8. Do nothing secretly; for Time sees and hears all things, and discloses all. Hipponous. Frag. 280.
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A parallel universe or alternative reality is a hypothetical self-contained separate reality coexisting with one's own. A specific group of parallel universes is called ...
HowStuffWorks "Do parallel universes really exist?"
science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/.../parallel-universe.htmCached - Similar
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A parallel universe is said to be related to ours, branch off from ours and may contain extinct animals or humans. Is a parallel universe out there?
The external BLOG and the usage of the copper wire computer system is a PARALLEL to
the internal BLOG and the usage of Nature's internal bio-computer systems ...that have existed for thousands of years.
The INTERNAL usage of the BLOG .....is used by BLOG manipulators ......
. used to manipulate or modify the btain symbolic geography maps and the symbolic biology maps.
For example, INTERNET game sites are used to issue optical commands to the eye/optical nerve ...commands to be sent to the human gametes.
This destructive manipulation process is approved by citizens and their government biochemistry and genetics health agencies.
Thus the WISDOM --> WIS + DOM war - - -> the major effort to DOMINATE the State of MIND = Wisconsin with nonsense and bull-stories....all approved by Wisconsin citizens, universities , and goverments who worship to the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND.
Example, the collective bargaining legal trails with the Wisconsin State SUPREME court was over the social psychology of brain dead people who live in the CARL JUNG geoup collective ....known to Star Wars fans as the BORG. BORG code = BOR + G = BOARD of education Group mentality and their superior knowledge of the universe. But superior knowledeg is a very a common attitude nowdays ...... amongst the general population ...who fail to continue to study chemistry, physics, biochemistry, and math textbooks in their adult years and in their retirement years. Retirement years were intelellectually designed to review what was started in high school and enhanced with the empirical data of job experiences and social reseach. For example, the reason a biology professor gets married is to study the double-helix expression of social life. MIT professors get divorced to study new application of MITOSIS .....or social cell divsion ....how ought the property be split up.
Thus the brain has symbolic gepography maps (with Wisconsin) and symbolic biology maps ( accessible by BLOGs on the INTERNET system that are input data/ commands to the eye/optical nerve bio-computer human decvice)
The external; copper wire computer world uses WEB and BLOG domains with domain names. This is okay.
In INTERNAL biolog BLOGS...the usage of bio-computer domains is an attempt to control ther brain domain.
For external world copper wire computers...........
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A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control on the Internet. Domain names are formed by the ...
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For INTERNAL symbolic bio-computers ...........
the brain domain ... the attempt to domain --> dominate VIA the baby talk nonsense trick on television and radio ...the childish method of secret Carl Jung collective community group mentality ...with immature, lazy brains who do not study the abstract, big picture GESTALT of CAUSE and EFFECT ..........consequences needed to be understand for modern social engineering and modern brain engineering.
Thus we have the general BRAIN domain of an infividual ....... that the group collective crowd wishes to dominate. The group collective MIND has many good and practical ideass...but they have their share of BULL....which they refuse to fix. The more specific problem ...is the attempt by the group to control math and science profesor algebra brain cells ...via the math Function....of a mapping between the source domain and the mapping to the range,
Thus we have ..in the bio-government world ...the buying of professor algebra brain cells ...the domain name ---> algebra intellectual brain domain region of thought + name of the professor.
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The BIG TEN universities are the 10 best places to buy graduate student and professor bio-computer brains for processing.
Their brain acts as the host bio-computer .......and they wear a cotton dress shirt ...giving the address to other EARTHLY dimensions of existence.
A good source of human LAB specimens (per Lewis Carroll description of year 1865) ....
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Thus the universities and their corporate freinds ATTACK upon the natural WISDOM within the brain of the BOY SCOUT sample specimen = SAM Hengel ..who was sacrificed in the world-wide intellectual BLOG wars.
Wisdom --> Wio + domain war zone ...casualty in the BOY SCouts domain with Boy Scout brain defender Sam Hengel.