Peter Russell, genetics tetxbook author, is comprised of various biological and symbolic components. In a sense, he is a messenger for Nature's various systems. Let's look at such a messsage ..... and consider Nature's subconscious mind expressions.
Now we have Nature's blood art....the INTERNAL intellect of arteries thought expressed VIA messenger ..... Spanish artist Salvador Dali ...who painted the thoughts in EXTERNAL format on canvas....... Dali used EXTERNAL art...........the INTERNAL arteries direct DISPLAY language .
Above, we see the Peter Russell diagram with the sophisticated egg-shaped SIGNAL regarding art/arteries messnger DNA = Dali North America.
Since Salvador Dali started his existence ...before Peter Russell ..... the Dali egg-shaped was the 1st blood arteries message (painted on canvas). As the Darwinian evolution of information data streams of knowledge continued ...... years later, new generations of scientists and researchers expanded on the 1943 primordial subliminal MIND expression ---> the DNA project plan message VIA Dali. Above, we see 1998 Peter Russell egg-shaped expression with process flowcharts on a cellulose paper canvas using thin ink --> thin ink = think with black ink .... and adults may use some supplemental colors to help clarify mult-facted flowcharts of complex concepts and their objects.
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...... romance with Gala, .... Dalí and Gala retreated to the United States , where they lived for eight years. ..... 1943 The Poetry of America and Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the
en.wikipedia.org/.../Geopoliticus _Child _Watching_the_Birth_of_the... Cached - Similar
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Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man is a 1943 painting by Salvador Dalí . The painting was done during Dalí's stay in the United States during ...
What is the mechanism that helps transmit ....information from one generation of thinkers to another, There are several methods....here we shall outline the theory of symbolic sons .....with Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead book Principia Mathematica. The theory is that Peter is a symbolic son of Bertrand Russell ...giving Bertrand and Peter --> BP --> Base Pair proper nouns.
How does this work? We have a few CLUES ..that researchers can expand upon.
WORD --> Biological = bio + logical. Thus we see that Bertand Russell --> the logical component of BIOlogical AND later the gestalt compeletion with Peter Russell --> Bio component with symbolic information on genes, chromosomes, DNA,etc.
In the above picture...we see the white foundation that the egg sits upon and some RED blood. The symbolic relationship may be to the RED and WHITE noun components in the symbolic life of proper noun: Alfred North White head. Thus, it seems that Nature ...decided that he ought be named as a math logic messenger for RED and WHITE blood cells .... and RED blood cells with symbolic math logic ADDITIONS ....acquired from studying algbera and logic .......gives biochemsitry equation of evolution: RED blood cells that ADD basic abstract knowledge become READ blood cells.
Principia Mathematica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Principia Mathematica is a three-volume work on the foundation of ... Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910 , 1912, and 1913.
What other clues exist from year 1910 ...... clues that influenced future thinkers.
The above cover.....states a message signal.
To * 56 .........translated is
ATom 56 .....which is the atomic mass of IRON ...hence, the math logic uprising in Hungary in year 1956 with the IRON CURTAIN of Europe. In year 2012, major universities refuse to help undertsand this possible important signal.
In addition, the signal involves the iron Hemoglobin proteins in the blood stream and their ironic thoughts. Iron (ferrous oxide atom) has 26 protons that have 26 atomic English alphabet letters. Thus the INTERNAL biology English language communication vehicle (Hemoglobin blood cell) travels down the INTERNAL biology highway system (the arteries). The INTERNAL system has its own symbolic languages ...some may be partially translated into the EXTERNAL world English language we use for daily affairs and business activities.
In other words, the living EARTH cell has the geography surafce of EARTH. This EXTERNAL geography surface has concrete highways with 4-wheeled iron vehicles traveling .....thru-out the transportantion system. In a superysmmemetry bio-phyics / partial mirror .....the INTERNAL biology transportation system uses iron vehicles (Hemoglobin iron proteins) with 4-DNA nucleotides. Thus the Department of Transportation in Washington,DC with proper noun Mr.LaHOOD ..symbolic of MR. LAB HOOD .......ought clarify these 2 different aspects of transportation ...for those confused CITIZEN intellectuals.
Thus we see... some process involving iron Hemoglobin proteins ...... written book symbols ( year 1910 ......To * 56) and book influence (year 1956 Iron Curtain) ....... and the North Pole magnetic field flow line interaction with human iron proteins and their thoughts.
Thus we ask ourselves...what is the stauts of Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics life formats at FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois. Since they do not communicate the ...using atomic English language PROTOCOL and do not recognize the existence of modern Margaret Mead nuclear family expressions of atomic anthropology ...... their brain cell thoughts may be in the INTERNAL biological jail CELL with the HEME group Fe(ii) ion IRON CURTAIN. Molecular cell biology theory predicts that this is possible ...the Fe(ii) ion --> ion extension to iron .....that is symbolic iron jail bars inside the cell. Keep in my mind, the biology cell as a physical bio-chemsitry processes and a thinking process.
What are some other CLUES?
---> Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man is a 1943 ..... depicts the large egg-shaped globe of the world.
The gentics textbook picture above ....states dimer and 4 or 5 nucleotides to the 3 side.
Thus we have 2 combinations: 4 to the 3 side ... american science signal .......with Darwin selected subset symbols 4 ..........3 s idea --> 43 s=system idea --> year 1943 Salvador idea .....egg-shaped
5 to the 3 side ... american science signal ..with Darwin selected signaling symbols .... 5............3 s idea --> system idea --> year 1453 GUT = Grand Unified Theory atomic physics anthropology project started by Nature's systems with agent GUTENburg and the printing press ...and the science book called the BIBLE with messages from THY Lord the Thyroid gland.
---> the new man's hand has England firmly in its grasp ..... This is Nature's 1943 message about the New England Journal of Medicine ....about egg-shaped messages of the art of arteries. Around 1983 the New England Journal of Medicine brought up the subject of eggs ...but omitted major factors of Nature's social engineering and brain engineering gestalt equations. The New England Journal of Medicine was tricked by the Hollywood new man script with Paul Newman.
Medical questions about the art/arteries expressions of Salvador Dali.
www.mayoclinic.com/health /cholesterol/HQ00608
Get the straight facts about eggs and cholesterol. ... Prevention (2). Fasting diet: Can it improve my heart health ? Healthy heart for life: Avoiding heart disease ..
www.livestrong.com/article/457043-should-i-eat-egg -yolks/
May 28, 2011 – He has been involved in health and fitness since 1983 , working as a ... linking egg yolk consumption to coronary heart disease; moreover, the ...
SOME OUNCES OF PREVENTION THAT LOWER HEART RISK ... eggs a year, per capita consumption has declined 35 percent, to 261 eggs a year in 1983 .
The New England Journal of Medicine, myself, and others must understand the Brave New World of social psychology MIND tricks by the Hollywood new man script. These are like complex, interesting puzzles involving many componets of Nature and society.
This article is about the film . ... Lucas Jackson (Paul Newman ) is arrested for cutting the heads off a small town's parking meters one ... particularly after he wins a spur-of-the moment bet that he can eat fifty hard-boiled eggs in one hour.
--> In the foreground two figures are watching
Thus we have two figures --> Binary BASE 2 bio-computer theory
Thus, we have a few CLUES about the TOE = Theory of Everything physics puzzle of existence .....which may include the puzzle answer pieces provided by Bertrand Russell and Salvador Dali ...... precursors to the symbolic gene messenger PETER Russell. Myself, I watched genetic social science television shows in 1955 ......as Hollywood and university attempted to program the bio-computer brain with GENE thoughts ........that is WILD WESTERN Cowboy gene thoughts VIA GENE Audrey.
Could it be ...that Peter Russell .....can be viewed as a WILD genetics intellectual cowboy.
Or could my GENE Audrey background ...... cause my subconscious MIND to send a signal to my conscious mind --> "YOU ought get GENE textbook and try to correlate your television SIGNAL with the known, published BASE of EARTH LAB cowboy genetics information". Now as they might say in GENE cowboy circles ...with the textbook .... my eyes/optical nerve and brain symbolic computer are "HOME on the range....... that is the symbolic range of knowledge".
If you are interested, a link to Artsy’s Salvador Dali page .