Geopolitical Child watching the DEATH of the New Man VIA the 2011 Utoeya, Norway Child ERRORS

by Herb Zinser 16. December 2013 19:16

Geopolitical Child Watching the DEATH of the New Man

is a 2011 UTOEYA, Norway 23 chromosome painting

about the EL Salvador Dali Civil WAR in the

Central America brain map region of Nature's

advanced gestalt Central Nervous System 370

abstract brain symbolic computer.





Norwegian police warn of more casualties from Utoeya shooting

July 23, 2011 – Oslo, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Norwegian police on Saturday warned the death toll from Friday's shooting in Utoeya island and a bombing in ...






Peter Russell, genetics tetxbook author, is comprised of various biological and symbolic components. In a sense, he is a messenger for Nature's various systems. Let's look at such a messsage ..... and consider Nature's subconscious mind expressions. 




Now we have Nature's blood art....the INTERNAL intellect of arteries thought expressed VIA messenger ..... Spanish artist Salvador Dali ...who painted the thoughts in EXTERNAL format on canvas....... Dali used EXTERNAL art...........the INTERNAL arteries direct DISPLAY language .

Above, we see the Peter Russell diagram with the sophisticated egg-shaped SIGNAL regarding art/arteries messnger DNA = Dali North America.

Since Salvador Dali started his existence ...before Peter Russell ..... 
the Dali egg-shaped was the 1st blood arteries message (painted on canvas). As the Darwinian evolution of information data streams of knowledge continued ...... years later, new generations of scientists and researchers expanded on the 1943 primordial subliminal MIND expression ---> the DNA project plan message VIA Dali. Above, we see 1998 Peter Russell egg-shaped expression with process flowcharts on a cellulose paper canvas using thin ink --> thin ink = think with black ink .... and adults may use some supplemental colors to help clarify mult-facted flowcharts of complex concepts and their objects.

  1. Salvador Dalí - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

    ...... romance with Gala, .... Dalí and Gala retreated to the United States, where they lived for eight years. ..... 1943 The Poetry of America and Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the


  1. Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man - Wikipedia ... 

    Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man is a 1943 painting by Salvador Dalí. The painting was done during Dalí's stay in the United States during ...


What is the mechanism that helps transmit ....information from one generation of thinkers to another, 
There are several we shall outline the theory of symbolic sons .....with Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead book Principia Mathematica. The theory is that Peter is a symbolic son of Bertrand Russell Bertrand and Peter --> BP --> Base Pair proper nouns.

How does this work? We have a few CLUES ..that researchers can expand upon.

WORD --> Biological = bio + logical. Thus we see that
Bertand Russell --> the logical component of BIOlogical AND later the gestalt compeletion with 
Peter Russell --> Bio component with symbolic information on genes, chromosomes, DNA,etc.



In the above picture...we see the white foundation that the egg sits upon and some RED blood. 
The symbolic relationship may be to the RED and WHITE noun components in the symbolic life of proper noun: 
Alfred North Whitehead. 
Thus, it seems that Nature ...decided that he ought be named as a math logic messenger for RED and WHITE blood cells 
.... and RED blood cells with symbolic math logic ADDITIONS ....acquired from studying algbera and logic biochemsitry equation of evolution:
RED blood cells that ADD basic abstract knowledge become READ blood cells.



Principia Mathematica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

  1. - Similar
    The Principia Mathematica is a three-volume work on the foundation of ... Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913.


What other clues exist about the tragedy in Norwegian citizen/government   genetic social experiments and their  ERRORS.  OSLO and Eupoean universities deny the existence of many things obvious and appearent REALITY.   They prefer to live in the CARL JUNG  collective unconsciousness GROUP mentality  ...that uses the  long-range   neurotransmitters  that send signals to wedding receptions  for the new husband.

KEY words:

neurotransmitters --> bio-radio   transmitters ort equivalent
receptions --> recieving some human bio-signal OR body langauge OR skin-infrared language  emission
husband --> a new BAND ......bandwidth member joins the secert of  wedding  high society

Thus we see the EURO communication systems nonsense as suggested by music groups RADIO HEAD and TALKING HEAD  ...other musics groups and    various authors  over hundreds of years. The  EURO  fimanicial system is another master scheme of subliminal mind manipulators ...... experts in BEDROOM social pscyhology language tricks.  NORWAY and other countries approve of this  process...that has been forbidden by the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM project designers for Nature. 








Propaganda in 1984 by George Orwell.? - Yahoo! Answers 

Norway police say  84 killed in Utoeya shooting | Reuters › ... › Education & Reference
2 answers - Nov 25, 2008
Propaganda in 1984 by George Orwell In Oceania, rumors, myths, ideas and false information controls the minds of the citizens
The Party uses
  - - - >  Labour Party (Norway) - Wikipedia
The Labour Party (Norwegian: Arbeiderpartiet, A/Ap) is a social-democratic political party in Norway. It is the senior partner in the current Norwegian government ...
--> see George ORWELL  for history of   Party (Norway)






Norway police say 84 killed in Utoeya shooting | Reuters 
Jul 23, 2011 – OSLO (Reuters) - Norwegian police said Saturday a gunman, believed to be a fundamentalist Christian, killed at least 84 people at a youth ...


Media Manipulation in George Orwell's 1984

Norway's Labour Party mounts political whitewash of establishment ...
Aug 27, 2011 – In the aftermath of Anders Behring Breivik's terrorist attacks in Norway on July 22, a concerted campaign is underway to promote a message of ...
Aug 24, 2009 – George Orwell's 1984 looks at the dystopian world of Oceania, ... Propaganda is used as a way to brainwash the people about how to act at all ...
NORWAY  Intellectual  ERRORS


Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
For other uses, see 1984 (disambiguation). ... Nineteen Eighty-Four is a novel by George Orwell published in 1949. It is a dystopian novel about Oceania, a society tyrannized by The Party and its totalitarian ideology. ... works for the Ministry of Truth (Minitrue), which is responsible for propaganda and historical revisionism.
Thus we see the incomplete reports about the tragedy CITIZEN/government approved newspaper and government universities continue their arrogant, biased VIEWS and explantions of social science events and their messages, 
The Geopolitical Child WATCHING   --> WATCH implies  2 concepts: looking  OR  time keeper/clock.
Jul 23, 2011 – OSLO (Reuters) - Norwegian police said Saturday a gunman, believed to be a fundamentalist Christian, killed at least 84 people at a youth ...



 Above, the 23 chromosome pair TIME signal ...Y2K biological clock WAR casualties 
with  UTOEYA Children --> UT  Children  -->  UTC -->Universal TIME Code.


 Below, year 1943 implies  genetics  code 43  --> 4 DNA nucleotides in combinations of 3 --> 64 combinations of codons. - Similar

Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man is a 1943 painting by Salvador Dalí. The painting was done during Dalí's stay in the United States during ...



UTOEYA ..also spelled  UTOYA.
UTOE --> Unified Theory of Everything ......a physics national disaster. Ask European universities about the SCIENCE WARS.


Norwegian PM: Utoeya shooting a "national disaster" › Home › WorldCached
Jul 23, 2011 – The death toll rose to 84 in the shooting spree Friday at a youth camp on the island of Utoeya, some 40 kilometers west of Oslo, police said on ...

Salvador Dali and the Geo-Political System WAR status

Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man is a 1943 painting by Salvador Dalí. The painting was done during Dalí's stay in the United States. It depicts the large egg-shaped globe of the world out of which a man from North America is struggling to hatch. There is blood running out of the crack in the egg and the new man's hand has England firmly in its grasp. In the foreground two figures are watching; one an adult the other a small child.
What keywords provide some CLUES to the Norway puzzle?
England --> The New England Journal of Medicine  messages 
The Salvador Dali egg and the new man --> Paul Newman and the movie -->

Paul Newman, as Cool Hand Luke, Eats 50 Eggs | Serious - Similar
Sep 27, 2008 – From great movies like The Hustler, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and The Sting, ... Paul Newman, as Cool Hand Luke, Eats 50 Eggs 
struggling to hatch --> the University of Wisconsin intellectual problems  of eggheads and their  Salvador Dali SIGNAL - --> Fish Hatchery Road , Madison
Geopolitical Child Watching --> WATCH implies  2 concepts:  look   OR time clock
foreground two figures are watching --> 16 hours per day and 24 hours per day
....math sentence twemty-four hours = 1 day  in decimal numbers is
...............................20  minus 4 DNA nucleotides = 16 hours biological clock WAR TIME
at  UTC --> UTOEYA --> Universal Time Order Entry
Also. see the TIME WAR in year  2004 known as the Battle of Water100, Wisconsin  involving the quadratic equation of  Quad Graphics printing in the calculus math geography region of Sussex, Wisconsin  ...the triple  integral  math fuction region of EARTH mathematical-physics space/time.
The owner of Quad Graphics was involved in his personnal Battle of Water100, he drowned ......a signal from NATURE to his empolyees to pay attention to the LAWS of Nature.
Also, see the WATCH TOWER building/rest stop in Rockford, Illinois near the Interstate Highway  going to Wisconsin.
Ask the TIME witnesses.... 

Jehovah's Witnesses: Watchtower Society Official Web Site - Similar
Official web site of Watchtower Society, the legal organization in use by Jehovah's Witnesses. Authoritative source about beliefs, teachings, activities.

IF you are interested, a link to Artsy’s Salvador Dali page.


The Dali language translator explains astrophysics galactic gene expressions in galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth)

by Herb Zinser 10. July 2012 11:12


The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) is an interesting planet. Secret languages and obvious mysteries ....a symbolic circus that pretends to describe many events...has attracted my attention. Why the obvious omissions? Why the incomplete explanations on many situations?

That is why books with titles: The Invisible MAN, The TIME Machine, etc.....are trying to say.....some indirect,hidden process exists.....that can become visibile with a lot of thought and research. Physics labs successfully use this process to study atoms and their attributes.  Let's look  modern genetics and consider some theoretical possibilities ...suggested by  various data descriptions from the arts, humanities. etc.


Salvador Dalí


Dali = Da + Li --> Data Language interface  

nose U --> phonetic sound --> knows universe




377 × 500 - Salvador Dali The Paintings. Read more about Salvador Dali The Paintings ...                               


Salvador Dalí - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaíCached - Similar
Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech (May 11, 1904 – January 23, 1989), known as Salvador Dalí was a prominent Spanish surrealist painter born ...

Thus, let's look at the  astrophysics  messages that  Salvador Dali was able to intercept and understand  ....and then express them in the art /painting language that was his version of  the  SPANNDED DATA Records of the   Solar Ssystem 370 computer and its subset.   The subset is processing region is  COMPUTER EARTH system 370 with  the geography I/O PORT = Portugal  and    SPAN /bridge data records .....SPANNED Data records  of the Spanish bio-computer interface people with the  Spanish   language of Spain.     Salvador Dali, being Spanish,,,,,was able to use his subconscious mind to  intercept the SECRET signals ......and then the messages were sent  by his Central Nervous Ssystem 370  to a type of conscious expression... namely his external drawings/ paintings on canvas.


Format of Data Records Containing Spanned Data - IBM
Spanned record support allows records longer than 255 bytes to be transmitted. For transmission, the records are broken into data segments of less than 256 ...







This we see the astrophysics genetics interface with his atomic bio-physics genes ...... the flow chart ....

the Milky WAY  GALAXY ......path .....information pathWAY .... subset key words
..............WAY GAL





UDP --> Universe Data Processing system 370



What are examples of GALACTIC  GENE  organization messages  .....a modern Earth Lab messneger is




Gene Hackman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
Eugene Allen "Gene" Hackman (born January 30, 1930) is a retired American actor and novelist. Nominated for five Academy Awards, winning two, Hackman ...








Above we see the GAL4 signal  ...that Salvador Dali intercepted and expressed as the 1934 painting Gala.

Salvador Dalí Biography - Fundació Gala - Salvador Dalí › HomeSalvador DalíCached - Similar
Son of the notary public Salvador Dalí Cusí and his wife Felipa Domènech .... 1934. Enters into civil matrimony with Gala (née Elena Ivanovna Diakonova).

- Dali and Gala were married in 1934 in a civil ceremony and they remarried in ...


Other astrophysics events on EARTH LAB in year 1934 .....

Securities Exchange Act of 1934 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (also called the Exchange Act, '34 Act, or Act of '34) (Pub.L. 73-291, 48 Stat. 881, enacted June 6, 1934, codified at 15 ...

Securities Exchange Act of 1934 | LII / Legal Information Institute
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act). In contrast to the Securities Act, the Exchange Act primarily regulates transactions of securities in the ...
Legal Information   --->  Le  +  gal  --> Left galaxy format  
Above words ...DNA called upstream activator sequence-galactose astrophysics terms ......
DNA --> Driver North America   called upstream = United Parcel Service stream of consciousness  ...using humanoids  dressed in brown  clothes.....hence, from the  distant astrophysics point of VIEW of EARTH LAB   (that is small EARTH LAB looks like some molecule particles)    
 ..... hence, the humanoid UPS drivers would symbolize the  BROWNIAN motion of bio-physics particles ......... dressed in BROWN.
This  would allow COMPUTER EARTH system 370  geography computer address space calculations.    Remember, William Shakespeare stated " The WORLD is a stage and we are the players =  P + layers  = processing layers"  

Thus the humanoid UPS the morning...... gets his BROWNIAN motion cotton uniform  from the closet   and gets dressed .. .... adds his dress clothes to his naked body  ....
add dress clothes to base 2 leg  body  --> address clothes for the Computer Earth system 370 projects for NATURE and its vast RD social economic  systems. 


Above, we see the signal 17 - bp  ......

a) George Orwell book 1984 signal BP = Bho +  Pal India disaster 


 The astrfrophysics EVENT HORIZON genetics signal was repeated  ...on the communications BRIDGE  cam.BRIDGE University, England.
The Britisn and  Amertican governments   and  universities have ignorded the  BP  Event Horizon SIGNAL  ..better known in newspaper articles --> 


Search instead for astrophysics event hortizon
  • Deepwater Horizon accident | BP 
     oil (subset of physics word orbital )


    BP = Base pair - Glossary Entry - Genetics Home Reference

 - Similar
    Jul 2, 2012 – Genetics Home Reference: your guide to understanding genetic conditions ... 8 bp), refers to the physical length of a sequence of nucleotides


    On the evening of April 20, 2010, a gas release and subsequent explosion occurred on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig working on the Macondo exploration well ...


 Astrophysics LAW school for EARTHLINGS with a symbolic brain processor ....

Official Settlement Site - Deepwater Horizon Settlements.

Official Court-Authorized website.  








Gal80 + GAL4 complex ........complex signal was also written in a different format...... using the biochemistry messenger George Orwell book 84    ...that is genetics book 1984.








 Below, we have the Peter Russel genetics tetxbook  signal --- > GALA present Salvador Dali's time and place ...his interpreation of
GALA present  ...GALA pre-sent in advance......... became a different but equaivalent format of expression. 



Above words ....the transcription of nearby GAL gene(s) ...resulted in the written by Jean/Gene Genet  " Our Lady of FLOW ERRORS of consciouness  ..know as OUR Lady of Flowers  ....which eventually reappeared   as Jennifer Flowers with President Clinton"



 Below, we have the astrophysics VIEW of EARTH ...EARTH LAB......and the animal kingdom.   Nature's animal kingdom  using the base  4 legged horse  ...decided to do some genetic experiments using humanoids.   Nature thus considered the 4-legged horse (symbolizing the  LAB researcher)  using human specimens.  Thus  the animal kingdom/HORSE  decided to go to Hollywood and selected  a  clearly defined, accurately labeled    genetics social structure : Gene Autry   with code AUTRY.......University of Texas AUTRY --> AU + TRY ......AUSTIN TRY to figure this one out    ....since the bio-computer assassination of President Kennedy  by OS/JCL agent OSWALD is too complicated for TEXAS  computer programmers   and their  brain cells thoughts




Nature...the director of the Animal kingdom  with humanoid LAB specimen .. 


The astrophysics intellectual cowboys  at the WEST ROAD  in Cambridge, England may wish to come down to EARTH ...and help explain the astrophysics LOCAL REGION (EARTH) war events  .......such as the EVENT HORIZON orbital battle  ...actualized by the BP  EVENT HORIZON  in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Thus we see pieces to an interesting puzzle about the deeper levels of  everyday life ....REALITY.



If you are interested, a link to Artsy’s Salvador Dali page.


Salvador Dali and the Russell BP = Base Pair symbolic DNA repair system of Bertrand logic and Peter genetics

by Herb Zinser 4. June 2012 20:05


Peter Russell, genetics tetxbook author, is comprised of various biological and symbolic components. In a sense, he is a messenger for Nature's various systems. Let's look at such a messsage ..... and consider Nature's  subconscious mind expressions. 



Now we have Nature's blood art....the INTERNAL intellect of arteries thought expressed  VIA  messenger ..... Spanish artist Salvador Dali ...who painted the thoughts in EXTERNAL format on canvas....... Dali used EXTERNAL art...........the  INTERNAL arteries direct  DISPLAY language .

Above, we see the Peter Russell diagram with the sophisticated egg-shaped SIGNAL regarding art/arteries messnger DNA = Dali North America.

Since Salvador Dali started his existence ...before Peter Russell .....
the Dali egg-shaped was the 1st blood arteries  message (painted on canvas).  As  the Darwinian evolution of  information data streams of knowledge continued ...... years later,  new generations of  scientists and researchers expanded on the  1943 primordial subliminal MIND expression --->  the  DNA project plan message VIA Dali.    Above, we see 1998  Peter Russell egg-shaped expression with process flowcharts on a cellulose paper canvas using thin ink --> thin ink = think with black ink .... and  adults may use some supplemental colors to help clarify mult-facted flowcharts of complex concepts and their objects.    

  1. Salvador Dalí - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

íCached - Similar
    ...... romance with Gala, .... Dalí and Gala retreated to the United States, where they lived for eight years. ..... 1943 The Poetry of America and Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the


  1. Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man - Wikipedia ...

 - Similar
    Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man is a 1943 painting by Salvador Dalí. The painting was done during Dalí's stay in the United States during ...


What is the mechanism that helps transmit ....information from one  generation of thinkers  to another,
There are several we shall outline the theory of  symbolic sons .....with Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead book Principia Mathematica. The theory is that Peter is a symbolic son of Bertrand Russell Bertrand and Peter --> BP -->  Base Pair  proper nouns.     

How does  this work? We have a few CLUES  ..that researchers can expand upon.

WORD --> Biological = bio + logical. Thus we see that
Bertand Russell --> the logical component of BIOlogical  AND later the gestalt compeletion with 
Peter Russell --> Bio component with symbolic information on genes, chromosomes, DNA,etc.



In the above picture...we see the white foundation that the egg sits upon and some RED blood.
The symbolic relationship may be to the RED and WHITE   noun components in the symbolic life of  proper noun:  
Alfred North Whitehead.  
Thus, it seems that Nature ...decided that he ought be named as a math logic messenger for RED and WHITE blood cells
.... and RED blood cells with symbolic math logic  ADDITIONS ....acquired from studying algbera and logic biochemsitry equation of evolution:
RED blood cells that  ADD basic abstract knowledge become READ blood cells.



Principia Mathematica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  1. - Similar
    The Principia Mathematica is a three-volume work on the foundation of ... Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913.


What other clues exist from   year 1910  ...... clues that influenced future thinkers.





The above cover.....states a message signal.

To *  56 .........translated is 

ATom 56 .....which is the atomic mass of IRON ...hence, the  math logic uprising in Hungary in year 1956 with the IRON CURTAIN of Europe.
In year 2012, major  universities refuse to help  undertsand  this possible important signal.


In addition, the signal involves the iron Hemoglobin proteins in the blood stream and their ironic thoughts.  Iron (ferrous oxide atom) has 26 protons that have 26 atomic English alphabet letters.   Thus the INTERNAL  biology  English language communication vehicle (Hemoglobin blood cell) travels down  the  INTERNAL biology  highway system (the arteries).  The INTERNAL system has its  own symbolic languages ...some may be partially translated into the EXTERNAL world English language we use for daily affairs and business activities.

In other words, the living EARTH cell has the geography surafce of  EARTH. This EXTERNAL geography surface has concrete highways with 4-wheeled iron vehicles traveling .....thru-out the transportantion system.    In a superysmmemetry bio-phyics / partial mirror .....the INTERNAL biology  transportation system uses iron vehicles (Hemoglobin iron proteins)  with 4-DNA nucleotides.    Thus the Department of Transportation in Washington,DC  with  proper noun Mr.LaHOOD ..symbolic of  MR. LAB HOOD .......ought clarify these 2 different aspects of  transportation  ...for those confused  CITIZEN intellectuals.

Thus we see... some process involving iron Hemoglobin proteins  ...... written book symbols ( year 1910 ......To * 56)  and book influence (year 1956 Iron Curtain)  ....... and the North Pole magnetic field flow line  interaction with human iron proteins and their thoughts.

Thus we ask ourselves...what is the stauts of Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics life formats at FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois. 
Since they do not communicate the   ...using atomic English language PROTOCOL   and do not recognize the existence of  modern  Margaret Mead nuclear family expressions of  atomic anthropology ...... their brain cell  thoughts  may be in  the  INTERNAL biological   jail CELL  with the HEME group Fe(ii) ion IRON CURTAIN.
Molecular cell biology theory predicts that this is possible  ...the  Fe(ii) ion --> ion extension to iron .....that is symbolic iron jail bars inside the cell.
Keep in my mind, the biology cell  as a physical  bio-chemsitry processes and a  thinking process.



 What are some other CLUES?

---> Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man is a 1943  ..... depicts the large egg-shaped globe of the world.

The gentics textbook picture above ....states   dimer and 4 or 5 nucleotides to the  3 side. 

Thus we have 2 combinations:  
4 to  the 3 side ... american science signal .......with Darwin selected subset symbols
4  ..........3 s  idea  --> 43 s=system idea --> year 1943 Salvador idea .....egg-shaped 

5 to  the 3 side ... american science signal ..with Darwin selected signaling symbols ....
5............3 s  idea --> system idea --> year 1453 GUT = Grand Unified Theory atomic physics anthropology project started by Nature's systems with agent  GUTENburg and the printing press ...and the   science book called the BIBLE with messages from THY Lord the Thyroid gland.   



---> the new man's hand has England firmly in its grasp ..... 
This is Nature's  1943 message  about the New England Journal of Medicine  ....about egg-shaped messages of the  art of arteries.
Around 1983 the New England Journal of Medicine  brought up the subject of eggs ...but omitted  major factors of Nature's social engineering and brain engineering gestalt equations.    The New England  Journal of  Medicine was  tricked by the Hollywood new man script  with Paul Newman.


Medical questions about the art/arteries expressions of Salvador Dali.


Eggs: Are they good or bad for my cholesterol? -
Get the straight facts about eggs and cholesterol. ... Prevention (2). Fasting diet: Can it improve my heart health? Healthy heart for life: Avoiding heart disease ..


Should I Eat Egg Yolks? | LIVESTRONG.COM
May 28, 2011 – He has been involved in health and fitness since 1983, working as a ...linking egg yolk consumption to coronary heart disease; moreover, the ...


News Information on LDL Test - Health - The New York Times › Times Health Guide  l  LDL Test

SOME OUNCES OF PREVENTION THAT LOWER HEART RISK ... eggs a year, per capita consumption has declined 35 percent, to 261 eggs a year in 1983.


The New England Journal of Medicine, myself, and others must understand the Brave New World of social psychology MIND   tricks  by the Hollywood new man script.
These are like complex, interesting  puzzles involving many componets of  Nature and society.

Cool Hand Luke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the film. ... Lucas Jackson (Paul Newman) is arrested for cutting the heads off a small town's parking meters one ... particularly after he wins a spur-of-the moment bet that he can eat fifty hard-boiled eggs in one hour.



--> In the foreground two figures are watching 


Thus we have  two figures --> Binary BASE 2 bio-computer theory  



Thus, we have a few CLUES about the TOE = Theory of Everything  physics puzzle of existence  .....which may  include the   puzzle answer pieces provided by Bertrand Russell and Salvador Dali ...... precursors to the  symbolic gene  messenger  PETER Russell.   Myself,  I watched  genetic social science  television shows  in 1955 Hollywood and university attempted to  program the bio-computer brain with GENE thoughts ........that is WILD  WESTERN Cowboy gene thoughts   VIA   GENE Audrey.

Could it be ...that Peter Russell .....can be viewed as a   WILD genetics intellectual cowboy.

Or could my GENE Audrey background ...... cause  my subconscious MIND to send a signal to my conscious mind --> "YOU ought get GENE textbook  and try to correlate  your television SIGNAL with the known, published  BASE of EARTH LAB cowboy genetics information".    Now  as they might say in GENE cowboy circles ...with the textbook .... my eyes/optical nerve and brain symbolic computer are    "HOME on the range....... that is the symbolic range of knowledge".



If you are interested,  a link to Artsy’s Salvador Dali page.


Welcome to Project Plan Z

by Herb Zinser 26. May 2012 17:04


The Margaret Mead nuclear family anthropology ZINJAN project and the ZINO particle physics project together are the master/central focal point for different PLAN Z projects. The proton property intellectual trust fund has been entrusted to agent ZIN for applications development. This provides numerous opportunties for curious individuals, research scientists, responsible venture capital, authors of science articles and softcover books, industry trade associations,etc.

Unemployed scientists and engineers, affected by the year 2012 economic layoffs, have a ground floor opportunity with PROJECT PLAN Z. A group of a few thousand scientists, professors, graduate students, engineers, with a group of science orientated marketing and business professionals can help me raise funds and organize the world's largest intellectual coporation and trust fund. With the communications provided by the Internet and E-Mail . . . it ought take less than two years to lay out the foundation of this new business structure. Interested?

As a first step . . . become acquainted with the basic concepts mentioned on the WEB-SITE and the BLOG. This may take several days or weeks depending on your basic science background. These concepts partially describe the new perception of world structure and world affairs. Individuals, groups, think tanks, and trust foundations that offer research grants to PROJECT PLAN Z may have access to over 300 unique research papers. These papers help explain "HOW the WORLD WORKS" with special attention to the automotive indutry at Janesville/ Kenosha, Wisconsin. Also highlighted, the astonishing INTELLECTUAL WAR, as it manifests itself thru military events in Iraq and Afghanistan.


CONTACT--> principle science researcher: Herb Zinser

Mailing address: P.O.Box 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA

Old BLOG from year 2009:
