2007 Balad aircraft crash - Wikipedia
The 2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. ...
The 2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. military base in Balad, Iraq.[3] The crash killed 34 people aboard and left one passenger critically injured. Officials claim the crash was caused by poor weather conditions, but other sources claim that this is a cover-up
Let's consider the data .......
Geography SITE --> Balad = BAL = Basic Assembler Language
Intellectual SITE ---> BALAD,IRAC q-variables with
......................................D IRAC ...Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac and atomic ALLAH in
t.ALLAH.assee, Florida State University and Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family thoughts..
Thus modern religious mass ---> atomic mass theology expressions VIA humans and the new FORMAT ...atomic religious mass and the Solar System expressions of the SUN on Sunday. Thus Sunday is a day for humans to reflect upon the atomic/astronomy continuum and our lives embedded within that continuum of knowledge.
Joint Base Balad,
[1] formerly
Balad Air Base and
Logistics Support Area Anaconda,
Joint Base Registers BAL Logic Support Area An = Alpha/numeric
2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an
Antonov An-26 airliner
Thus we look at the data processing aspects of the EVENT ...this new FRONTIER of thought
year 2007 == Base 2 exponent 007 = 126 .....and AN-26 airliner + 100 years war = 126 SIGNAL
9 January --> 9 bits (8 data bits and 1 error checking parity bit) ...the supersymmetry physics parallel is the Solar System 370 astronomy data processor with 9 planets (8 data geology planets and 1 error checking planet EARTH).
Thus we see the Solar System 370 IBM code RUSSIAN = RU + SSI + AN = Request Unit + Storage Storage Instruction + Alpha/Numeric base 16. Base 16 + Ten.sor space /time = 26 ...the FINAL signal of Antonov An-26.
Thus ..... we see new frontiers of awareness VIA the tragic COMPUTER EARTH BAL program abend at BALAD, IRAQ ...with Paul Dirac processing systems used by theoretical physics students and professors.
Below, is the atomic physics map ..... amplified from the ATOM size ---> to the larger size of the EARTH geography surface.
Einstein's; theory of relative size and relative VIEWS allow this magnification process used by NATURE's message processing systems.
Above, we see the Alan Sokal SCIENCE WAR signals for physics departments...
Turkey --> T + ur + key = Time uranium 235 isotopes(t) key with uranium 238 atomic computer
Syria = Symmetry physics intellectual battles in the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness RISING to the surface level of conflict expression ....VIA the display on the EARTH surface in Syria in 2012 = 20 standard amino acids + carbon 12 atomic mass
IRAN = I + Ran = Independent Random variables and the link to EARTH geo-math geography region in rope theory of eu.ROPE.....Bavaria = Ba + variable = Base variables MESSAGE to the Baptists (Ba + pt = Base pointer) religious scientists
Balad --> IBM Basic assembler language ground/air WAR
--> EARTH soil ground LAND = Local Area Network Data
--> Air is LUNG oxygen atomic mass 16 bio-computer base 16 war with the cigarette SMOKING song and dance in Australia and NATO ..... military approval of intellectual nonsense
Given this empirical DATA that describes the Solar System and COMPUTER EARTH BASE (registers) BAL at the geography computer science region of BALAD, we begin to wonder about the BIG PICTURE.
Astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) seems to have many mysteries and puzzles and LEVELS.
Let's pretend for a moment....that a virtual scientist existed millions of miles away from EARTH...had a few science books .... a looked into the skies and saw a object (the EARTH) ...that from a distance looked like an atom or a bunch of molecules.
From that distant VIEW ...... crowds of people walking on the surface of EARTH...in some protest /demo MARCH .........would appear to the scientists as Brownian motion of some molecule reaction OUT of the Jerry March book " Advanced Organic Chemistry"
In fact, the black people and their MARCH in Selma, Alabama .... provide CLUEs about the EARTH LAB hypothesis :
March ----> Jerry March
Selma police--> SEL + map + pol + ice --> Darwinian selection map North Pole magnetic field Arctic ice interaction with human molecules
Alabama --> Al + Lan + Ba + ma = Alphabet/algebra/algorithms LAB Base map
We all know ...that the American Chemical Society and the
Royal Society of Chemistry
had 1 billion people of the Chinese CPU = Communist Party Unit dressed in black cotton clothes for the CARBON BLACK organic chemistry ---> social chemistry and symbolic life experiments in ASIA mainland.
In addition, the China CPU = CHINA CPU = CH + In + A + CPU = Compare Halfword Instruction Assembler Central Processing Unit comprised of human bio-computers.
Thus ...from the VIEW of a theoretical astrophysics chemist ...VIEWING Earth LAB ...... he may see a few signaling events ..events at the edge of awareness ..the EVENT HORIZON of earthly happenings
a) the wild west ..the DAMTP WEST ROAD of Cambridge theory ---> applied to the Texas west ..the frontier for intellectual cowboys ....at Fort LAB Hood ..with the Major biochemistry battle with Hasan.
b) the Frontier ... far away from Great Britian........ out in the remote deserts ...of hydrocarbon orbitals in oil fields
b) the Frontier ... far away from Great Britian........ out in the remote deserts ...of hydrocarbon orbitals in oil fields
Computer EARTH system 370 remote INDIRECT, esoteric data processing TECHNIQUES via
....... hydrocarbon orbitals in oil fields
--> molecular orbitals in oil fields
--> molecular orbitals in Einstein's data processing .... oil DATA FIELD Theory with applications using the EQUIVALENT symbolic universe of words, nouns, equation, formula .....
word tiers/levels :
earth orbital... e + ar + th = e area thor --> Kip S. Thorne astrophysics area
of solar system orbital
earth orbital ..... has the algebraic subset symbols
earth o...i..l
and on the atomic level
electron orbital
electron o..i...l ........ thus orbital theory and oil (physical hydrocarbon OR organic chemistry symbols) are both involved in the WAR in Iraq.
Thus we see the deeper messages embedded in the authors BOOK..... and thus the
tier orbitals of organic molecules .... is related in some manner to the Hierarchy Problem of physics thinkers who are living organic molecular structures.
We see the AF conflict ...... A= Argonne National Labs and F = FermiLAB being played out in ASIA in the
AF supersymmetry WAR region
--> AF = AFghani.STAN .....
.........................STANDARD Model physics and the Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology problems in arrogance AND diplomatic communication failures by the Federal government and their agents at the Department of Energy and Office of Science ....who deny the existence of the SCIENCE WARS.
Above words..... written by the author shows he has atomic, bio-physics brain whose electron orbitals and molecular orbitals have the property of awareness and consciousness ..... and explains how his molecular bio-computer works ... using the symmetry / parallel of copper wire computers.
Key words
--> frontier orbital theory I am conscious ...thus phrased..his brain structure states
.......... tier orbital .........I am conscious ...in bio-computer words
tier/levels or.bit.al (data bit alphabet) Isam consciousness ........
........ thus the levels of his brain electron bio-computer thought circuits with
ISAM = Indexed sequential access method CONSCIOUSNESS
ISAM stands for Indexed Sequential Access Method, a method for indexing data for fast retrieval. ISAM was originally developed by IBM for mainframe ...
For example, IBM's indexed sequential-access method (ISAM) uses a small master index that points to disk blocks of a secondary index. The file is kept sorted ...
Thus Ian Fleming has sucessfully built an organic molecular computer inside his bio-main-frame processor that uses ISAM. Perhaps, the 1st known success story.
Previous attempts by experimenters resulted in many tragedies ...the most famous bio-computer criminal COVER-UP is known as:
David Berkowitz, better known as Son of Sam, is an infamous 1970s New York City
serial killer who killed six people ..
Key words
--> frontier orbital theory I am conscious ...thus phrased..his brain structure states
.......... tier orbital .........I am conscious ...in bio-computer words
tier/levels or.bit.al (data bit alphabet) Isam consciousness ........
........ thus the levels of his brain electron bio-computer thought circuits with
ISAM = Indexed sequential access method CONSCIOUSNESS
The other attempt at brain levels and brain bio-computer TESTING by Nature resulted in tragedy ....however the SIGNAL is very important.
The message originates form a major hydrocarbon region ...TEXAS and the Gulf of Mexico ...and involves the BP = BASE PAIR living EARTH cell war over genetics and the Department of Energy LIES/ incomplete explanation about the deeper REALITY underlying the BP = British Petroleum problem
at Deep Water Horizon. The government is very familiar with the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family conflict ...the BP oil spill is known as the LEAKEY affair ..with Mary Leakey and L.S.B. Leakey ...which involves the ZINJAN bio-computer software project and the year 200O biological clock Y2k brain computer defect.
The message from organic chemistry in Austin Texas
Feb 18, 2010 – An apparently mild mannered 53 year old software engineer from Austin, Texas crashed his Piper ... Joseph Stack crashes Piper Cherokee into Austin IRS .... that I'm not sure, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Thus Joe Stack message about University of Texas, Austin and their brain computer experiment ..programming BUG in levels/tiers/stacks ....
You +1'd this publicly.
A stack is a data structure that is accessed from one end or it is a Last In First Out buffer. Stack Computers are machines that have hardware and instructions to ...
File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint -
Quick View2 different types of ISA, different “philosophy”, trade-offs; RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computers); CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computers); RISC: Memory ...
Our target computer is a stack computer with the following instructions (the instructions are given as predicates, that, when invoked, emit the instruction): ...
In other words ..... the more accurate description of the tragic Austin EVENT ...and its cover-up by the computer science industry, universities and the state of TEXAS intellectual manipulation and answer distortion system
Our target (IRS ) bio-computer is a
(Joe = Job order entry) stack bio-computer
with the following instructions
(use airplane wings for FAA and NASA science analysis
of Texas Bull-Story integrity)
software engineer from Austin, Texas crashed
his Piper (data pipeline) ... Joseph Stack (stack/ tier organic bio-computer in the FRONTIER State of Texas)
Below, we see another application ......of the astrophysics VIEW of Earth as LAB ...... EARTH as a set of atoms and molecules engaged in various reactions at various speeds of reaction ...slow ...fast.
The distant astrophysics chemists ...would seek objects on the surface (or atmosphere) of EARTH to represent atoms/molecules that have velocity/speed.
Thus moving automobiles on a highway OR airplanes would be such equivalent objects ...... to represent moving molecules.
For a study of chemical reactions ..... the speed of the reactions and also the interaction of atoms/molecules to form modified or new molecules...... thus the supersymmetry /parallel of 2 processes:
1) atom/molecule collisions in a chemistry reaction <---->
2) automobile collisions and airplane collisions/accidents
let's look at the
Diels-Alder reaction faster .... group dienophile ..... symbolic subset commands
Die ...A..................faster......group die pile .....thus applied social chemistry PARALLEL
would be the
airplanes of Sept 11 ...Nature's societal lesson to the Manhattan organic humanoid societal structure
DIE FASTER ...pile of death at the two Towers Sept 11,2001.
The 2nd example
Die A= Ausin A=Airplane faster ...IRS group die pile ...JOE Stack airplane.
Below, word commands .....to human brain organic molecules --> social chemistry commands ...for social engineering adjustments
Diels-Alder reactions go faster withdrawing group dienophile ....becomes
Die A = Austin A=Airplane go fater WING(airplane) group(IRS employees) die/death pile
Notice the molecule geometry above...the sides and angles
thus the JOE Stack airplane ARROW VECTOR .....flies into a building (like electrons fly into another molecular structure)
The astrophysics chemist VIEW of molecular structures on EARTH LAB ........ using astrophysics bridge at cam.BRIDGE Universe University.
538 × 297 - ... Thursday morning into a seven-story office building in Austin, TX which ...
February 18 Attack on Austin, Texas IRS Building. ...
Molecule geometry and the social chemistry ..... reaction theory of organic molecules in humanoid societal FORMAT
Below, Echelon message to TIERS /levels AGENT 007 --> Ian Fleming organic chemistry SECRET SERVICE ..and his symbolic building/BOOK.
Above..... the subtle Jane Wilde Hawking Aircraft signal to astrophysics departments to become aware of the 11-dimensions of evolution of string theory ....and the problems on the intellectual lives of Cambridge social science and philosophy departments ...as the INTELLECTUAL WAR component of the SCIENCE WARS affects more people. Everyone was forewarned by the Aldous Huxley book BRAVE NEW WORLD ......and in year 2012 the social psychology wars are broadcast VIA television , radio, and print as happy professors ignore the serious situation for their institutions.