RD-blog-number-3988 by Herb Zinser reviews the UNITED NATION policy ERRORS ... a CAUSE factor --> EFFECT .. the unarmed Michael Brown code signal --> UNarmed --> subset letters--> UN,
Why work at UN?
Why work at the UNconscious Mind level --> to create bull-stories to feed to math and science majors, engineers and professors
Who we are · What we do · Where we are · Career support · Pay and benefits. What can I do at UN? What we ..
This is the site for the United Nations at a Glance. Here you will find information and links on history, members, visitis, employement and other details.
This is the site for the United Nations at a Glance. Here you will find information and links on history, members, visitis, employement and other details.
This is the site for the United Nations at a Glance. Here you will find information and links on history, members, visitis, employement and other details.
This is the site for the United Nations at a Glance.
Here you will find information and links on history, members, visitis,
employement and other details.
Thus, Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE has a variety of dictionary word perceptions of this multi-faceted secret organization
Let's look at the UN --> the Unconscious MIND expressions of members of the Carl Jung collective UNconsciousness GROUPS ... who party, play music, play basketball, etc
Let's look at the UN --> and the Unarmed body language signal of the Unconscious MIND expressions of Michael Brown.

Rd-blog-number-3987 by Herb Zinser reviews the SALT TREATY tragic signaing event from Ferguson, Missouri.
The periodic atomic table .... ...sodium chloride SALT molecule treaty violations by the people of the St.Louis region resulted in creation of the atomic bio-physics signaling EVENT.
The EVENT .....
Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/
shooting of
Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, a young black man, was fatally
shot by Darren Wilson ...
Tracking the Events in the Wake of Michael Brown's Shootingwww.nytimes.com/.../13police-
shooting-of-black-teen...The New York Times
Aug 25, 2014 - A daily update of the unrest in Ferguson, Mo., that has followed the
shooting of
Michael Brown,
unarmed teenager, by a police ...
The EARTH LAB water molecule structure known by lab specimen name Michael Brown was selected by Darwinian selection process to participate in the creation of a NATO Military message ...... Nature's ..... North Atlantic Treaty Organization of salt water molecules .... the enforcement of the sodium chloride SALT treaty among the huam population.
Hence, we see the important role of
Michael Brown
Mic.....el ...
atoMic element agent Brown working for Nature's Brownian Motion projects.
Einstein's Explanation of Brownian Motiongalileoandeinstein.physics.virginia.edu/.../
brownia...University of Virginia
This applet demonstrates
Brownian motion.
the big particle can be considered as a dust particle while the smaller particles can be considered as molecules of a .......
Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_
The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, ... At the time of his death,
he was 6' 4" tall and weighed 292 lb .... and qualified as a Brownian motion big particle
Thus we look at the created messaging EVENT ...at more keywords ...
Darren Wilson ---> pointer to atomic physics --> Wilson hall in Batavia, Illinois
Ferguson --> subset word --> Fer --> pointer to FermiLAB
Fermilab | Visit Fermilab | Hours, Maps and Directionswww.fnal.gov/pub/visiting/hours/Fermilab
Jun 13, 2014 - They may visit the ground, first, second and 15th floors of Wilson Hall Monday to Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The Fermilab Art Gallery is on Wilson ...Hence, Darren Wilson is just a police representative for the periodic atomic table and the enforcement of the SALT TREATY in ST.Louis area.
Michael --> atomic name --> Micheal ..qualifies him for atomic, bio-physics LAW enforcement at the Carl Jung atomic collective LEVEL of the unconsciousness (atomic GROUP MIND) and atomic member Michael with Brownian motion
Age 18 MIchael belongs to the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear families. ..the 18 families /columns of the table.
Part of the FermiLAB Wilson Hall ........ INTERNAL atomic SYMBOL table is shown below ..... with the EXTERNAL ..amplified ..... atomic human display device known as Michael Brown. .
Hence, a key message of the EVENT ..unarmed .... a reference to the Margaret Mead atomic bio-physics human cell nucleus ..... AND its nuclear arms, elbows, mouth control treaty ..known as the SUMMIT treaty or the sodium chloride SALT molecule treaty of the dinner table SALT & Pepper shakers.
Hence, Nature's perception of MIchael Brown ..that he has no awareness or self-awareness of Nature's existence..that require down-to-earth people ..... instead he and many others are music heads OR live in a dream world ...a fantasy world as promoted by the black community with Dr. King " I have a dream"
George Washington Carver ..had a project plan that he worked on VERSUS a dream ....music, singing, dancing, etc.
hence..we see the serious message of Nature in its creation of the EVENT.
Tracking the Events in the Wake of Michael Brown's Shootingwww.nytimes.com/.../13police-shooting-of-black-teen...The New York Times
Aug 25, 2014 - A daily update of the unrest in Ferguson, Mo., that has followed the shooting of
Michael Brown, an 18-year-old
unarmed teenager, by a police ...
Let's look at the SYMBOL MACHINE translator...
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Maps and Territories - RijnlandmodelLanguage in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.The SYMBOL MACHINE translator...
Treaties & Agreements | Arms Control Associationhttps://www.
treatiesArms Control Association
This treaty establishes common international standards for regulating the international trade in conventional arms, and seeks to prevent and eradicate the illicit ...
Arms control and the
arms, elbows, hands of unarmed atomic Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arms_controlWikipedia
Jump to List of treaties and conventions related to arms control - Washington Naval Treaty, 1922-1939(as part ...Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, signed 1968, entered into force 1970; Seabed Arms Control Treaty, signed 1971, ...Enactment - Enforcement - Theory of Arms Control - HistoryNuclear Arms Control Treaties | atomic archive.comwww.atomicarchive.com › Library
This section contains summaries of all the major arms-control treaties including: Limited Test Ban Treaty, NuclearNon-Proliferation Treaty, Strategic Arms ..
in other words ......
.This section contains summaries of all the major arms-control treaties including:
Limited Testicles Ban Treaty,
Cell Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,
Strategic Arms of newspaper reporters, authors, and other air heads ...
The molecular cell biology ..arms, elbows, mouth control treaty .....EARTH geography region shown below with St. Charles (Darwin) , Glen Carbon 12 atomic mass for Carbon Bl;ack human agents ..like MIchael Brown, John Dalton and Alton, Illinois
John Dalton | Chemical Heritage Foundationwww.chemheritage.org/.../
dalt...Chemical Heritage Foundation
John Dalton was one of the most important people in the history of chemistry. He established a theory of atoms that he published in "A New System of Chemistry
hence, the unarmed code --> Un + arm + ed --> Un --> Unconscious mind education rising to a level of visible expression VIA Nature's brain engineering ..... created.... messaging EVENT.
Hence, we see several factors involved in the Michael Brown situation .... factors omitted from the incomplete newspaper accounts of the EVENT.