M-theory physics of the Science Wars explains
M (Military) - theory expressions of atomic human bio-computer brain
- - >the symbol languages battlefield at Fort Hood
- - -> the alliance of biochemistry Major Hasan, Fort Campbell biochemistry,
and M-theory physics warns the world about the ARMY brain bacteriophage M13 dead.
In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Because the dimensionality exceeds that of superstring ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Introduction_to_M-theory in non-technical terms, M-theory presents an idea about the
basic substance of the universe. Contents. 1 Background; 2 Status; 3 See also; 4 References ...
www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/gr/public/qg_ss.htmlCached - Similar
The theory formerly known as strings is presented in a non-technical format.
M-theory and the atomic bio-physics M13 WAR at Fort Hood, Texas.
books.google.com/ ..Nancy Jo Trun,J. E. Trempy - 2004 - Medical - 287 pages
This prophage bears striking resemblance to M13 and other filamentous phage. ... sensitive bacterial species. tion/modification system and E. coli C does not.
The bacteriophage known as "M13" forms the basis of cloning systems designed to ... Pilus is a bacterial surface structure of E. coli which harbor the "F factor" ...
M13mp Vectors - BCH5425 Molecular Biology ...
Search Results
Military police (MP) are police organizations connected with, or part of, the military of a state. The word can have different meanings in different countries, and ...
Military Police Corps(e) --> Soldier READ Center .....brain awareness test for Washington, DC intellectual planners and brain designers in education
The Military Police Corps is the uniformed law enforcement branch of the United States Army. Investigations are conducted by Military Police Investigators or the ...
Job descriptions and qualification factors for United States Army Enlisted Jobs (Military Occupation Specialties). On this page, all about 31B -- Military Police.
Now let's consider the Darwinian evolution of the MP concept.
We have various levels of existence of size and format ...atomic, biochemistry, and humamoid.
The periodic atomic table has many formats of expressions. One such FORMAT are atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans are thus considered as representatives or messengers or business LAB partners working with the atomic/astrophysics continuum, its life, and the thought formats within it.
The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.
Therefore some political protests, crimes, shootings, wars, etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/ the human atomic feelings expressor/ the human atomic messenger.
Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and chemistry textbooks. The families comprise vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought. Thus we have the atomic family ... social anthropology shootings at EARTH LAB geography sites. Let's look some at some of the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ...... and let's identify some atomic elements and their messages to atomic humans at EARTH LAB geography locations. There are 18 vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of intellectual life .... a few elements will be covered in this article.
The periodic atomic government representatives for the dinner table salt molecule are the Clinton's from Arkansas. Margaret Mead atomic anthropology and the salt molecule treaty with atomic humanoid structures is best expressed by the social science ...social chemistry formula signal ...EXAMPLE:
NaCl = sodium chloride
NaCl = North america Clintons
NaCl = North america Clinton, President in 1994
How did the Fort Hood tragedy occur?
Let's consider the atomic origin of bacteria and disease.
Since these nasty structures are composed of atoms and atomic English alphabet letters and the mathematics equations of life ......we then consider the Pentagon situation at Fort Hood .....as Nature's LAB HOOD ....with messages about atomic bio-physics disease at the SOLDIER READ Center .....and if they read the Fort Campbell, KY textbook on biochemistry military components of brand name KY and researcher/author of
(Math array agent) --> Mary Campbell.
Thus we see an outline of a message from Nature about social engineering and brain engineering and the Pentagon awareness problems ... caused by educational system propaganda and university biased nonsense ........distorted explanations and biased perceptions that are approved by citizen /government policy and corporation policy.
Let's review some components of the SIGNAL.
--> M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified.
String 11 --> S 11 --> the Sept b11, 2001 bio-physics battle battle in New York...known as Phase 2 of the MP --> Manhattan Project --> the World Trade Center and the Manhattan Project ERROR in Margaret Mead nuclear family - atomic anthroplogy conflicts with Department of Energy and Washington,DC. intellectual omissions and intellectual voids.
--> Military police (MP) are police organizations connected with, or part of,
the military of a state
Military police (MP) are organizations connected military of a state
www.trans4mind.com/personal_development/mindMastery/states.htmCached - Similar
Everyone tends to move in and out of various states of mind throughout the day. At times you might experience a sad state and at other times happy states etc.
In physics, a quantum state is a set of mathematical variables that maximally describes a quantum system, but not fully. For example, the state of an electron ...
by F Buscemi -
2012 -
Cited by 1entanglement theory, we study here the interconversion of quantum states by means ... transformation between two given quantum states is given in terms of the ...
States of Being --> Biochemistry life in humans and Nature's biochemistry governmental systems.
Thus Darwin evolution ...the next level of MP --> Biochemistry MP Vectors ...that used a human vehicle/human agent as the MP vector expressor /the MP vector delivery messenger for the NEW, Virgin Technology from Virginia TECH and the EAST Coast nonsense social science, political science and and theology schools of intellectual arrogance, intellectual manipulation, and neglect of responsibility for Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain and optical bio-computer ... symbolic data processing systems and their needed quality control standards.
Thus we see the deeper levels of Nature .... and Nature's expressions and messages VIA the Earth Lab humanoid speciment. This proicess has been well known since year 1865.
Lewis Carroll and the Virginia TECH student brain experiments...experiments in awareness of the social structure of Nature and the Earth government with subset human governments and institutions.
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:
"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
Thus the student guinea-pigs used by the modern EARTH LAB educational system...with the puppet strings as predicted by STRING THEORY physics ...about the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...the atomic brain intellect and the atomic social anthropology systems of Nature.
Guess what ...between year 1865 and year 2011.....there is a 90% probabality your atomic brain has been mostly captured. The primary symptom of a human guinea-pig ....is denial of the situation and denial of the possibility. George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and a few others escaped the intellectual jail.....and their symbolic books sent us serious messages.
Thus we see the usage by DARPA and others...of the Hasan guinea-pig at Fort LAB Hood .... and the subsequent cover-up by the newspapers ...who fail to mention the Lewis Carroll experiments. The University of Texas is honored to LIE about the more TRUE NATURE of the Fort Hood tragedy; thus the LIE of Liege, Belgium tragedy ......... world-wide...... university officials and their people invent Hollywood style explanations of social science REALITY ... primarily .. incomplete explanations that omit details about the deeper atomic and biochemistry and symbolic life ERRORS .... CAUSES behind the tragic EFFECT.
WE must remind ourselves of additional concepts and the U.S.ARMY WAR College warnings
Herbert Spencer
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Quick Viewby GH Smith -
Cited by 2 -
Related articlesIn An Autobiography Herbert Spencer recalls that he "early became pos- sessed by the ..... the correspondence between our ideas and unknowable reality? Since we are ... adjustment of internal relations to external relati~ns."~Un organism is ...
Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes. .... life will be—The continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
The U.S. ARMY WAR College ........... The Mind has no Firewall ...
From Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.
by TL THOMAS - 1998 -
Cited by 20 -
Related articlesThe human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, ...
Thus we have the TL Thomas --> Time Line equation from 1998 + the 11-dimensions of string theory = year 2009 tragic event.
Supported by a network of institutes and academies, Solntsev has produced some interesting concepts.[8] He insists that man must be viewed as an open system instead of simply as an organism or closed system. As an open system, man communicates with his environment through information flows and communications media. One's physical environment, whether through electromagnetic, gravitational, acoustic, or other effects, can cause a change in the psycho-physiological condition of an organism, in Solntsev's opinion. Change of this sort could directly affect the mental state and consciousness of a computer operator. This would not be electronic war or information warfare in the traditional sense, but rather in a nontraditional and non-US sense. It might encompass, for example, a computer modified to become a weapon by using its energy output to emit acoustics that debilitate the operator. It also might encompass, as indicated below, futuristic weapons aimed against man's "open system."
One's physical environment AND symbolic words, math equation, and atomic brain intellectual environment ...., whether through electromagnetic, gravitational, acoustic, or other effects
--> we must extend that to one's internal biochemistry system ...that is a system of Mother Nature ...and Mother Nature does not like all the nonsense intellectual ERRORS from universities funded and approved by Washington, DC. Thus we see Nature express itself ...... that alien thoughts OR bull-stories are unacceptable standards of citizen or military thoughts. The denial of the existence of the Alan Sokal SCIENCE WARS ...and the extensive volume of battle field reports that are ignored by the public , the news media, universities, and government agencies ...all who claim awareness of "How the World Works".
---> whether through electromagnetic ...the EM battle of the Milwaukee region television and radio errors ..resulted in the SiKH brain/temple shooting signal ......
SiKH --> S + interface + KH ---> Spectrum interface KHZ wavelength/frequency intials printed on the dashboard of n every radio console.......... the brilliant cellular phone people of Milwaukee can console the relatives of the dead ..consequences of the FCC communication war. Thus the radio console KHZ WAR signal to Asia and America ...death authorized by the communication commission.
The Fort Hood shooting was a shooting that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, the most populous U.S. military installation in the world, located just ...
M13 infection and replication
M13 infection and replication
M13 infection and replication
10+ items – 5, 2009, killed 13 people and left 31 wounded. Military police ...
M13 Phage
M13 Phage
M13 Phage
www.current protocols.com/WileyCDA/CPUnit/refId-mb0114.htmlCached
by D Greenstein -
Cited by 2 -
Related articlesCurrent Protocols - The Fine Art of Experimentation ... Figure 1.14.1 M13mp18 is one of the
M13mp vectors made by Messing and colleagues. Insertion of DNA ...
M13 Phage
M13 Phage
M13 Phage
M13 infection and replication
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology ---> casualties
Phage packaging
---> Fort Hood military 13 --> M13 coffins
- Major coat protein (Gene VIII) present in E. coli membrane represented by Major Hasan
- Packaging process is therefore not linked to any size constraint of the M13 genome
Transfer cases containing the remains of soldiers killed in the shooting being loaded aboard an aircraft for flight to
Dover Air Force Base
The Fine Art of Experimentation ... above .......
- M13mp vectors
- made by Messing and colleagues. Insertion of DNA ...
made by messing = mess + ing = messsage processing
insertion of DNA --> Dover North America messages waiting .......
Soldier READ Center ..ought read some science war books ......
message to DOVER air Force base of (MOUTH/ear/talk/ babble and bragg thinkers in WASHINGTON, d.c. ought improve the accuracy of their explanations of tragic EVENTS ). Recommended for
store.doverpublications.com/by-subject-science-and-mathematics.htmlCached - Similar
Featured Authors Einstein, Feynman & Others Dover publishes works by the ... across all disciplines, including biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics.
Having the right answer doesn't guarantee understanding. This book helps physics students learn to take an informed and intuitive approach to solving ...
M13mp vectors
made by Messing and colleagues. Insertion of DNA ...
made by messing = mess + ing = messsage processing --->
Dover Publications ---> signal to Dover Air and the Pentagon librarian ......... a message reminder
Current Protocols - The Fine Art of Experimentation ... Figure 1.14.1 M13mp18 is one of the
M13mp vectors
Protocol errors ...
Experiment errors
................col errors ....message list for military study
................columbine READ Center --> library shooting
On 5 November 13 people were killed and 30 injured in the worst mass shooting at a military base in the United States. This is a timeline of events surrounding the carnage at Fort Hood in Texas.
Thus we see the atomic mass shooting signal from the Office of Science ...regarding the Science Wars and the biochemistry LEVEL of the war ...that
uses the Darwin biochemistry military selection process ...modeled after the U.A.ARMY ....
This essay is an excerpt from chapter four of the first edition of Charles Darwin's.
The Selective Service System is a means by which the United States ... Conscripts could volunteer for military service in the Regular Army for a term of four years ...
Jump to Darwin's theory: In 1859, Charles Darwin set out his theory of evolution by natural selection as an explanation for adaptation and speciation ...
www.infidels.org/library/historical/charles_darwin/descent_of_man/Cached - Similar
Jan 22, 2011 – Descent of Man [ 1871]. Charles Darwin [ 1809 - 1882 ] ... Part Two - Chapter VIII - Principles ...
Installation Soldier Readiness Processing Center Building 42000. Mission Statement Our mission is to conduct FORSCOM Power Projection Platform operations ...
On 5 November 13
M13 Phage
M13 Phage
www.infidels.org/library/historical/charles_darwin/descent_of_man/Cached - Similar
Charles Darwin - Descent of Man
Jan 22, 2011 – Descent of Man [ 1871]
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Quick ViewDr. Messing has created several variants of M13 for the purpose of generating ... These are referred to as M13mp vectors. To .... The Mt3mp-series vectors are ...
- The Soldier Readiness Center
Thus we see an interesting puzzle ...... that the U.S.ARMY War College ought consider.
Thus we have the atomic / biochemistry / string theory continuum DISPLAY a tragic message VIA humans.
The modern Science Wars .......involve levels of existence and perception/ schools of thought / Margaret Mead atomic anthropology conflicts VS the enemy.....bull-stories and incomplete explanations by the millions of citizens who do not have SERIOUS thoughts. Thinking about sports and pizza and beer are not the intellectual elements of citizenship needed by any government in the world.
Welcome to Brave New World, 1984, and Future Shock. Please pay attention...... someday. The world does not wish to interrupt your present happiness and laughter with serious matters. However, those few individuals that have pride in their ability to think things out ....may... consider the above concepts as an outline of some message from Nature ..that we ought clarify. Serious people can join me in fixing the Science War mess.