Wisconsin gravity war MYSTERY messages are sent to agent KSTP = Kip S. Thorne and agent 42 = Stephan Hawking ---> Did they receive the SCIENCE WAR gravity data for their theoretical research on EARTH gravity field life formats?

by Herb Zinser 23. August 2012 20:15



News for governor walker 66 million uw



UW's budget cut a break by Walker



Fond du Lac Reporter‎ - 11 hours ago

MADISON — A $66 million cut to the University of Wisconsin System's budget will not be permanent, Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state ...

The Universal Gravitational Constant G




The above subtle message is from the G = Gravity field interface agent ...known as G = Governor Walker ...who has a message for the University intellectuals...that are ought look at the gravity signals about gravity life on EARTH.   Presently,    they will not communicate about the SCIENCE WARS in the State of Wisconsin  and elsewhere.


  1. E-Update from the Desk of Governor Scott Walker

    Greenfield West Allis Now (blog)-Aug 3, 2012
    On May 2, 2012, Governor Walker signed

    Executive Order #66
    creating ... recovery, I recently joined Chancellor of University of Wisconsin Colleges and ... The charity has since provided more than 150 million minutes of free ...
  2. WI: War on waste saving taxpayers millions, report finds

    Kansas Watchdog-Jul 31, 2012
    Walker created the task force this year to oversee progress in the waste, fraud ... Initiative, created through the
    Governor's Executive Order #66 .

Gravitational constant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  1. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_constantCached - Similar
  2. The gravitational constant G is a key quantity in Newton's law of universal ... It is also known as the universal gravitational constant, Newton's constant, and ...
  1. In natural units, of which Planck units are a common example, G and other physical constants such as c (the speed of light) may be set equal to 1.

    In many secondary school texts, the dimensions of G are derived from force in order to assist student comprehension:

     G \approx 6.674 \times 10^{-11} {\rm \ N}\, {\rm (m/kg)^2}.
The gravitational constant G
.............................Wisconsin G
  • ...........................Wis.
Governor's Executive Order #66 .


UW-Milwaukee: Center for Gravitation and Cosmology - About Us


News for governor walker 66 million uw

www.gravity.phys.uwm.edu/Cached - Similar
By bringing together expertise in gravitational physics, astrophysics, and .... is supported by the National Science Foundation,
UW-Milwaukee College of Letters ...

A $66 million cut to the University of Wisconsin System's, Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state ...

The university ....will not properly acknowledge the science signal sent to it. For example, this BLOG on gravity messages is ignored by those professor who ought consider the possibility ........ but their knowledgeable brains are under control of the Carl Jung collective unconsciouness of the campus group / the campus collective of students ...whose level of knowledge is just beginning. Thus we have the BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology conflict of the 21 year old neophyte controlling the streams of consciousness of a 56 year old physics/ chemistry/engineering professors iron HEMOGLOBIN protein thought expressions. Thus these educated people are trapped behind the IRON CURTAIN of the molecular cell biology BRAIN wars.

Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state ...

Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state ...

Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state ...--> Gravity STATE of Mind.
Let's look at the  published  gravity messages in more detail.
6 days ago – A $66 million cut to the University of Wisconsin System's budget will not be made permanent, Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state  agencies ... 

Thus the astronomy newspaper , the STAR Tribune gravity message 66 in astronomy cryptic language... an algebraic  subset of the above sentence.

" A$  66 mil  cut  to the univers  .....con  .....system'   ...expanded states

A$tronomy 66 milky way connecticut to the universe  constant  system ......

Thus the referral to the gravity constant.  
The milk state (Wisconsin dairy cows) is the galactic represenative for the MILKY WAY Galaxy  ..
with headquaters in the city of 
Milky Way Universe  Key e= natural number life forms  .....subset code
Mil  + Wa + U + Ke + e  = Milwaukee.
The universities in Milwaukee have doubts about the existential abilities and powers of the universe  ...
becasue the Hierarchy Problem of physics states that humans  are superior to all other existences and thoughts. 
The state of CONNECT  ...the  CUT fabric of space/time communications  is denoted by the EARTH state of Connecticut which is near the communications BRIDGE ...known as cam.BRIDGE, Mass .....known as  intellectual Force  = Mass * acceleration of gravity  ...that is using the gravity interaction with the brain COBOL bio-computer word 32 ......32 cortex COBOL, 32 gravity squared,  32 oxygen molecule for the LUNGs   ...these entities and their  concepts have a  conference inside the brain symbolic processor.
---> SiGNAL


Above, the MYSTERY message from the Fond du Lac reporter news.

a) symbols Rio --> Computer Earth system 370 instruction for gravity



File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
information from IBM System/370 Vector Uperations,. SA22»7125, and ... Suspend and resume I/O   --> RIO ... The operation of the following I/O instructions may differ ...


The Adesse Corporation VM System Product CP INTERNALS ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
You should be familiar with IBM System/370 architecture. We assume that concepts such ...... SIO: The Start I/O instruction is used to begin the channel program ...




b) binary symbols 1011

c) number 42 ...the Times Square astrophysics signal from Manhattan to agent 42 ...whose time origination point in the atstrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) was year 1942.    Thus we see  his  cryptic description below.......

1942 - present  ..............another  mystery CLUE
1942  pre-sent  agent ......thus who/what process pre-sent this agent



Stephen Hawking

Stephen William Hawking (1942-present) ... Stephen Hawking is the most renowned theoretical physicist alive. ... He was more interested in astronomy.





Stephen Hawking: Biography from Answers.com

www.answers.com › LibraryScienceAstronomy BookCached - Similar


Stephen William Hawking (1942) An English theoretical astrophysicist and cosmologist famed almost equally for his work on black holes and the origin of.





Stephen William Hawking Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia ...

www.encyclopedia.com › ... › Physics: BiographiesCached - Similar

Stephen William Hawking 1942-, British theoretical physicist, b. ... Hawking was able to bring current astrophysical research to support the big bang theory of the ...




  • KST P --> KST Pacific Coast region
    KST P  ---> KST Physics




Thus..according to Max Born theory of atomic biop-physics life  .....we consider that LOGAN is  a math logarithms region.

Thus Darwinian evolution selected his parents to have the subliminal mind  idea in their symbolic brain ,,,that LOGAN was a good place to live....and it probably is  one of many good places.   Thus the bio-math life instinct in his parents BIOLOGY --> bio. LOG Y ....... recognized  Nature's future signaling pathway usng proper nouns.
IN addition, to algebra logarithms in his future CALTECH career........ the Darwinian evolution of symbolic life  ...of word   bio.LOGY --> nio. Log. gy --> biography log/dairy gy= gravity  ............. thus we see the book " Black Holoes and Time Warps"  ...with many messages  from this  composite, hybrid humanoid with  brain gravity garmmer data fields, etc.



What are more gravity signals?


Walker created the task force this year to oversee progress in the waste, fraud ... Initiative, created through the
Governor's Executive Order #66
G ............system  Executive Order #66 .
G is the gravitational constant =  6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2
U.S. Route 66

U.S. Route 66
Will Rogers Highway
Route information
Length: 2,451 mi (3,945 km)
 U.S. Route 66 (US 66 or Route 66), also known as the Will Rogers Highway and colloquially known as the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was a highway within the U.S. Highway System. One of the original U.S. Highways, Route 66 was established on November 11, 1926—with road signs erected the following year.[2] The highway, which became one of the most famous roads in America, originally ran from Chicago, Illinois, through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas,
New Mexico,
and California, before ending at Los Angeles, covering a total of 2,448 miles (3,940 km).[
G is the gravitational constant=  6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2
Above, we see Route 66 and bio-geography area with garvity parameter NM = New Mexico  and  nnnbelow, we see  Route 66 gravity signal for
gravity agent G  in Arizona ....and her science friends in NASA ..... that might try to understand the gravity SCIENCE WAR  signal to them.

Gabrielle Giffords Shot: Congresswoman Shot In Arizona (LIVE ...
G =  bio-physics gravity interaction with Fe= Ferrous oxide iron atoms within Fe= female structure.
with iron Heme group Fe(ii) ion bio-chemistry and a  ion communications LINK with Mr.G of  NASA to the Earths's ionsophere.


Jan 8, 2011 –
 Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head Saturday when an assailant opened fire outside a grocery store during a meeting with ...
The  empirical data of the tragic event is very useful for scientists studying the Drawinian evolution of gravity in humanoids  and the Drawinian selection process of gravity agents ...like Mrs. G  anf the head equation.......that suggest the bio-physics  and gravity thought equation for humanoids 
Mrs.G  =  6.67 x 10-SKU11 Nm2/kg2
Thus we see the EARTH system of Nature ........and our subset humanoid  role  within the larger context of Nature, its intellect, and its various garvity and magnetic fields.  The equation  suggests .....NM = the gravity STATE of MIND    with the adjacent state of MIND = AZ = Alphabet  letters A to Z symbolized in the gravity brain symbol map by post office code AZ = Arizona. 


Did they receive the SCIENCE WAR gravity data for their theoretical research on EARTH gravity field life formats? " trackback:ping="http://zinoproject.info/blogengine/herb19/trackback.axd?id=9cc58f6b-da3e-49bd-b0cc-503470a7b368" /> -->

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About the author

CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Website: www.zinoproject.com