Solar Cycle 14 --> World War in1914 and the murder of 14-year old Robert Franks in 1924.

by Herb Zinser 9. December 2014 17:20

Rd-blog-number-4195 by Herb Zinser reviews the astronomy Solar System wars on EARTH.

Cause and Effect.....  Solar Cycle 14 --> World War 1 year 1914 and the murder of 14-year old Robert Franks in 1924.



Let's look at the database.


    THE LOEB-LEOPOLD MIURDER OF FRANKS IN CHICAGO, TMAY 21, 1924 [The kidnapping and murder of Robert Franks by Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold, Jr., in Chicago ...


Leopold and Loeb – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A child prodigy who spoke his first words at the age of four months, he reportedly … they decided upon Robert “BobbyFranks, the 14-year-old son of wealthy …
 the 14-year-old son of wealthy …
 the 14-year-old son of wealthy …  poetry sound equivalents
 the 14-year-old sun   –> implies nitrogen 14 and the SUN / solar system

Thus in year 2014 … many questions remain about the University of Chicago and its  incomplete explanation of the year 1924 EVENT in Hyde Park…..the Brian Greene Hidden Reality ..HIDE in Hyde Park

  1.  › News  › Science  › Space
    Jan 24, 2011 · The Hidden Reality: EARTHLY Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos By Brian Greene Hardcover, 384 pages Knopf List price: $29.95. Read An Excerpt

    Robert Louis Stevenson –> pointer –> Robert  –> Darwinian proper noun selection Robert Franks

    Hyde –> select Hyde Park in Chicago


    The  SOLAR CYCLE in general. 

  • The solar cycle (or solar magnetic activity cycle) is the periodic change in the Sun‘s activity (including changes in the levels of solar radiation and ejection of solar material) and appearance (visible in changes in the number of sunspots, flares, and other visible manifestations). Solar cycles have an average duration of about 11 years. They have been observed (by changes in the sun’s appearance and by changes seen on Earth, such as auroras) for hundreds of years.
  • Solar variation causes changes in space weather, weather, and climate on Earth. It causes a periodic change in the amount of irradiation from the Sun that is experienced on Earth.

    It is one component of solar variation, the other being aperiodic fluctuations.


  • › Educational
    Ionospheric Prediction Service

    Most people think of the solar cycle as having a fixed length of 11 years. … as cycles vary considerably in length from as little as 9 years up to almost 14 years.

    2 key pieces of data and their expression pointers  ………..

    as cycles vary considerably in length from as
    little as 9 years up to almost 14 years –> 14 year old Robert Franks in year 1924.

    Solar cycles have an average duration of about 11 years –> 11 –>
    SKU number 11 –> SKU 11  –> spell alpha.numeric  brain / cortex/ SKULL   or
    SKU + number 11 (eleven) –> alpha/numeric 5 symbols –> SKU11.

    It is well known that September 11, 2001 –> code S 11  –> points to the Solar Cycle battle at the World Trade Center in Manhattan.

     twin towers 7
    Looking at specific SOLAR CYCLE …..

    Solar cycle 14

    Solar cycle 14 was the fourteenth solar cycle since 1755, when extensive recording of solar sunspot activity began.[1][2] The solar cycle lasted 11.5 years, beginning in February 1902 and ending in August 1913. The maximum smoothed sunspot number (monthly number of sunspots averaged over a twelve-month period) observed during the solar cycle was 64.2, in February 1906 (the lowest since the Dalton Minimum), and the minimum was 1.5.[3] There were a total of approximately 1019 days with no sunspots during this cycle (the second highest recorded of any cycle to date).[4][5][6]

    Geomagnetic storms in November 1903, March 1905, and September 1909 affected telegraph lines  ….   and affected human IRON hemoglobin proteins.

    and affected human IRON hemoglobin proteins.
    and affected human IRON hemoglobin proteins.

    solar cycle 14


    Picture above  … year 1904 ….. and year 1905–> human applications –>

    Year 1904 –> Nathan Freudenthal Leopold, Jr. (November 19, 1904 – August 29, 1971)

    Year 1905 —> Richard Albert  Loeb (June 11, 1905 – January 28, 1936),



    Geomagnetic storms in November 1903 –> November 1904 (Leopold)

    March 1905 –> June 1905 (Loeb) ……………….. affected telegraph lines  ….
    –> hence, their biology telegraph line signal   of the Pennsylvania railroad tracks ..railroad lines and the telegraph lines that usually ran alongside.


    Nov 25, 2013 – Leopold and Loeb spent seven months planning the murder, the … They concealed the body in a culvert at the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks


    Geomagnetic storms in November 1903, March 1905, and September 1909 affected telegraph lines  ….   and affected human IRON hemoglobin proteins.

    and affected human IRON hemoglobin proteins.
    and affected human IRON hemoglobin proteins.


    iron core - Earth


    The magnetic field lines FLOW into the human body  …

    hemoglobin pricture


    Symbolism – Merriam-Webster Online


    the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

    by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
    by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
    by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible



    Leopold and Loeb Trial: 1924 – The Perfect Murder …


    Over several years, Leopold and Loeb had developed a homosexual relationship. ..

    homosexual relationship. ..
    homosexual relationship to create a signal about . ..
    homo –> code ho + mo –> hemoglobin molecule …………
    Other Solar System research  activity in the time period of SOLAR CYCLE 14   …

    In physics, special relativity (SR, also known as the special theory of relativity or STR) … It was originally proposed in 1905 by Albert Einstein in the paper “On the …


    In 1905, Albert Einstein published the theory of special relativity, which explains how to interpret motion between different inertial frames of reference — that …

  • › … › Sarajevo › Things to Do in Sarajevo

    Muzej Sarajevo, Sarajevo Picture: Latin Bridge, at scene of 1914 asassination – Check out … The site of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914. The car is …


The Latin Bridge is Nature's communicataion bridge to several existential dimesnions

a) the ancient Latin language and its LINKS/ influence to the Germanic language and English languages

b) in ancient time, the human bio-computer INSTINCT navigation system used EARTH coordinates ... latitude, longitude , and latitude for keeping track on the human body on EARTH ......  hence, given  the EARTH geography surface  ... Nature keep track of its subset human data processors.

Some human tribes had a better sense of coordinates that others.

Later, these primoridal navigation coordiantes surfaced to a conscious level of expressions  ....and became formailzed seen on geography  maps and their frames of reference. ..EQUATOR, Tropic of Capricorn, etc.



  • It’s hard to believe that a world war was set into motion on this unassuming bridge in the heart of Sarajevo but it was, on June 28, 1914, when Gavrilo Princip shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his pregnant wife Sophie. They had first tried to blow him up but the driver, having seen the grenade coming, sped up and another car in the procession was hit. The Archduke was on his way to visit the victims in the hospital when his driver took a wrong turn and ended up at this spot where Princip was standing.

    Princip was captured and imprisoned, he was just shy of 20 and could not be sentenced to death so he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He died in prison in April 1918 after contracting tuberculosis.

    he was sentenced to 20 years in prison
    he was sentenced to 20 years in prison
    he was sentenced to 20 years in prison –> 20/20 optical vision sign.
    Gavrilo Princip shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
    …in other words ..
    Gavrilo Princip —>  Ga Princip –> Galaxy  Principle  agent

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand –> arch fer –> Architecture of (Einstein’s) spacetime continuum  with Fer = Ferrous oxide IRON atom link North Pole magnetic field  and  …. to …….Geomagnetic storms in November 1903, March 1905, and September 1909 affected telegraph lines ,

    Austro-Hungarian Em = Electromagnetic Field empire (the assassination in Hertzian wave  geography region   near Heregovina  , Yugoslavia) ..

    Herzegovina (/ˌhɛərtsɨˈɡoʊvɨnə/ or /ˌhɜrtsəɡoʊˈviːnə/; Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian: Hercegovina, Cyrillic: Херцеговина, [xɛ̌rtsɛɡov̞ina]) is the …


    May 29, 2009 – 1919: During a total solar eclipse, Sir Arthur Eddington performs the first experimental test … But Einstein had a major issue with Newton’s theory: It wasn’t consistent with his own special theory of relativity, which predicted that …

  • Thus in year 2014 …… many questions remain about  years 1900 thru 1924.
  • Thus   ..your family is suspected of holding out ..keeping these secrets to themselves.
  • Your ancestors in year 1900 thru 1924  ....... obviously livied in that  spacetime period .....  hence, the  secrets lie deep within you  .. in your Carl Jung collective unconscious GROUP MIND link.


In addition, we have year 1914 ..start of World War 1.

Then books on TEN ...  Tensor space came out.




Thus year 1914 + Ten of tensor(e) spacetime --  Year 1924  with 14-year old Robert Franks

.... .number 14 refer-back to year 1914 and refer-back to Solar Cycle 14  interaction mechanisms that distort social science structure and brain SOFTWARE structure.


United Nations violations of Salt treaty result in death of Micheal Brown in Ferguson, Missouri

by Herb Zinser 12. October 2014 18:42

RD-blog-number-3988 by Herb Zinser reviews the UNITED NATION policy ERRORS ...  a CAUSE factor  -->  EFFECT   .. the unarmed Michael Brown code signal --> UNarmed --> subset letters--> UN,


UN Careers --> Un --> Unarmed Michael Brown and his career
United Nations

Why work at UN?

Why work at the UNconscious Mind level --> to create bull-stories to feed to math and science majors, engineers  and professors

Who we are · What we do · Where we are · Career support · Pay and benefits. What can I do at UN? What we ..


The United Nations at a Glance --> with Lance Armstrong
United Nations
This is the site for the United Nations at a Glance. Here you will find information and links on history, members, visitis, employement and other details.


The United Nations at a Glance --> General ledger
United Nations
This is the site for the United Nations at a Glance. Here you will find information and links on history, members, visitis, employement and other details.

The United Nations at a Glance --> extended DNA
United Nations
This is the site for the United Nations at a Glance. Here you will find information and links on history, members, visitis, employement and other details.

The United Nations at a Glance --> e = 2.718 natural number DNA
United Nations
This is the site for the United Nations at a Glance.
Here you will find information and links on history, members, visitis,

employement and other details.

Thus, Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE has a variety of dictionary word perceptions of this multi-faceted secret organization

Let's look at  the UN --> the Unconscious MIND expressions of  members of the Carl Jung collective UNconsciousness  GROUPS  ... who party, play music, play basketball,  etc

Let's look at  the UN --> and the Unarmed body language signal  of the Unconscious MIND expressions of Michael Brown.


Violation of nuclear arms control treaty


by Ferguson, Missouri results in death

of unarmed Micheal Brown.


Rd-blog-number-3987 by Herb Zinser reviews the  SALT TREATY   tragic signaing event from Ferguson, Missouri.

The periodic atomic  table  ....  ...sodium chloride SALT molecule treaty violations by the people of the St.Louis region resulted  in creation of the atomic bio-physics signaling EVENT.

The EVENT .....

Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, a young black man, was fatally shot by Darren Wilson  ...

Tracking the Events in the Wake of Michael Brown's New York Times

Aug 25, 2014 - A daily update of the unrest in Ferguson, Mo., that has followed the shooting of Michael Brown, 
an 18-year-old unarmed teenager, by a police ...

The EARTH LAB  water molecule structure known by lab specimen name Michael  Brown  was selected by Darwinian selection process to participate in the creation of a NATO Military message  ...... Nature's  ..... North Atlantic Treaty Organization  of salt water molecules   .... the enforcement of the sodium chloride SALT treaty among the huam population.

Above, he poses for a dinner table picture ..his SALT and PEPPER signal  to Nato Military molecules ..that  is

Nato Military 
N atoM --> N atoms ...Avogadro's number of military molecules 
The Mole and Avogadro's Constant - of California, Davis

Aug 4, 2014 - One mole of oxygen atoms contains 6.02214179×1023 oxygen atoms.
 The number 6.02214179×1023 alone is called Avogadro's number (N) ...
Introduction - ‎Applications of the Mole- ‎Applications - ‎Practice Problems

Hence, we see the important role  of 
Michael Brown
Mic.....el ...
atoMic element  agent Brown  working for Nature's Brownian Motion projects.

Einstein's Explanation of Brownian of Virginia

This applet demonstrates Brownian motion. the big particle  can be considered as a dust particle while the smaller particles can be considered as molecules of a .......

Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, ... At the time of his death,
 he was 6' 4" tall and weighed 292 lb .... and qualified as a Brownian motion big particle

Thus we look at the created messaging  EVENT more keywords ...

Darren Wilson ---> pointer to atomic physics --> Wilson hall in Batavia,  Illinois
Ferguson --> subset word --> Fer -->  pointer to FermiLAB

Fermilab | Visit Fermilab | Hours, Maps and Directions

Jun 13, 2014 - They may visit the ground, first, second and 15th floors of Wilson Hall Monday to Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The Fermilab Art Gallery is on Wilson ...

Hence, Darren Wilson is just a police representative for the periodic atomic table and the enforcement of the SALT TREATY in ST.Louis area.

Michael --> atomic name --> Micheal ..qualifies him for atomic, bio-physics LAW enforcement at the Carl Jung atomic collective LEVEL of the unconsciousness (atomic GROUP MIND) and atomic member Michael with Brownian motion 

Age 18 MIchael belongs to the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear families. ..the 18 families /columns of the table.
Part of the FermiLAB Wilson Hall ........ INTERNAL atomic SYMBOL  table is shown below  ..... with the EXTERNAL ..amplified ..... atomic human display device known as Michael Brown. .

Hence, a key message of the EVENT ..unarmed .... a reference to the Margaret Mead atomic bio-physics human cell nucleus  ..... AND  its  nuclear arms, elbows, mouth control treaty ..known as the SUMMIT treaty  or the sodium chloride SALT molecule treaty of the dinner table SALT & Pepper shakers.

Hence, Nature's perception of MIchael Brown  ..that he has no awareness  or self-awareness of Nature's  existence..that require down-to-earth people  ..... instead he and many others are music heads  OR live in a dream world ...a fantasy world  as promoted by the black community with Dr. King " I have a dream"

George Washington Carver  ..had a project plan that he worked on  VERSUS  a dream, singing, dancing, etc.

hence..we see the serious message of Nature in its creation of the EVENT.

Tracking the Events in the Wake of Michael Brown's New York Times
Aug 25, 2014 - A daily update of the unrest in Ferguson, Mo., that has followed the shooting of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old      unarmed    teenager, by a police ...

Let's look at the SYMBOL MACHINE translator...

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is  comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

The SYMBOL MACHINE translator...

Treaties & Agreements | Arms Control Association Control Association

This treaty establishes common international standards for regulating the international trade in conventional arms, and seeks to prevent and eradicate the illicit ...
Arms  control and the 
arms, elbows, hands of  unarmed  atomic Michael Brown 
 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to List of treaties and conventions related to arms control - Washington Naval Treaty, 1922-1939(as part ...Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, signed 1968, entered into force 1970; Seabed Arms Control Treaty, signed 1971, ...Enactment - ‎Enforcement - ‎Theory of Arms Control - ‎History

Nuclear Arms Control Treaties | atomic › Library

    • This section contains summaries of all the major arms-control treaties including: Limited Test Ban TreatyNuclearNon-Proliferation Treaty, Strategic Arms ..

      in other words ......

    • .This section contains summaries of all the major arms-control treaties including:

       Limited Testicles  Ban Treaty
      Cell Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 
      Strategic Arms of newspaper reporters, authors,  and other air heads ...

The molecular  cell biology  ..arms, elbows, mouth control treaty .....EARTH geography region shown below with St. Charles (Darwin) , Glen Carbon 12 atomic mass for Carbon Bl;ack human agents MIchael Brown,  John Dalton and Alton, Illinois  

John Dalton | Chemical Heritage Heritage Foundation

John Dalton was one of the most important people in the history of chemistry. He established a theory of atoms that he published in "A New System of Chemistry
hence, the unarmed code --> Un + arm + ed --> Un --> Unconscious mind education rising to a level of visible expression VIA Nature's brain engineering   .....  created....  messaging EVENT.



Hence, we see several factors involved in the Michael Brown situation  .... factors omitted from the incomplete newspaper  accounts of the EVENT.


Joan Rivers dies in the Missouri River --> stream of conscious wars

by Herb Zinser 9. October 2014 12:32

RD-blog-number-3996 by Herb Zinser reviews the accidental  death of Joan Rivers .... caused by her disrespect  for Nature's STREAMS of Consciousness and the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness   GROUP MIND problems.



Joan Rivers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joan Alexandra Molinsky (June 8, 1933 – September 4, 2014), known as Joan Rivers, was an American actress, comedian, writer, producer, and television host ...

Joan Alexandra Molinsky[8] (June 8, 1933 – September 4, 2014), known as Joan Rivers, was an American actress, comedian, writer, producer, and television host noted for her often controversial comedic persona — where she was alternately self-deprecating or sharply acerbic, especially toward celebrities and politicians.




Rivers came to prominence in 1965 as a guest on The Tonight Show. Hosted by her mentor,
Johnny (carbon atom ... organic chemistry expression system --> social chemsitry) Carson
, the show established Rivers' comedic style. In 1986, with her own rival program, The Late Show with Joan Rivers, Rivers became the first woman to host a late night network television talk show. She subsequently hosted The Joan Rivers Show (1989-1993), winning a Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Talk Show Host.




As the author of  (carbon 12 atomic mass communications)  12 best-selling memoir and humor books and numerous comedy albums, Rivers was nominated in 1984 for a Grammy Award for her album What Becomes a Semi-Legend Most? and was nominated in 1994 for the Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play for her performance of the title role in Sally Marr...and her escorts.






Mole (unit) and Joan Molinsky  - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mole is a unit of measurement used in chemistry to express amounts of a chemical substance, defined as the amount of any substance that contains as many ...

Molinsky (unit) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Molinsky  is a unit of  measurement used in  social chemistry to express amounts of a chemical substance, defined as the amount of any substance that contains as many ...


On August 28, 2014, Rivers experienced serious complications and stopped breathing during a routine throat procedure at a clinic in Yorkville, Manhattan.[99] She was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital and put into a medically induced coma after reportedly suffering cardiac arrest.[100] On August 30, she was put on life support.[101]

On September 1, 2014, Rivers' physicians had reportedly begun trying to bring her out of the coma,[102] and she was moved to a private room on September 3, still without a prognosis.[103] The following day, September 4, Rivers died at 1:17 pm EDT.[104] The exact cause of death was still undetermined after two days, while more tests had been ordered.[105]




Her funeral took place on September 7, 2014 at Temple Emanu-El in Manhattan






On August 28, 2014, Rivers experienced serious complications   ........

 stream of con·scious·ness

noun: stream of consciousness; plural noun: streams of consciousness; modifier noun: stream-of-consciousness
  1. a person's thoughts and conscious reactions to events, perceived as a continuous flow. The term was introduced by William James in his Principles of Psychology (1890).
    • a literary style in which a character's thoughts, feelings, and reactions are depicted in a continuous flow uninterrupted by objective description or conventional dialogue. James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and Marcel Proust are among its notable early exponents.




Syracuse, N.Y. -- The ear, nose and throat doctor whose care of the late comedian Joan Rivers is under scrutiny went to medical school in Syracuse  .... currently involved in the super-symmetry bio-physics wars and language awarensss wars.


RiversJoan.jpgJoan Rivers 

Dr. Gwen Korovin, a New York City otolaryngologist who has treated many celebrities such as Celine Dion and Mick Jagger for voice problems, received her medical degree in 1984 from Upstate Medical University. Korovin, a Brooklyn native, received her undergraduate degree from Cornell.


The website TMZ has identified Korovin as one of the doctors who did a routine operation on Rivers Aug. 28 at a clinic in Manhattan.



--> Syr

--> transformed into the Physical WAR ...SYRIA in EARTH geography region known as the Middle EAST. 




Let's look at another blog post .....   that mentions Joan Rivers and her ability to access to  certain parts of Nature's data streams   ... resulting in her communications style.


Communications theory

Archduke Ferdinand year 1914 and Michael Brown year 2014

October 9, 2014

RD-blog-number-3994 by Herb Zinser   reviews the  information  STRING THEORY death of Michael  Brown in  Ferguson, Missouri in year 2014 ..100 years after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.   As they say " History repeats itself".






Let's look at another blog post that outlines the situation     .. the blog post  here  ..has some  enhancements ... additional factors..  


Continuum message reports in the news

Michael Brown EVENT architecture

and the St.Louis arch continuum



Michael Brown EVENT architecture  and the St.Louis arch continuum SIGN CODE

Rd-blog-number-3940 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature's system architecure  LANDMARK sites  .... that in additon to their physical structure ... are symbols of Nature's system software architecture.



by D GIFFORD - ‎1987 - ‎Cited by 40 - ‎Related articles

Why has the IBM System/360-370 architecture been so success- ful for so long? Case-study edi- tors David Gifford and Alfred. Spector sought to answer this.

IBM System 370 Reference Summary

Northern Illinois University



machine information summarized from the IBM System/370. Principles of Operation ... to IBM System/370 Extended Architecture Principles of. Operation ...

Thus computer science...we have the physical architecture of copper-wire main frames with printed circuit boards ..... 
but we  also have  system software architecture  ..... SYMBOLS MACHINE  langauges and number systems, etc.


Hence, the St.Louis arch represents many things    ... Nature's systems ,  the continuum, and the creation of the  Michael Brown tragic signaling EVENT ... known as --> EVENT architecture.


 Let's look at the EVENT of INTEREST ....


Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, a young black man, was fatallyshot by Darren Wilson ...


First, let's look at 100 year signal   contained in the  SYMBOL MACHINE software architecture of the St.Louis event in year 2014. 

Franz Ferdinand and Sophie, Sarajevo, 1914 -

Life Magazine



Archduke Franz Ferdinand (seated, in hat) and his wife, Sophie, on the day they were assassinated, Sarajevo, June 28, 1914.


Let's look at the SYMBOL MACHINE  mapping from the SOURCE domain EVENT in year 1914  to year 2014.


Keywords and concept analysis .........
Year 1914 World War 1 --> pointers to modern times
----> Arch  + Duke -->  Arch + Du + Ke  
--> pointers to political science systems software architecture  Du ---> .project DUE   .......
and  economic sytems software project Ke = Keyesian economic methods
----> Arch  + Duke -->  Arch + Duke --> Alan Sokal and the  Science war architecture and Duke University  

Duke University

Duke University



Official gateway to information about the assassination of the ARch Duke .....  and online resources of Duke University, a private research university located in Durham NC = human  Numerical Control systems area , USA.


  Durham, NC 27708 --> code Dur --> Data uranium 238 and Maragret Mead atomic social sciences region


----> Arch  + Duke -->  St.Louis ARCH  and their citizen  failure to acknowledge existence and history
 Archduke Ferdinand  --> code Fer --> Ferguson, Missouri with the St.Louis ARCH

 In addition, the year 1914 EVENT has other pointers ...

Let's look at the SYMBOL MACHINE  mapping from the SOURCE domain EVENT in year 1914  to Sarah Ferguson of the Royal Family.

Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, 1914
Eye witness account of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. ... Two bullets fired on a Sarajevo street on a sunny June morning in 1914 
Ferdinand --> Fer _-> mapping to Ferguson 
Sarajevo --> Sara --> mapping to Sarah 

Hence, the Sarah Ferguson   message processing system in Great Britain.



Sarah, Duchess of York - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Duchess_of_York
Sarah Margaret Ferguson is the second daughter of Major Ronald Ferguson ... ridicule contributing to her further estrangement from the BritishRoyal Family.



Sarah Ferguson  and Ferguson, Missouri ..... flies in from the cold as Queen invites her to ... › News › Royal
Daily Express
Aug 11, 2013 - However, a royal insider revealed that on those occasions Sarah wasn't ... had to face the Queen and the rest of the Royal Family at breakfast.



Now, let;s look at the year 2014  SYMBOL MACHINE  view of the St. Louis, Missouri and its Computer Earth information systems.... their  proper noun code words .
Missouri --> geoagraphy   state  and a STATE of MIND (Missouri)
Missouri River codes --> Miss Rive --> Managemant Information social schemes  ... (River--> ) streams of cosnciousness used by Joan  Rivers for her  comedy routines based upon her SECRET ....

Joan Rivers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Joan Alexandra Molinsky (June 8, 1933 – September 4, 2014), known as Joan Rivers, was an American actress, comedian, writer, producer, and television host ...

known as Joan Rivers
known as Joan Rivers
known as Join  Rivers  --> The geography joining of the Missouri River, Mississippi Rive, and the Ohio Rive ...and their information flow    .. similair to  the  Sam Clemens ...  Mark Twain information science books ... the BAL books on Basic Assembler Language from HanniBAL, MIS ......  EARTH system processing languages  ..... ... later used by IBM and other companies .


Year 1914 --->

+ 100 years 
Year 2014 





Black Forest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A map of Germany, showing the outlines of the Black Forest in green. .... (the Black Forest was one of the most important mining regions of Europe circa 1100) ...


 Hence, we see Nature's BOTANY government  ..  (the Germination of cellulose seeds)  assigned to be represented by the German human people. 


Let's look at additional signals from St.Louis  ..... translated using  Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE .
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel


tyle="text-align: left;">---> Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds


Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, a young black man, was fatally shot by Darren Wilson ...


Keywords .....
Michael  Brown --> Brownian   motion 

Brownian motion - The Free Dictionary



The random movement of microscopic particles suspended in a liquid or gas, caused by collisions with molecules of the surrounding medium. Also called ...



Einstein's Explanation of Brownian Motion

University of Virginia



This applet demonstrates Brownian motionthe big particle can be considered as a dust particle while the smaller particles can be considered as molecules of a ...



 caused by collisions with molecules of the surrounding medium. Also called ...
caused by collisions with molecules of the surrounding medium. Also called ...
caused by social science  collisions with  human  molecules (Darren Wilson)  of the surrounding medium ( the Earth existential space/time  medium and its contents ..including molecule human agents and their molecular  social behavior and molecular emotions). Also called ...


EVENT keywords ....
Ferguson --> Fer  ---> FermiLAB
Darren Wilson --> Wilson Hall in Batavia, Illinios 
Darren Wilson --> Darren --> Da + arry + en --> Data array of atomic energy and atomic english language
Thus we see  Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and  EARTH LANGUAGE  
communication architecture from ST. Louis to Batavia, Illinois   ... whose messages are ignored by high school and college graduates in the United States.  Graduates communicate on cell phones with their wives and girlfriends about restaurant menus and movies. ... the  most serious  matters  of life.
Thus, in year 2014, we see the lack of concern about the Micahel Brown  situation  .....  but alot of talk and demonstartions ..... proving they are to INTELLECTUALLY  lazy to go the ST. Louis main public library   ... history and science sections  .. ..and figure out  the 
MISSOURI  -->  MIS informations factors that are clues to understand Nature's  Darwinian selection of the big particle --->  Michael Brown  and his SCIENCE WAR message.


  • Theories of BS --> Bull-Story explanations about the Micahel Brown situation 




Hence, we see that the death of Joan Rivers involved many factors .  Her verBAL --> BAL = Basic Assembler Language powers  and her access to future streams of consciousness   AND her lack of respect for the  C.P.SNOW " TWO CULTURES" lecture in year 1959   ... and her failure to acknowledge the current SCIENCE WARs and super-symmetry existential physics  .....   perhaps, Nature's systems ordered her accidental  death  ... so others in the communications industry understand  Nature's human bio-computer routines and their powers over LIFE and DEATH.




Gulf of TonKin messages

by Herb Zinser 9. September 2014 09:55

RD-blog-number-3837 by Herb Zinser.


Analysis of the data reports of the year 1964 Gulf of Tonkin signaling EVENT shows outstanding messages continue to remain unaswered in year 2014.

Let's review some astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth project plan)  for Cambridge University in England.


The foundation of the EVENT started in year 1959 ......  with the intellectual communications  GULF ... a SYMBOL MACHINE language problem that gets mapped to physical reality and creates physical CONFLICTS.  The physical biology geography  conflicts provide EARTH systems feedback signals  .. data signals that help understand .., and can help solve  .......   the intellectual wars.


Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities of the geography surface of EARTH. 


The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.


Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:

A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]

I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]


In 2008, The Times Literary Supplement included The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution in its list of the 100 books that most influenced Western public discourse since the Second World War.[2]


C. P. Snow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He is best known for his series of novels known collectively as Strangers and Brothers,
and for The Two Cultures, a 1959 lecture in which

he laments the gulf ...


Gulf of Tonkin 1964 - History Learning Site › The Vietnam War
The Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 led to America's full-scale military support for the ... the Gulf of Tonkin was viewed by the American government as an act of war.




Persian Gulf Wars | › ... › Asia and AfricaMiddle Eastern History
The First Persian Gulf War, also known as the Gulf War, Jan.–Feb., 1991, was an armed conflict between Iraq and a coalition of 39 nations including the United ...


The war is also known under other names, such as the Persian Gulf War, First Gulf War, Gulf War I, Kuwait War, First Iraq War, or Iraq War before the term "Iraq ...
in other words ............. the deeper levels that underlie  REALITY

The C.P.SNOW  .....  the   Gulf between 2 schools of thought  results in several  GULF Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The war is also known under other names, such as the Persian Gulf War, First Gulf War, Gulf War I, Kuwait War, First Iraq War, or Iraq War before the term "Iraq ...

International Bureau of Weights and Measures - Wikipedia ...
The other organisations that maintain the SI system, also known by their French initialisms are the General Conference on Weights and Measures (French: ...

Gulf of Ton --> 


Gulf of Tonkin incident


Gulf of Tonkin incident


Gulf of Tonkin incident

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident (Vietnamese: Sự kiện Vịnh Bắc Bộ), also known as the USS Maddox Incident, is the name given to two separate confrontations involving North Vietnam and the United States in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. On August 2, 1964, the destroyer USS Maddox, while performing a signals intelligence patrol as part of DESOTO operations, engaged three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats of the 135th Torpedo Squadron.[1] A sea battle resulted, in which the Maddox expended over two hundred and eighty 3-inch and 5-inch shells, and in which four USN F-8 Crusader jet fighter bombers strafed the torpedo boats. One US aircraft was damaged, one 14.5 mm round hit the destroyer, three North Vietnamese torpedo boats were damaged, and four North Vietnamese sailors were killed and six were wounded; there were no U.S. casualties.[5]

It was originally claimed by the National Security Agency that the second Tonkin Gulf incident occurred on August 4, 1964, as another sea battle, but instead may have involved "Tonkin ghosts"[6] (false radar images) and not actual NVN torpedo boat attacks.

The outcome of these two incidents was the passage by Congress of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which granted President Lyndon B. Johnson the authority to assist any Southeast Asian country whose government was considered to be jeopardized by "communist aggression." The resolution served as Johnson's legal justification for deploying US conventional forces and the commencement of open warfare against North Vietnam.

In 2005, an internal National Security Agency historical study was declassified; it concluded[7] that the Maddox had engaged the North Vietnamese Navy on August 2, but that there were no North Vietnamese Naval vessels present during the incident of August 4. The report stated regarding August 2:





Stephen Hawking: “The Absence of Event Horizons Means ...
Jan 25, 2014 - Stephen Hawking has set the world of physics back on its heels by reversing his lifetime's work and a pillar of modern physics claiming that ...

Below, an astrophysics  EARTH LAB event horizon  signal  ....



Below, another event horizon signal   ... message for DEEPWATER undercover agents in water molecule dermatology packing FORMAT ...  and that have DEEP thoughts

Deepwater Horizon oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill, the BP oil disaster, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and the Macondo blowout) began on 20 April ...
Cause: Wellhead blowout
Date: Spill date: 20 April – 15 July 2010; ...



DEEPWATER HORIZON --> code --> DEEP + WATER + Hoirizon  -->  DEEP thougths  + water molecule package + event horizon concepts ....








An astrophysics EARTH LAB specimen that meets the above description is the British  humanoid .... shown below.



Notice his MAX BORN bio-physics time origination point ...  year 1942.



 The Gulf of Tonkin Incident (Vietnamese: Sự kiện Vịnh Bắc Bộ), also known as the USS Maddox Incident, is the name given to two separate confrontations involving North Vietnam and the United States in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. On August 2, 1964, the destroyer USS Maddox, while performing a signals intelligence patrol ..............




Date August 2, 1964

Gulf of Tonkin
19°42′N 106°46′E

Coordinates: 19°42′N 106°46′E

Result Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; escalation of the War in Vietnam



Coordinates: 19°42′N

Coordinates: 19°42′N

Coordinates: 19°42′N  --> signal for TIME coordinates year 1942  ...... space/time  science students ...such as Hawking

Gulf of Tonkin incident


Gulf of Ton  ......  incident about the equation --->

mass + gravity = Weight

Before 1964 message  ..... the  previous message of weights / pounds  AND   financial units (British pound)    .......


Paris Review - The Art of Poetry No. 5, Ezra Pound
The Paris Review
Since his return to Italy, Ezra Pound has spent most of his time in the Tirol, staying at ... It must be thirty or thirty-five years since you have written any poetry outside the Cantos, ...... Ezra Pound, A Prison-Letter, An Autobiographical Outline ... › Poems & Poets
Poetry Foundation
Of all the major literary figures in the twentieth century, Ezra Pound has been one of ... them when they are attacked, he gets them into magazines and out of jail.

The heavy thought  messenger of the GULF of TON  ..... was LB ...   the abbreviation for pounds.


Lyndon B. Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Assassination of President John F. Kennedy - Lyndon Baines Johnson often referred to as LBJ, was the 36th President of the United States ...

Thus .....  in year 2014 ..... we see that Cambridge Universities and other universities have  a communications VOID  ... a result of some brain vacuum  region that continues its existence because of university arrogance attitudes.  



Hubble Space Telescope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Impact on astronomy - [edit]. Depiction of progress in the detection of the early Universe. Evolution of detecting the early Universe. Many objective ...

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE  communications LINK has been established for the 1964 GULF  of TONKIN   ..........

word and number codes --> year 1964 --> double-word 64 --> 32 + 32 Computer Earth parallel processing systems capability

World --> Gulf of TonKIN --> TON   .......LINK to Hubble projects .... -->  Hubble + TON -->  Earth communications HUB ........ region of Hubbleton, Wisconsin  ==>


1929: Edwin Hubble Discovers the Universe is Expanding ...
Carnegie Institution for Science
When Edwin Hubble was hired to work at Mount Wilson Observatory in 1919 ... Institution of Washington) as a junior astronomer, the most pressing question of ... modern word applications in year 2014  ...
Carnegie Institution for Science
When Edwin Hubble was hired to work at Mount Wilson Observatory in 1919 ... Institution of Washington) as a junior astronomer, the most pressing question of ...
When Edwin Hubble was hired to work at Mount Wilson Observatory in 1919 
When   ..... win Hubble was hired to work at Mount Wilson Observatory in 1919 
When Darwin  &  Hubble was hired to work at   FermiLAB ... Wilson Observatory  with potassium (K)  atomic number 19 proton and 19 electrons  ... and asked to use K --> thinK  of   Higwhay 19 and county road K near Watertown  and Hubbleton.

Above,  FermiLAB  (Wilson  Hall  ... known as the atomic Wilson observatory in Batavia ,Illinois near Chicago )  established  a LINK to the astronomy Wilson observatory of year 1929 .... hence, the construction of the  Wilson continuum  --> atomic to astrophysics information/communications continuum.


 Thus we see the astronomy WAR book ....and the HUBBLE (TON) EARTH war zone with nearby Cambridge, Wisconsin  ...... the nearby Keck Observatory on MAIN STREET in Watertown, Wisconsin, etc.   Cambridge University denies the existence of these possible expressions of Nature's systems engineers.



sea battle resulted, in which the Maddox expended over two hundred and eighty 3-inch and 5-inch shells, and in which four USN F-8 Crusader jet fighter bombers strafed the torpedo boats. One US aircraft was damaged, one 14.5 mm round hit the destroyer, three North Vietnamese torpedo boats were damaged, and four North Vietnamese sailors were killed and six were wounded; there were no U.S. casualties





Thus we have c = 186,000 and the SYMBOL/Concept photon city within the velocity of light. 



see optics battle resulted, in which the Maddox (Mad --> Madison Wisconsin)  expended over two hundred and eighty 3-inch and 5-inch shells, and in which four DNA USN F-8 Crusader jet fighter bombers strafed the torpedo boats. One US aircraft was damaged, one 14.5 mm round hit the destroyer, three North Vietnamese (North Vie --> North View) torpedo boats were damaged, and four North Vietnamese sailors were killed and six were wounded; there were no U.S. casualties




Thus ...we understand the myopic ... limited optical abilities at Cambridge  ...... hence, the lack of diplomatic communications with serious thinkers that are NOT part of their inbred circle.


M-theory physics and biochemistry battle at the Fort Hood ARMY base for bacteriophage M13 leaves 13 dead

by Herb Zinser 15. December 2013 21:10

M-theory physics of the Science Wars explains
M (Military) - theory expressions of atomic human bio-computer brain
- - >the symbol languages battlefield at Fort Hood
- - -> the alliance of biochemistry Major Hasan, Fort Campbell biochemistry,
and M-theory physics warns the world about the ARMY brain bacteriophage M13 dead.






M-theory and the  atomic  bio-physics  M13   WAR  at Fort Hood, Texas. ..Nancy Jo Trun,J. E. Trempy - 2004 - Medical - 287 pages
This prophage bears striking resemblance to M13 and other filamentous phage. ... sensitive bacterial species. tion/modification system and Ecoli C does not.

Bacteriophage M13,   M13mp Vectors - BCH5425 Molecular Biology ...
The bacteriophage known as "M13" forms the basis of cloning systems designed to ... Pilus is a bacterial surface structure of Ecoli which harbor the "F factor" ...

M13mp Vectors - BCH5425 Molecular Biology ...

Now let's consider  the Darwinian evolution of  the  MP  concept.  
We have various levels of  existence of size and format  ...atomic,  biochemistry, and  humamoid. 
The periodic atomic table has many formats of expressions. One such FORMAT are atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans are thus considered as representatives or messengers or business LAB partners working with the atomic/astrophysics continuum, its life, and the thought formats within it.



The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.



Therefore some political protests, crimes, shootings, wars, etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/ the human atomic feelings expressor/ the human atomic messenger.
Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and chemistry textbooks. The families comprise vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought. Thus we have the atomic family ... social anthropology shootings at EARTH LAB geography sites. Let's look some at some of the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ...... and let's identify some atomic elements and their messages to atomic humans at EARTH LAB geography locations. There are 18 vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of intellectual life .... a few elements will be covered in this article.


The periodic atomic government representatives for the dinner table salt molecule are the Clinton's from Arkansas. Margaret Mead atomic anthropology and the salt molecule treaty with atomic humanoid structures is best expressed by the social science chemistry formula signal ...EXAMPLE:


NaCl = sodium chloride
NaCl = North america Clintons
NaCl = North america Clinton, President in 1994

How did the Fort Hood tragedy occur? 
Let's consider the atomic origin of bacteria and disease.
Since these nasty  structures are composed of atoms  and atomic English alphabet letters and the mathematics equations of life ......we then consider the  Pentagon situation at Fort Hood Nature's LAB HOOD ....with messages about  atomic bio-physics disease at the SOLDIER READ Center .....and if they read  the Fort  Campbell, KY  textbook on  biochemistry military components    of brand name KY  and researcher/author of
(Math array agent) --> Mary  Campbell. 
Thus we see an outline of a message from Nature  about social engineering and brain engineering and the Pentagon awareness problems ... caused by educational system propaganda and   university biased nonsense ........distorted explanations and biased  perceptions  that are approved  by citizen /government policy   and corporation policy.
Let's review some components of the SIGNAL.
--> M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified.
String 11 --> S 11  --> the Sept b11, 2001  bio-physics battle battle  in New York...known as Phase 2 of the MP --> Manhattan Project --> the World Trade Center and the Manhattan Project ERROR  in Margaret  Mead nuclear family - atomic anthroplogy conflicts with  Department of Energy and Washington,DC.  intellectual omissions and intellectual  voids.

Bacteriophage M13,   M13mp Vectors - BCH5425 Molecular Biology .


--> Military police (MP)  are police organizations connected with, or part of, 
the military of a state 

Military police (MP)  are organizations connected military of a state 


  1. States of Mind 

 - Similar
    Everyone tends to move in and out of various states of mind throughout the day. At times you might experience a sad state and at other times happy states etc.

    Quantum state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
    Quantum States of mind ...the atomic brain and self-awareness 

 - Similar
    In physics, a quantum state is a set of mathematical variables that maximally describes a quantum system, but not fully. For example, the state of an electron ...
    1. All Entangled Quantum States Are Nonlocal 
      The entangled  STATE of TEXAS  and Texas brain cell concepts

      by F Buscemi - 2012 - Cited by 1
      entanglement theory, we study here the interconversion of quantum states by means ... transformation between two given quantum states is given in terms of the ...

    1. Markov Systems 

      Jump to Markov Systems, State Transition Diagram, Transition Matrix‎: If a Markov system is in state i, ... is called a transition probability.

States of Being  --> Biochemistry life in humans and Nature's biochemistry governmental  systems.

Thus Darwin evolution ...the next level of MP --> Biochemistry MP Vectors  ...that used a human vehicle/human agent as the  MP vector expressor /the MP vector delivery messenger  for the  NEW, Virgin Technology   from Virginia TECH and the EAST Coast nonsense  social science, political science  and  and theology schools of intellectual arrogance, intellectual manipulation,  and neglect of responsibility for Central Nervous System 370 abstract  brain and optical bio-computer  ... symbolic data processing systems and their needed   quality control standards.


 Thus we see the deeper levels of  Nature  .... and Nature's  expressions and messages VIA the  Earth Lab  humanoid speciment.  This proicess has been well known since year  1865.



Lewis Carroll and the Virginia TECH student brain experiments...experiments in awareness of the social structure of Nature and the Earth government with subset human governments and institutions.

LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?

The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:

"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."

Thus the student guinea-pigs used by the modern EARTH LAB educational system...with the puppet strings as predicted by STRING THEORY physics ...about the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...the atomic brain intellect and the atomic social anthropology systems of Nature.

Guess what ...between year 1865 and year 2011.....there is a 90% probabality your atomic brain has been mostly captured. The primary symptom of a human guinea-pig denial of the situation and denial of the possibility. George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and a few others escaped the intellectual jail.....and their symbolic books sent us serious messages. 


 Thus we see the usage by DARPA and others...of  the  Hasan guinea-pig at Fort  LAB Hood  .... and the subsequent cover-up by the newspapers ...who fail to mention the Lewis Carroll experiments.  The University of Texas  is honored to LIE about the  more TRUE NATURE of the Fort Hood tragedy;  thus the  LIE of Liege, Belgium tragedy ......... world-wide...... university officials and their people  invent Hollywood style explanations of  social science REALITY  ...   primarily .. incomplete explanations that omit details about the deeper  atomic and biochemistry  and symbolic life  ERRORS  .... CAUSES behind the tragic EFFECT.



WE must remind ourselves of additional concepts and  the U.S.ARMY WAR College warnings 

Herbert Spencer 

  1. Herbert Spencer's Theory of Causation*
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    by GH Smith - Cited by 2 - Related articles
    In An Autobiography Herbert Spencer recalls that he "early became pos- sessed by the ..... the correspondence between our ideas and unknowable reality? Since we are ... adjustment of internal relations to external relati~ns."~Un organism is ...

    Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes. .... life will be—The continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.



The U.S. ARMY WAR College ........... The Mind has no Firewall ...

  1. The Mind Has No Firewall - US Army War College 

    From Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.

    by TL THOMAS - 1998 - Cited by 20 - Related articles
    The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, ...


 Thus we have the TL  Thomas --> Time Line equation  from 1998 + the 11-dimensions of string theory  = year 2009 tragic event.

Supported by a network of institutes and academies, Solntsev has produced some interesting concepts.[8] He insists that man must be viewed as an open system instead of simply as an organism or closed system. As an open system, man communicates with his environment through information flows and communications media. One's physical environment, whether through electromagnetic, gravitational, acoustic, or other effects, can cause a change in the psycho-physiological condition of an organism, in Solntsev's opinion. Change of this sort could directly affect the mental state and consciousness of a computer operator. This would not be electronic war or information warfare in the traditional sense, but rather in a nontraditional and non-US sense. It might encompass, for example, a computer modified to become a weapon by using its energy output to emit acoustics that debilitate the operator. It also might encompass, as indicated below, futuristic weapons aimed against man's "open system." 

 One's physical environment  AND  symbolic words, math equation, and atomic brain intellectual  environment  ...., whether through electromagnetic, gravitational, acoustic, or other effects 

--> we must extend that to one's internal
 biochemistry  system ...that  is a system of Mother Nature ...and Mother Nature does not like all the nonsense  intellectual ERRORS from universities  funded  and approved by Washington, DC.  Thus we see Nature express itself  ...... that alien thoughts  OR bull-stories are unacceptable standards of citizen  or military thoughts.  The denial of the existence of the Alan Sokal SCIENCE WARS   ...and the  extensive  volume of  battle field reports  that are ignored by the public , the news media, universities, and government agencies  ...all who claim awareness of "How the World Works".


---> whether through electromagnetic ...the   EM battle of  the Milwaukee region television and radio errors ..resulted in the SiKH   brain/temple shooting signal ...... 

SiKH --> S + interface + KH ---> Spectrum interface KHZ wavelength/frequency  intials printed on the dashboard of n every radio console..........  the brilliant cellular phone  people of Milwaukee  can console  the relatives of the dead ..consequences of the FCC communication war.   Thus the radio console KHZ   WAR  signal  to Asia and America  ...death authorized by the communication commission.


Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 


The Fort Hood shooting was a shooting that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, the most populous U.S. military installation in the world, located just ...

M13 infection and replication
M13 infection and replication 
M13 infection and replication

Topic: Fort Hood Shootings |The Texas Tribune
10+ items – 5, 2009, killed 13 people and left 31 wounded. Military police ...

M13 Phage 
M13 Phage
M13 Phage


Introduction to Vectors Derived from Filamentous Phages - Current ... 

by D Greenstein - Cited by 2 - Related articles
Current Protocols - The Fine Art of Experimentation ... Figure 1.14.1 M13mp18 is one of the 
M13mp vectors made by Messing and colleagues. Insertion of DNA ...

M13 Phage 
M13 Phage
M13 Phage
M13 infection and replication

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology ---> casualties

Phage packaging 
---> Fort Hood  military 13 --> M13 coffins

  • Major coat protein (Gene VIII) present in E. coli membrane  represented by Major Hasan 

  • Packaging process is therefore not linked to any size constraint of the M13 genome 

Transfer cases containing the remains of soldiers killed in the shooting being loaded aboard an aircraft for flight to
Dover   Air   Force  Base
The Fine Art of Experimentation ... above .......
  1. M13mp vectors 
  2. made by Messing and colleagues. Insertion of DNA ...

made by messing = mess + ing = messsage processing
insertion of DNA --> Dover North America messages waiting .......
Soldier READ Center ..ought read some science war books ...... 
message to  DOVER  air Force base  of  (MOUTH/ear/talk/ babble and bragg thinkers in  WASHINGTON,  d.c.  ought improve the accuracy of their explanations of tragic EVENTS ). Recommended  for
  • Math and Science Books: Classic scientific and ... - Dover  Publications

 - Similar
    Featured Authors Einstein, Feynman & Others Dover publishes works by the ... across all disciplines, including biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics.
  • Mathematical Tools for Physics - Dover Publications

    Having the right answer doesn't guarantee understanding. This book helps physics students learn to take an informed and intuitive approach to solving ...

    M13mp vectors 
    made by Messing and colleagues. Insertion of DNA ...

    made by messing = mess + ing = messsage processing  ---> 
        1. Dover Publications   --->  signal to Dover Air  and the Pentagon librarian  ......... a  message reminder

  • Current Protocols - The Fine Art of Experimentation ... Figure 1.14.1 M13mp18 is one of the 
    M13mp vectors 

Protocol  errors ... 
Experiment errors
................col  errors  ....message list for military  study

................columbine READ Center  -->  library shooting




 On 5 November 13 people were killed and 30 injured in the worst mass shooting at a military base in the United States. This is a timeline of events surrounding the carnage at Fort Hood in Texas.

 Thus we see the atomic mass shooting signal from the Office of Science ...regarding the Science Wars and the biochemistry  LEVEL  of the war ...that

uses the Darwin biochemistry military selection process  ...modeled after the U.A.ARMY ....


  1. Understanding  Selection, by Charles Darwin - Classic ... 


    This essay is an excerpt from chapter four of the first edition of Charles Darwin's.
  1. - Similar
    The Selective Service System is a means by which the United States ... Conscripts could volunteer for military service in the Regular Army for a term of four years ...

    Natural selection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

 - Similar
    Jump to Darwin's theory‎: In 1859, Charles Darwin set out his theory of evolution by natural selection as an explanation for adaptation and speciation ...

    Charles Darwin - Descent of Man 

 - Similar
    Jan 22, 2011 – Descent of Man [ 1871]. Charles Darwin [ 1809 - 1882 ] ... Part Two - Chapter VIII - Principles ...

  1. Soldier Read  Processing Center - Fort Hood, TX 

    Installation Soldier Readiness Processing Center Building 42000. Mission Statement Our mission is to conduct FORSCOM Power Projection Platform operations ...
    On 5 November 13



M13 Phage
M13 Phage - Similar

Charles Darwin - Descent of Man 
Jan 22, 2011 – Descent of Man [ 1871] 


  1. ] 

    M13mp Vector/  Host System To take advantage of the features of M13
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    Dr. Messing has created several variants of M13 for the purpose of generating ... These are referred to as M13mp vectors. To .... The Mt3mp-series vectors are ...  



- The Soldier Readiness Center

Thus we see an interesting puzzle ...... that the U.S.ARMY  War College ought consider. 
Thus we have the atomic / biochemistry / string theory continuum DISPLAY a tragic message    VIA  humans. 

The modern Science Wars .......involve levels of existence and perception/ schools of thought    / Margaret Mead atomic anthropology conflicts   VS the enemy.....bull-stories and incomplete explanations by  the millions of citizens  who do not have SERIOUS thoughts.   Thinking about sports and pizza and beer are not  the intellectual elements of citizenship needed by any government  in the world. 

Welcome to Brave New World, 1984,  and Future Shock.   Please pay attention...... someday.    The world does not wish to interrupt your present happiness  and laughter with serious matters.   However, those few individuals that have pride in their ability to think things out ....may... consider the above concepts as an outline of some message from Nature ..that we ought clarify.   Serious people can join me in fixing the Science War mess.



The Gabby Giffords shootout in Arizona reflects the Gabby Hayes world-wide English language WAR

by Herb Zinser 15. December 2013 20:42

The Gabby Gillford tragedy in Arizona is part of the
world wide English language war involving Gabby Hayes.
The Arziona cover-up of the event with incomplete explanations
of CAUSE and EFFECT. NASA involved in NASTY Social Science wars.






    Gabrielle Giffords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    Gabrielle Dee "GabbyGiffords (born June 8, 1970) is an American politician. . On January 8, 2011, Giffords was a victim of a shooting near Tucson, which was ...




The English alphabet post office the symbolic universe message delivery system  to  the human  STATE of MIND = AZ (Arizona).

In the  original world...the EARTH physical geography world ..... a  geography state comprised of soil, mountains, land existed in the Southwestern part of the United States of North  America.   Then came into being ...the world of proper nouns, words, symbols .....and the word   Arizona  was the 1st brain association with that geography map region.  Thus ...children in grammer school learn the most elementary foundation necessary for existence in REALITY ...... the primorial LINK  betweeen actual  geography land and rivers of water   AND   alphabet symbols stored in the brain.

AS we grow adults .....various concepts / definitions levels  are associated  with the ONE and ONLY one word -->  ARIZONA  and its brain postal office .... symbolic address  AZ the bio-computer brain world.

 ARIZONA levels of thought and perception-->

1) geography

2) Arizona phonetic genes of genetics 
and the parallel social genes..... messages


    arizona jeans company | Arizona Jeans
    The Arizona Jean company is well-known for making relaxed, omfortable clothing that boasts style and affordability.

 Is Gabby a representative of cotton textile secret languages of colors, patterns, styles of jeans, shirts,  etc....that have social engineering vectors commands to the eye/ optical nerve ...the photon data stream of consciousness with the brain symbolic/graphic arts  governmental thoughts.






396 × 328 - Opponents of Arizona's new anti-immigrant law are calling for a boycott of the state's products – including


Above, we have the North Pole/ Ice Arctic Circle .... magnetic DATA FIELD interaction with the iron Hemoglobin proteins within the atomic bio-physics structure of Fe = Ferrous oxide Fe=Female Gabby and her self-awareness as a subset bio-physics structure living in EARTH LAB as a subset of Nature's continuum of the magnetic field and the gravity field.

ARIZONA   ICED ( Arctic Circle ICE and magnetic field)  TEA Variety (school TEACHER varieties of MOTHER NATURE's  social and political science systems) 


4)  Phoenix .....Arizona  .....1968 algebraic subsets of language 
 ........oe nix     Ari  --> order entry nixon arrival

Phoenix ...arise form the ashes of the Vietnam WAR

Phoenix (mythology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
Phoenix depicted in the book of mythological creatures by F.J. Bertuch ... and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises...

What does the phrase 'Rise from the ashes of the Phoenix' mean › ... › Famous Speeches › Famous QuotationsCached - Similar
In mythology, 
phoenix is an immortal bird that,

when it dies, 

bursts into flames and is reborn from its own ashes. "To rise from the ashe

 Thus...we see the message repeated the immortal bird (air planes)  of SEPT 2001.

The universities ought study English at Virginia TECH .... to understand incomplete explanations of  the modern war of   literature....both ancient and recent.   William Shakespeare stated around year 1600 a message to the future address of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue  .....that " The WOULD is a stage and Gabby Gillford is a player".   So the question is...why isn't the shooting event explained in terms of the larger gestalt  context.



The M-theory mathematical-physics BOUNDARY WAR ZONE with n-SPACE. The symbolic universe war for control of languages. English words and sentences ,math equations, and social chemistry formulas.

By Herb Zinser15. August 2012 11:18






The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet:

Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)
Minuscule forms (also called lowercase or small letters)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

The exact shape of printed letters varies depending on the typeface. The shape of handwritten letters can differ significantly from the standard printed form (and between individuals), especially when written in cursive style. See the individual letter articles for information about letter shapes and origins (follow the links on any of the uppercase letters above).

Written English uses a number of digraphs, such as ch, sh, th, wh, qu, etc., but they are not considered separate letters of the alphabet.



Let's outline some concepts that are related to  the Gabby Gillford  message processing EVENT regarding human bio-computers, eye/optical computer systems, and the PU = Processing Units  of humanoids ...Pu = Public and PU = Publishing industry.   These PU's have existed for the last 500 years, the copper-wire computers that came into existence between 1950 and 1970 ...provide us with  copper-wire hardware models and  basic assembler language software models ......... that are useful as MIRRORS to our own ancient bio-computer Nature  and its current bio-computer modes.  

Do yo live in Portand, Maine?  --> Computer Earth system 370 I/O Port with Earth Main frame processor.

Do you talk/ blabber /gabb alot ?  READ  about Gabby with S.I HayaKawa book " Language in Thought and Action"   and the English language trial In Hayward Wisconsin  with Vector angstroms messenger Vang..

George "GabbyHayes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

  1. - Similar
    He moved to television and hosted The Gabby Hayes Show, a western series, from 1950 to 1954 on NBC, and a new version in 1956 on ABC. He introduced the ...


Thus we have the foundation ...from the 1950's with

NBC = Nitrogenous Bio-Chemistry television broadcasts
ABC = Atomic BiocChemistry relationships broadcast to american science students

Gabby Hayes Show, a western series ......NOW, we have the modern version of a western style shoot-out

Gabby yes Show, a western series (in AZ ----Alphabets of intellectual arrogance in  Arizona) ......
Gabby  yesterday in some past verb tense in her STATE of MIND  (like millions of other adults)




300 × 390 - George 'GabbyHayes - Host of THE GABBY


The Gabby Hayes Show, a western series, from 1950 to 1954 on NBC,

and a new version in 1956 on ABC.............


and a newer  version in  2011  on  the ARIZONA  western series .............





260 × 190 - Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head





The Gabby Hayes Show, a western series, from 1950 to 1954 on NBC, and a new version in 1956 on ABC

Larry --> Light array or eye/optical nerve linear algebra class for  NASA and Mr. G  = Grammer of Gillford
Buch --> Germanic language word for book, textbook, paperback reading material, newspaper, magazine ...concept of the  input data commands to the eye/ optical nerve and Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic processor.

Hayes --> 
  1. S. I. Hayakawa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    Hayakawa was an important semanticist. His first book on the subject, Language in Thought and Action, was published in 1949 as an expansion of the earlier ...

    Language in Thought and Action by S.I. Hayakawa - Reviews ... - Similar
    Rating: 4.2 - 292 votes
    Jan 1, 1991 – In an era when communication has become increasingly diverse and complex, this classic work on semantics—now fully revised and ...

The gravitational constant denoted by letter G, is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation(s) of gravitational force between two bodies. It usually appears in Sir Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation, and in Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity

In many secondary school texts, the dimensions of G are derived from force in order to assist student comprehension:

 G \approx 6.674 \times 10^{-11} {\rm \ N}\, {\rm (m/kg)^2}.

Above we have the G family ....G = Gravity Governmental  Grammmer of Nature and its social engineering projects in the region of Arizona ( agent G = Gabby  and MR. G with NASA gravity communications  theory of grave) and  NM = New Mexico ......see New Mexico in the above equation.

In the world of parallels and mirrors on EARTH ...think of the above as having more significance.....symbolic of other dimensions of the 11 dimensions of string theory life on EARTH.

AZ --> Alphabet letters A thru Z   ....represented by State of Arizona .. and its extension into bio-physics as a  State of MIND  and the gravity field interaction with the iron Hemoglobin in the bio-gravity brain of Gabby.  Does gravity interact with atomic mass of ferrous oxide atoms inside the  atomic human?

Then we have consider the gravity grammer inside the brain ..... essentially the brain symbolic map with geography proper nouns and their additional meanings defintions.   

A physical geography  border exists  in the external world between Arizona and New Mexico.
Inside the brain we have   levels of thought .... 

1st level of thought from grammer school  ...geography Map with associated symbols Arizona, border line ,  New Mexico.

2nd level

3rd level


nth level --> AZ postal code abbreviation  +  NM --> Isaac New Newton with New Mexico gravity equation STATE Of MIND.

Why do university professors over the ferrous oxide atomic mass /age of 56  deny the existence of gravity thoughts?

 G \approx 6.674 \times 10^{-11} {\rm \ N}\, {\rm (m/kg)^2}.



Sen. Udall Takes Border Security Baton From Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
Jan 25, 2012 – Gabrielle Giffords' final piece of legislation – a border security bill ... 
border security in New Mexico, Arizona  and our neighboring border states.

Gravity field border security in NM ..... so what's up.... please explain.


House Honors Gabrielle Giffords With Unanimous Vote on Her ...
Jan 25, 2012 – Gabrielle Giffords' final vote in Congress was on her bill imposing ... aircraft to avoid radar detection and bring drugs across the Mexican border... Tom Udall of New Mexico "is working to get quick approval of the bill in the ...

border. ... Tom Udall of New Mexico  .....  

border  ....ATOM U= Uranium 238  and gravity parameter NM

Thus we begin to see a complex problem developing  ....... a do these human bio-computer understand the situation. 

Does NASA care to look at the various component of the puzzle?  NO.

Do  the universities care to tackle this intellectual challenge of the SCIENCE WARS.  No. 

Thus we see gravity and magnetic field interaction with thoughts in the human brain.  In addition, we have English language symbols and math equations  .....some of which are associated with various levels of thought  ...associated with physical geography names,etc.  

Thus we see Nature and the Earth Gravity government  in conflict with the inaccurate intellectual explanations given by human groups ....... whose job is to provide reasonably accurate English grammer models/ description of the deeper levels of  REALITY and various social processes.


    Gabrielle G. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    Gabrielle Dee "GabbyGiffords (born June 8, 1970) is an American politician. ... She also worked as an associate for regional economic development in New York .... of solar energy as well as for her work to secure the U.S.–Mexico border.

     G \approx 6.674 \times 10^{-11} {\rm \ N}\, {\rm (m/kg)^2}.
    Thus we see the message from the subliminal mind ...... Gabrielle G =  GG --> Gravity Grammer  brain agent   ought  consider brain 
    development in  NEW ---> implies the deeper message of -->
    symbolic brain development in Isaac New Newton  theory.

    Those with questions can ask Georgia TECH  about their  Bio-gravity experiment with 
     NEWTON Gravity  via human agent
    Newt  Gingrich ...advanced EARTH LAB specimen in thought processes.


    611 × 649 - Innovation, random drift & Isaac Newton


    Thus the Drawinian evolution of garvity expressions .....the modern format of gravity humanoid messengers with  brain atomic mass interaction....

    Newt Gingrich's New 'Contract with America' - ABC News
    Sep 29, 2011 – Former House speaker Newt Gingrich has released his plans for a brand new “Contract with America,” revamping his 1994 contract to deal with ...


    220 × 293 - Newton   G --> Newt Gingrich



    Newt Gingrich 2012 - Day One Plan
    Feb 22, 2012 – As part of his 21st Century Contract with AmericaNewt has pledged to issue a series of Executive Orders to create jobs and help undo the ...
    Below, we have the EARTH gravity computer registers  ...basic assemnbler langauge gravity registers with humanoids

    Register exclusive: Newt Gingrich releases '21st Century Contract ...
    Sep 28, 2011 – In his “21st Century Contract with America” that he shared with The Des Moines Register and will officially release today in Iowa, Gingrich says ...
  13. IBM computer Earth system 370  IOWA --> Input/output work area  Ging --> Gravity integers of thought
  15. Iowa, Gingrich says ... please pay attention !.

    UW-Milwaukee: Center for Gravitation and Cosmology - News - Similar
    Luis Anchordoqui awarded prestigious CAREER grant by the National Science Foundation. September 30, 2011. Luis Anchordoqui, a physicist at the Center for ...
  • Above we see gravity life LU = Logical Unit information systems --> Luis    the year 2011   message of  exponent 11
  •  G \approx 6.674 \times 10^{-11} {\rm \ N}\, {\rm (m/kg)^2}.


The world-wide IRON WARs explained by 2007 BALAD AN-26 crash and the FermiLAB problems with Fe=Ferrous oxide atomic thought

by Herb Zinser 3. October 2012 21:19


Computer Earth system 370 status report on the BAL program tragedy in IRAQ.
BAL = Basic Assembler Language used for:


1) copper-wire computers use BAL, Cobol, Fortran , etc for applications programming


2) human bio-computers gather together in the state government legislature/ state assemmly of humanoid processors ...... that write state government assembly programs and behavioral instructions for the passive, submissive citizen bio-computer brain ...for the citizen BRAVE NEW WORLD project plan.


3) the CHIEF human bio-computer was the 37th President of  the IBM device bio-UNIT = North Pole magnetic  DATA FIELD lines  (like magnetic computer tapes)  that interact with the atomic IRON Hemoglobin protein thoughts giving the NIXON Tapes (bio-computer tapes).   As agent for system  370  Preident Nixon visted  COMPUTER EARTH region CHINA = CH + In + A = Compare Halfword Instruction Assembler.


4) EARTH geography BAL processing regions such as BALTIC region, Balkans, city of Baltimore, Bali in Indonesia,


5) the more recent versions of geography BAL locations such as the COMPUTER SCIENCE military base....... that is the BAL geography BASE registers BALAD, Iraq.







2007 Balad aircraft crash - Wikipedia

The Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. ...


An-26 airliner --> translated in more details .....

An-26air  line  errors --> Atomic number 26 (Iron / Ferrous oxide atoms )  and the North Pole magnetic field lines that flow thru the air/ atmosphere  AND interact  with the 4-wheeled IRON automobile BOX   ...that has within it ......the   HUMAN bio-physics iron HEME group Fe(ii) ions   at Fer = Ferrous oxide EARTH LAB  site known as Fer =  FermiLAB  with communication errors.

Thus, we see Nature's vast system ...its various components .....and the Office of Science on behalf of the citizen/ government has displayed biased amd distorted communications polices in violation of iron MYOGLOBIN protein social engineering communications VIA  the  arm writing muscles  ...a  bio-chemistry bio-computer output device.





More Images of the Balad AN-26 Crash - Entropic Memes
More Images of the Balad AN = Atomic Number 26  Crash - Entropic Memes
More Images of the Ba = Batavia lad/engineer   AN-26 Crash  Signals

More Images of the Balad AN-26 Crash - Entropic Memes

Mar 31, 2008 – ... the first images of the Balad AN-26 crash of a civil turboprob airliner near Balad, ... Keep in mind that large portions of the plane - and, one presumes, ...
near Balad, ... Keep in mind that large portions of the plane
near Ba = Batavia lad, ... Keep in mind ...    the plan

Above, it's time to reflect  ...upon some  empitical data  ...provided by modern Margaret Mead nuclear family .......atomic anthropology conflict EVENTS on EARTH LAB.



Watch 2007 Balad Aircraft Crash Video

The BALAD crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while at...




What is being addition to the deatils of the tragic event.


1) BAL = Basic Assembler Language ...... used in various type of existence...from copper wire computer to human brain bio-computers. What key-words are written help us SEE the deeper levels of reality ....the 11-dimensions of string theory physics of our daily lives.




--> Watch 2007 ---> implies Watch/ TIME / wrist watch ......WATCH year 2000 anf the bio-logical clock Y2K upgrade needed by Nature's brain bio-computer. Year 2007 inplies BASE 2....... the double-helix is considered a base 2 system with 2 strands.




The strands of DNA run anti-parallel, or in opposite directions: the 5’ end of one strand is paired with the 3’ end of the other. This is illustrated in the figure below.undefined






Thus we see a SIGNAL from the BAL crash ...the plane at BALAD in year 2007.
This SIGNAL was ignored by the Univeristy of Texas, AUSTIN and their friends, consequently the
bio-computer DNA signal was repeated ... the orders of NATURE and the Drawinian selection process created a SUPERSYMMETRY signal to the United States atomic biochemistry DNA computer systems.


What is the supersymmetry structure predicted by modern Margaret Mead nuclear family expressions .....atomic social anthropology events and conflict signals.


Thus we have to compare to EVENTS.
What is the 2nd event involving DNA expressions VIA human messenger behavior ......such as accidents or crime ..... events that the attract attention, are printed in newspapers, thus the DNA broadcast system ...... a crime./ accident will have the maximum likelihood of NEWS distribution ...thus maximizing the possibility that some alert reseacher will be curious enought to figure out the SIGNAL and the related PUZZLE.


The 2nd EVENT --->


Joe Stack flew his plane into the IRS building in Austin - Here ...

Feb 18, 2010 – Joseph Stack, the man said to have crashed his plane into an IRS office building in ... Horrendous events today in Austin, the state capital of Texas, where a man flew a ... The plane belonged to Joseph Andrew Stack, a 53-year-old software engineer, who left
Plane crashes into North Austin building ... The plane was registered to a software engineer identified as Andrew Joseph Stack III, 53.

Pilot (Joe Stack) Crashes Plane into Austin, TX Building in ...
The strands of DNA run anti-parallel, or in opposite directions:
the 5’ end of one strand is paired with the 3’
DNA numbers 5 paired with 3 ---> give age 53 SIGNAL
Feb 19, 2010 – 53 year old Joseph Stack, an software engineer who crashed his single engine Piper Cherokee plane into the federal office building that ...

Pilot (Joseph Stack) Crashes Plane into Austin, TX Building in ...

Feb 19, 2010 – 53 year old Joe (JOb order entry for bio-computers ) Stack, an software engineer who crashed his single symbolic engine DATA Pipeline error) Piper Cherokee plan into the Hex'Fe' = 254 Federal office building that ...

Pilot (Stack) Crashes Plane into Austin, TX Building in ...
Feb 19, 2010 – 53 year old Joseph Stack, an software engineer

Stack machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
Jump to Computers Using Call Stacks and Stack Frames‎: ... computers (of any instruction set ... use a large call-return stack in memory to ...




Thus we have 2 major EVENTS ...... using the advanced mathematical-physics analytical tool used for aerodynamics tragic EVENTS ..... the HAWK (Stephen Hawking) and the EVENT Horizon theory ...along with the American BALD Eagle bio-optical bio-computer EAGLE EYE photon subroutines...we outline the supersymmetry relationship of the 2 events.


2007 BALAD crash <---- symmmetry ---> software engineer crash
airplane AN-26 <---- 26 Fe = ferrous oxide atom signal ---> Fe = February + Fe= Federal IRS

BALAD = Basic Assembler <---- computer science signal --> the Stack machine

Balad crash 9 January <---- computer 9 bits = 8 data + 1 error checking bit --> Joe Stack software


Let's look at the WORLD IRON wars

a) Oklahoma City and the
Fe =  Ferrous Oxide ordered attack  on the atomic error site  
Fe = Federal building  VIA   a  bomb weapon with the symbol
Fe = Fertilizer   

Oklahoma City bombing
Several fire-damaged cars located in front of a partially destroyed multi-story building.
The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building two days after the bombing
Location Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City,



Joe Stack flew his plane into the IRS building

A computer is provided as an add-on processor for attachment to a host ... Stack-memory-based writable instruction set computer having a single data bus ...
..the supersymmetry  PARALLEL  error event of Sept 11, 2001  the  year 1942/ 1943 MANHATTAN project physics extension ...
1) hijackers flew airplanes into the  WORLD Trade Center buiding  ........ a stack building  ..a  skyscraper  IRON STACK  with floors/ stacks /levels 


Joe Stack flew his plane into the IRS building 

      Stack                plane                IRS building  ..reminder to BRAIN cells 

      Stack                plane geometry       IRS = IR + S  = IRon Skyscraper   building

...thus  ...a more accurate perception of the Austin Texas...........set-up  and murder of Joe Stack AND the cover-up of the IRON WARS ........... and the lies  taught students at the University of Texas and elsewhere. 



The I-35W bridge collapse  in the physical city  of ST.Paul  and the atomic, symbolic city of ST.Paul (Dirac)   .........
another  IRON WAR signal  about the failure of  MIT and Havard  intellectual communication BRIDGES 
in cam.BRIDGE, MASS (geography soil state) and
in cam.BRIDGE, Mass  (atomic MASS ...... that is Quantum states and their Margaret Mead atomic social messages) 


What other IRON messages have existed  in history ...before Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic RD center existed   at Fer = FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois ...became the official cover-up agents for the Department of Energy taking science orders from  the non-science. non-math,  uninformed  Fe= Federal government policy makers WHO use popular opinion of people who watch television comedy shoes and listen to music  .....  the masses the source of great, serious intellectual effort  and thought.

Perhaps, FermiLAB its relationship with the periodic atomic table AND iron Hermoglobin proteins  ...... may consider that integrity and  Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family HONOR CODES may play a roles in such esoteric matters.......known as the HIERARCHY Problem with  IRON.

--> IRON Nails of Jesus on the cross --> Jesus  died for the math symbol  (positive  + )   and  died on the cross for cross-correlation statistical anlysis

---> Year 1726 and  book " Gullible LIVER"   travel  with SWIFT  70Mev and MacGREGOR  to the Law of LIVER LABS in Livermore, California

--> Book IRON mASK

--> IRON Cross of World WAR 2  of the  iron HEME group Fe(2) ion ...blood wars with Hollywood movie Captain B100D

---> HUngary 1956 and the IRON Curtain atomic mass 56 --> message to Highway 56 near  FermiLAB

--> the IRON LADY .... Margaret Thacher  and   Argentina / Argument with Argonne National Labs and th Margaret atomic nuclear  family

----> Oklahoma City Fe = aromic symbol  WAR with Fe = Federal building and symbolic building of nouns, verns, equations

--> Iron Towers of Sept  11 ......Binary code 11 = Decimal 3  ....

---> another 3  signal of the  I-35 W bridge .......... the 9th letter of the alphabet = I

I-35 bridge equation by  algebra symbol substitution ...
9 - 35 = -26 ......... minus 26 ...highway 26 protons of iron missing  ....... Wisconsin WINO and ZINO  particle  humanoid iron HEME agent  .,..needed for theory DATA.

 ---> IRON MAN and  the  IRON Manuscript/ essay of tomic English langauge ironic words ......via Hollywoof movies and  Comic books, etc. Thus we see mass communications (movies, television. paperback books, comics) is really some cases ...has a subset system  of atomic mass communications ..regarding atomic social science polices,etc.


Perhaps, someday, the  Fe= Federal government   representatives  and receipts of government  RD funds  ...such as  the  Office of Science, NASA, Naval Research  Labs, universities, corportions, DARPA and others will  respect the  IRON CLAD treaties  made  between   NATURE's  atoms and equations .......and  learn about    the Alan Sokal  debate with the  ARCH DUKE Ferdidnand agents at DUKE University  ........ that is ARCHitecture  DuKE Fer = ferrous oxide atomic world social systems   ....... with the THEORY  that iron atoms exist in the atomic, bio-physics brains  of professor at the University of Chicago .....near 56th street of the South side of Chicago.     It is sad ......... the university  social sciences and theolgy  live  in  a Hollywood fantasy lands   ........... hopefully, some  physics/ math/ engineering/ biochemsitry graduate students  /scientists  will rescue their  fellow hypnotized  professors  ....EARTH LAB specimens   for BRAVE NEW WORLD  social pscyhology experiments.     But, if anything, it is an interesting situation.   The SCIENCE WARS ........ mentioned by Alan Sokal  around 1995/1997  ....... now   15 years later ...have accumulated  details  and examples  ......... of  some of the 11-dimensions  of WAR  of ...11-dimensional string theory and M-theory.

The HIERARCHY Problem of atomic physics brain cell expression  ...the TOP ........the  TALL  ...was   highlighted by the MAJOR  battle of

11-dimensions on SEPT 11, 2001   WITH
M-theory expressed in Manhattan.

Masthematical-physics professors and student ought realize  that newspaper reporters        ........  do NOT have  an educational background in  such
concepts as 11-dimemsions and M-theory .............and thus ...when they write about the tragedy   ........  such thought correlations     as

11-dimensions  MAY be related to Sept 11   AND
the iron skyscraper tragedy MAY involve the 11-degree tilt of the EARTH magnetic pole   and may be signals for Fer = Ferrous oxide at FermiLAB

with the  Peru  HEAD/ SKU 11 ---> the  ODD.ONE = 1, 3, 5.  7. 9. SKU 11  ---> eleven = decimal  11.


We will probably never know ........the intellectual   ISLANDS    of universities    and RD  LABS  are  distracted and controlled by  Fe= Ferrous oxide Female structures ..who could care less about by the IRON signals and IRON metabolism.  If they did, then  such IRON Women  would try to help understand the  series of IRON signals and events.    Maybe, there  is a new generation   with a new IRON LADY show some intellectual leadership   in atomic social science world affairs.
It was hoped that ...Germany leader with physics MERKEL   ...would volunteer some of her professors help study the situation  ......... but year 2012 ...and NOT one word from her university  systems.


Thus we see a few CLUES ..pieces to a larger puzzle ...... that needs to be studied and understood.
The incomplete explanations of both events ....... the omission of possible FACTORS in the analysis of the signaling EVENTS ... arouses suspicion that newspaper READERS have not done their homework ..namely , to take the printed cellulose database information and explain some of the additional CAUSE --> EFFECT relationships of the tragic Signaling Event ...and the context that they exist within ......such ALAD AN-26 airplane S  --> AN-26  = Atomic number of  26 protons   and 26 electrons  ---> giving 52 weeks ...perhaps some type of IRON atomic clock LINK to the EARTH IRON core VIA magbetic field  (and /or gravity interaction with iron atomic mass)   and EARTH yearly roatation.




What else is new the astronomy / astrohysics LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab).

Dairy Farners in Europe had MILK and the MILK was DUMPED in protest ---> Compuer words
Da ....Fa (Data HEX'Fa'=250)...Milky Way Galaxy computer DUMP ..on EARTH system 370







The Earth gravity field war with NASA and Gabby Gifford helps explain the gravity mystery of Route 66 and grocery store price of 99 cents.

by Herb Zinser 25. August 2012 21:04




The shooting tragedy of Gabby Gifford in Arizona has provided scientists with valuable CLUES about the gravity data field war.

Gabrielle Giffords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gabrielle Dee "Gabby" Giffords (born June 8, 1970) is an American politician. ... On January 8, 2011, Giffords was a victim of a shooting near Tucson, which was
Jul 23, 2012 – CHAMONIX, France, July 23 (Reuters) - Former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, still recovering from wounds after being shot last ...
Fortunately, she is recovering.

Let's look at the tragic gravity EVENT and the clues it provides.

1) The  attack method used  in the GRAVITY WARS for the NASTY gravity data fields to  link with the human brain atomic mass ....and modify the atomic mass thoughts.  Gravity interacts with atomic mass  ...this process takes place in  the external world (outside the human body) and gravity interacts with the internal biology world of humans. 
Tus NASTY gravity field data .....can interact   with atomic brain bio-computer data thought fields...... and sometimes can modify the human thought process ...instructing the human bio-computer to perform a NASTY task.   The human bio-computer performs the job instructions  ...just like a copper wire computer executes instructions.  The gravity field  WAR    message DEVICE is comprised of several components .....some mentioned below....

The Universal Law of Gravitation

G = universal gravitation constant
G   un  ..... a gravity message device in the physical world  ...that makes invisible gravity conflicts very visible for serious, unbiased researchers.   In addition,  
a GUN  bullet  input  to an atomic, biophysics human  ...
...........bullet in ............provides empirical data for the



    Bullet in of the Atomic Scientists 
    Bullet     of the Atom   
    Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - Similar
    The Bulletin informs the public and influences policy through in-depth analysis, op-eds, and reports on nuclear weapons, climate change, nuclear energy, and ...



The experimental value of
G   equal to 6.6734 x 10 -11 Nm2/kg2 was measured by Sir Henry Cavendish in 1798.


  1. Weathered U.S. <em>Route 66</em> Metal <em>Sign</em>
    $38.95 with est. tax & shipping
    Genuine Hotrod Hardware

in  June 8, 1970
........the EARTH  Mother Road gave birth  VIA  EARTH  process control signals ...




The Mother Road: Route 66 in AZ | Arizona Office of Tourism › ItinerariesCached - Similar
Tour historic Route 66 across AZ with Arizona Office of Tourism. Check out our itineraries for detailed guides to Route 66 and more in AZ.

The experimental value of 
G = Gabby G.   equal to 6.6734 x 10 -SKU11 Nm2/kg2 was measured  in 2012.

Above, the gravity governmental equation  uses the EARTH geography post office address  Nm --> Route 66 thru  New Mexico.

Let's look at some more gravity clues.

First, let's consider some ideas from others.
1) Charles Dickens " Tale of 2 Cities"
.....Galileo book " 2 Chief Worlds" 
..J.R Tolkein book " Two Towers' 
C.P. Snow physics lecture " 2 Culture" there some  idea....that I  may have missed.  Okay, let's re-open the concept .... and consider it an unsolved riddle.
2) Let's consider the year 1872 concepts of Herbert Spencer...
  1. Herbert Spencer - Page 100 - Google Books Result
    John Arthur Thomson - 1906 - Biography & Autobiography - 284 pages
    Principles of Biology, Spencer admits that he had not sufficiently emphasised the
    fact of ... If life be correspondence between internal and external relations, then ...
  1. Herbert Spencer's Theory of Causation*
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    by GH Smith - Cited by 2 - Related articles
    In An Autobiography Herbert Spencer recalls that he "early became possessed by the ..... the correspondence between our ideas and unknowable reality? Since we are ... adjustment of internal relations to external relations."  ...
THus ...lets consider gravity ......
external gravity ........ drop  ball and it falls to the ground  ..with the big number SIGNAL  66.
internal gravity ....inside the brain would Nature's symbolic biology system get a message from the internal biology world and its symbols to the external world.   We know some well-known examples:
a) the LIVER of Jonathan Swift in year 1726 expressed the LIVER/gland intellectual  views of  external human daily activities VIA the LIVER book..known as Gullible LIVER travels (Gulliver)  which travel via symbolic data streams of consciousness to the United states to become year 2012 ... Traveler's Insurance company comprised of people with  internal biology liver's   AND LIVER scientists and engineers that do RD at Livermore Labs in California with their Carl Jung atomic collective unconsiousness leader ....  who has brought the information to a level of conciousness VIA    his  SWIFT automobile signals ...and his book.   Keep in mind  ..... that he is an extension of the Galapagos Islands,  DARWIN  and the Santa Cruz Islands ..... thus the extension to the  city/island of Santa CRUZ, California .. and the  Livermore study of the  Margaret  Mead  nuclear family....atomic social anthropology  and  various human thought species  ...that is do  the  various atomic bio-physics human brains process symbols, concepts, musics, art , etc..  
  1. - Home
    Welcome to the "Power of Alpha" website and its ultimate product - the "70 MeV" mass quantum. Alpha is the universal fine structure constant whose ...

 Thus we see the signal above ...The Power of Alpha....
and its expression by NASA  ...and the TIME message of 23 atomic chromosome pairs (below, July 23) and the 7th month(July) being a nitrogenous bases signal.
Jul 23, 2012 – CHAMONIX, France, July 23 (Reuters) - Former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, still recovering from wounds after being shot last ...
G = Universal Gravitational constant agent G
7th month JULY --> nitrogen atom with year 2012 --> 20 standard amino acids 
CHAMONIX --> Ch + Am + On --> am --> amino acid  SOCIAL signal repeated
French ALPS ---> Alphabets signal from Arizona (abbreviation AZ) --> A thru Z alphabet  letters 
Thus we see that Nature ..and Gabby .... Gabby as a bio-computer sensor .....Her subliminal MIND  ...her subconscious mind has  detected some problems in the continuum ......  that are impossible to express directly  ....thus Nature  uses indirect methods  to communicate..such as one's  choice of a vacation ..etc.   Thus we see ..the book...... POWER of Alpha ....LINK ..... French Alpha represented by the French Alps .....
the Earth geology/geography land/mountains alphabet of Nature   ...expressed VIA humanoid interface processor ......who ought pay attention to the language  WORD of HONOR ....... and that excludes  the bull-stories of the Department of  En --> English and its the  supposed accurate agents at the Department of En ---> Energy  and the  citizen/ government  approved experiments  in the project
Department of En ---> Energy of atomic bio-physics thoughts Via humans ........

Department --> commands to the human brain symbolic bio-computer
Depart men  theory of En = English language BS
Depart men --> Virginia TECH ENGLISH tricks and scams 
Depart men ---> Lexicon, Kentucky the Runway 26 alphabet letters
Depart men ---> Cole Hall and the George Orwell shooting in Oceania classroom 
Depart men --> Columbine High School library BOOK  signal
Depart men --> Fort HOOD Soldier READ Center battle Center Nervous System 370 eye/optical computer and biochemistry processor of input photon data to the eye/iris/retina/pupil 
The list goes on...the Department of Education and citizens  have dinner parties, wedding parties,  birthday parties, political  parties ...all to busy with the party system pay attention to SIMPLE, obvious, explicit  messages with a common thread.   Even the reader  of this BLOG is to busy or to lazy  to help understand and fix the problems of the SOCIAL  SCIENCE wars. 
Let's continue with 

Herbert Spencer - Page 100 - Google Books Result
John Arthur Thomson - 1906 - Biography & Autobiography - 284 pages
Principles of Biology, Spencer admits that he had not sufficiently emphasised the 
fact of ... If life be correspondence between internal and external relations, then 

The theory is that the external gravity NUMBER is 66
and the
internal brain gravity signal sent to the external world is  99 cents ...a price in a grocery store ...
and the 99 cent  signal
and the 99 cent --> Centrifugal force field messages for the frugal Federal Reserve Bank ...and the gravity, Earth government monetary policy questions.


Thus the locations of the GRAVITY battlefield with gravity  agent G = GI JOE ...gravity soldier GI.FF.ORDS.   

  1. Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Critical Condition After Shooting ... › Politics
    Jan 8, 2011 – Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head at point-blank range today outside a Tucson, Ariz., grocery store and was in critical condition at a nearby ...

    Gabrielle Giffords Shot: Congresswoman Shot In Arizona (LIVE ...
    Jan 8, 2011 – Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head Saturday when an assailant 

    opened fire     outside a      grocery store during a meeting with ...


    2011 Tucson shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and eighteen other people were shot during a public meeting held in a supermarket parking lot in ...

Gabrielle Giffords Shot: Congresswoman Shot In Arizona (LIVE ...
Jan 8, 2011 – Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head Saturday
when an assailant opened fire

outside a       grocery      store during a meeting with ...
..... ide a       g............ a meeting with ...
      ide a       g............. a meeting with ...
      ide a       g    a meeting with ...  

Acceleration due to gravity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  1. Acceleration due to gravity may refer to: ... of the Earth;

    Standard gravity, or g,
    Standard gravity, or g
    Standard gravity, or grocery store message to NASA gravity BRAIN people ,

      1. Standard gravity, or g,


Thus we have a  puzzle...a theory about Nature's messages........ Nature's languages and signals  ... that some people ought try to understood.
We are reminded of  our  SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature as  outlined by John  LOCKE  and others  .... and the message was ignored at the JOHN LOCKE trial  at Penn State  ...the  LOCKE  room trial with Nature's  NASA  signal ..... Jerry SanduSky.

Thus we have NASA code .......the sand of  Cape Kennedy, Florida   and the rockets going into the sky.
Previous NASA  signals   ......Monica  SKY  + CLI = CLIMATE  ...represented  by messenger humanoids  named Monica Lewinsky and President CLINTON   with astronomy legal messenger Ken STARR .      Symbolism... symbolic life   ..... indirect,subtle  message formats

  1. Symbolism - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Webster
    the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or ...
Thus the DUAL signal of the  gravity  agent G = GI JOE ...gravity soldier GI.FF.ORDS
GI = Gravity interface    with
FF --> Base 16 Hex'FF" = 255 = High-Values NASA agent ...astronaut Mark Kelly ....
ORDS --> ORbital DATA sets  ...that is the EARTH orbital continuum    comprised of the range
atomic/molecular orbitals ----> human intermediates with BP oil <---- astronomy/astrophysics orbitals
Einstein's theory of relative sizes and viewing positions enables this VIEW of life and existence on EARTH.
  1. NOVA | The Elegant Universe: Series ...
    Eleven dimensions, parallel universes, and a world made out of strings. ... Bestselling author and physicist Brian Greene offers a tour of this seemingly .... Newton was harboring an embarrassing secret: he had no idea how gravity actually works. ... After nearly ten years of wracking his brain he found the answer in a new ...
Thus we have several clues.....some more concepts come from EARTH cellulose newspaper columnist
DEAR ABBY    ...a message to
DEAR G.ABBY  from EARTH Ann Landers  ......with more signals to the moon Landers Team at NASA.
Again, we have  several levels  of VIEWS  and several different types of VIEWING formats ....that ought be brought together by theorists in the  GUT = Grand Unified Theory of existence on EARTH  ...with mathematical-physics at the leading edge of theory ........ and the empirical data of EVENTS  provided by the SCIENCE WAR..... BLOG site examples.   
The atomic English language character of  Nature's agent  identifier code ANN Landers ...
AN --> Atomic Number
AN --> Alpha/Numeric base 16 hexadecimal for Base 16 Computer Earth system 370 ...geography computer addressing  1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, DC   in the  major EARTH BAL  geography computer region/ computer LAND at  BALTIMORE.
BAL = Basic(k) Assembler Language with the Y2K  brain computer failure of the biological clock
LAND at --> geography LAN + Dat --> local area network DATE +  Data (of events/ activities are Time Stamped for later analysis) 
Thus the John Hopkins University bio-computer science experiments ....the
geography region assembler language program

with the Base 16 feature of 1600 Pennsylvania computer address location  
of DC  = Define Constant  ...that is Washington, DC   ...when viewed from the BIG Picture that EARTH  is a computer science LAB of  Nature and its intellect  ....... and that humans are subsets living within the larger set ..known as the EARTH WORLD .....itself  a subset of the astronomy  SOLAR SYSYTEM 370 processor with 9 data bit planets ( 8 planets + 1 error correction bit planet  known as EARTH). 
NASA and the Lone Star State deny such possibilities.......... hence. the LONE shooting STAR in the STATE of TEXAS ...State of MIND   and Fort Hood and elsewhere in TEXAS.  Thus the  VIRGO Cluster astronomy bio-chemistry  battle at FORT HOOD  via Darwinian selection of  the biochemistry Major from the Virgo Cluster campus in Blacksburg, Virginia  ............ ask physics and Briane Green about parallel  processing  in the atomic/astrophysics continuum  with  the  Margaret Mead atomic  anthropology conflicts  with FermiLAB, Office of Science, and universities  ..... and their  biased, incomplete explanations about our obvious  atomic bio-physics nature.    
Welcome to  year 2102 BRAVE NEW WORD and the social psychology wars for social control of the physics professor brain cells  ...those brain cells that are used for social and political perceptions.   Their  math-physics brain cells used for technology hardware are left untouched. 
Now, let's return to Gabby Gifford ... a theoretical  gravity  agent with  Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic attributes in the atomic human sub-species  Fe=Female.
Nature has divided then  humans into 2 ferrous oxide sub-species
s) The internal biology iron and the thoughts of Fe atom ... 
the Female spaces ...with Fe atom as part of her label within Nature's North/South  Pole magnetic field. 
Female   .... a sub-species of humanoid with various  math curves,etc.
Male + Fe (that is external Ferrous oxide relationship with iron automobiles, metal rockets, iron bridges, etc ...consequently their atomic direction as engineerings,  auto mechanics, building skyscrapers, etc. the  external world (outside  the human body)
In summary ..... an atomic partition of biology structures 
Fe + male =  Female, mom, mother, she, her 
Male + fe = Male   and  separate metal Fe  objects such as 4-wheeled iron automobile mechanics.
What is FermiLAB   in Batavia, Illinois?    

Unknown life formats .....because they do not communicate properly regarding the Hierarchy Problem of iron Hemoglobin structures.
Thus they are classified by the oxygen atomic bio-computer Base 16 hexadecimal LUNG system data processor  ......
UFO brain structures IBM system 370 bio-computer language
UFO = Undefined FORMATS.   Are aliens?   In physical appearance they are normal looking,  thus using the IBM system 370 bio-computer brain analysis subroutines  we review the symbolic messages from the   bio-computer  Office of Science  ..JOB Control Language  in charge of  physics thoughts  in Chicago region.   Thus the OS/JCL human brain data processing experimental  region is  primarily   at  UC = University of Chicago,  Argonne with the WIND,  Northwest Terrorities with the Sgt.Preston school of Journalism  in the  brain city  of Dr.Robley D. Evans ..1955 "The Atomic Nucleus" of Evanston Ill/sick Noise Univerity  with atomic bio-physics BRAIN diplomatic  communication  problems, etc.
Now, continuing with  Gabby Gifford ... a theoretical  gravity  agent with  Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic attributes in the atomic human sub-species  Fe=Female.
Nature has divided then  humans into 2 ferrous oxide sub-species
s) The internal biology iron and the thoughts of Fe atom ... 
the Female spaces ...with Fe atom as part of her label within Nature's North/South  Pole magnetic field. 
U.S. Route 66 (US 66 or Route 66), also known as the Will Rogers Highway and colloquially known as the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was a highway within the U.S. Highway System. 
One of the original U.S. Highways, Route 66 was established on November 11, 1926—with road signs erected the following year
What signals exist for Gabby and NASA ....about the excistence of EARTH and solid ground  ...and respectful relationships with book WALDEN POND. 
One of the original U.S. Highways  (see Hawking, Gibbon, Thorne and others on the origin of EARTH solids),
Route 66 --->  In many secondary school texts, the dimensions of G are derived from force in order to assist student comprehension:
 G \approx 6.674 \times 10^{-11} {\rm \ N}\, {\rm (m/kg)^2}.
was established on November 11, --> the message for the head / SKU11 .....the EARTH warehouse of symnolic ideas and its invenotry of ideas, conscoets, math equations,  chemistry formula for social chemistry ,   physics experimental data,  Hertzian waves and J.Clerk Maxwell, etc..... thus form Nature's warehouse  with products inventory  ...we have the human SKU11 --> Stock keeping Unit 11  ...  
starting at FermiLAB with the ODDONE = 1 odd integer , 3 Pi of 3.1459 Pier,  5 Toes of the Theory of Everything structure,  C.P. Snow and Snow White and the 7 darwfs ...with Sleepy and Dopey in  the Illinois STATE of MIND, the female CAT has 9 lives in her Schrodinger BOX,  the SKU11 of the ODD integer math space agent from PERU.
The extension  ...needs 13 dead integers with M-theory of MURDER at Fort Hood,  and Base 16 Hex"F' = 15  ...such as  Base 16 hexadecimal FermiLAB  with the modern bio-computer and EARTH system 370  relationship to  the SYS1. Catalog of Nature and Galileo astronomy project for  EARTH space/time started in  year 16 16.
1926—with road signs erected the following year
26 proton atomic English prose of Fe = Ferrous oxide  atoms in the Fe = Females of the iron atom  ....a  Fe= Federal Government level that Fe=FermiLAB does not recognize.  Does Nature exist? 
Does NATURE think?  
Answer. Only the supreme HUMAN citizen is capable of  superior thougth.
Nothing else matters .....except the subjective opinion of a humanoid !
Thus we have some intellectual controversy.
In year 1926 ...the Fe = Ferous oxide atomic Fe= Federal governemnt of EARTH  decided to build a highway VIA  the  ion Heme geoup biologfical structres known as humanoids.  Thus from  a big system point of VIEW  ...we see humans as one component  of a large process ...of Nature and its formats and methods of expression.
Thus we look at the Gabby G.  internal iron structure  ...her Fe=Female iron Heme group Fe(ii) ion  ...and its LINK   to the other end of the the atomic/astronomy continuumion  ....... the ion LINK  from her atomic bio-physics Fe(ii) ion  to the  NASA ion  ......of the  ionsphere  VIA   Mr. Kelly  of the UnIverse SNA   and its subset huamnoid instiution known  the U.S. NAVY  and its  Captains ....... involved in complex projects with deeper  meanings...deeper levels of REALITY.
  1. Structural Biochemistry/Protein function/Heme group/Myoglobin ...
    Jump to Structure‎:
    Myoglobin contains a heme  group which is responsible for its ... However, when iron oxidized from ferrous ion (Fe2+) to ferric ion ...

    1. Golbular Protein - Similar
      At the center of the heme group is the iron +2 metal ion.

       The nitrogen atoms bind to the iron ion through what are called coordinate covalent bonds. This means ...

 Thus we see the  NASA  signal about the  ions, ionosphere and iron skyscrapers  ..that the  myoglobin proteins and globular proteins responsible for the attack on teh WORLD TRADE CENTER  and its 2 iron TOWER s .............thus we see the hidden reality mentioned by physics professors  or the concepts of Herbert Spencer  that some  INTERNAL realities  may have a correspondence mapping relationship  to EXTERNAL events and activities .
The myoglobin proteins used the method of
proteins.....subset word
..rote program the bio-computer brains of those humans selected by Darwinian biochemistry perform the nasty terror task to provide empirical data for university and government social biochemistry researchers.
Thus we live on Planet earth and ought to try to understand the various systems that exist ...and their interaction with humans  ...and the messages some of us are expected to perceive  ..........the older and wiser and experienced people whose IRON heme groups  are over 56 years old  AND who may live or work NEAR 56 Street or  Highway 56 .
Finally ...we have the ganglion battle of Gabby  ...that is the g = the gravity components that interact with brain atomic mass in the form of the gravity biology structure the ...... ganglion = g + angl + ion --> gravity angle .....ionosphere of EARTH geology/atmosphere.  
Thus we we that Miss G and  Mr Kelly have covered a wide range of  data FORMAT experiences the Name of Science help understand our subset existence  in the multi-faceted dimensions of Sartre existentialism,   puppet string theory physics,  M-theory physics of MURDER.   Thus year 2012 heralds a new age for the  mathematical-physics  aspects of  crime, gravity  wars,  biochemistry protein wars, etc. ...and a new chapter in the legal system for defense attorneys they pioneer the TRUE NATURE of what's happening  .....and their clients role as a player.... orginally stated by the law books of William Shakespeare ..... .


Wisconsin gravity war MYSTERY messages are sent to agent KSTP = Kip S. Thorne and agent 42 = Stephan Hawking ---> Did they receive the SCIENCE WAR gravity data for their theoretical research on EARTH gravity field life formats?

by Herb Zinser 23. August 2012 20:15



News for governor walker 66 million uw


UW's budget cut a break by Walker



Fond du Lac Reporter‎ - 11 hours ago

MADISON — A $66 million cut to the University of Wisconsin System's budget will not be permanent, Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state ...

The Universal Gravitational Constant G




The above subtle message is from the G = Gravity field interface agent ...known as G = Governor Walker ...who has a message for the University intellectuals...that are ought look at the gravity signals about gravity life on EARTH.   Presently,    they will not communicate about the SCIENCE WARS in the State of Wisconsin  and elsewhere.


  1. E-Update from the Desk of Governor Scott Walker

    Greenfield West Allis Now (blog)-Aug 3, 2012
    On May 2, 2012, Governor Walker signed

    Executive Order #66
    creating ... recovery, I recently joined Chancellor of University of Wisconsin Colleges and ... The charity has since provided more than 150 million minutes of free ...
  2. WI: War on waste saving taxpayers millions, report finds

    Kansas Watchdog-Jul 31, 2012
    Walker created the task force this year to oversee progress in the waste, fraud ... Initiative, created through the
    Governor's Executive Order #66 .

Gravitational constant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  1. - Similar
  2. The gravitational constant G is a key quantity in Newton's law of universal ... It is also known as the universal gravitational constant, Newton's constant, and ...
  1. In natural units, of which Planck units are a common example, G and other physical constants such as c (the speed of light) may be set equal to 1.

    In many secondary school texts, the dimensions of G are derived from force in order to assist student comprehension:

     G \approx 6.674 \times 10^{-11} {\rm \ N}\, {\rm (m/kg)^2}.
The gravitational constant G
.............................Wisconsin G
  • ...........................Wis.
Governor's Executive Order #66 .


UW-Milwaukee: Center for Gravitation and Cosmology - About Us


News for governor walker 66 million uw - Similar
By bringing together expertise in gravitational physics, astrophysics, and .... is supported by the National Science Foundation,
UW-Milwaukee College of Letters ...

A $66 million cut to the University of Wisconsin System's, Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state ...

The university ....will not properly acknowledge the science signal sent to it. For example, this BLOG on gravity messages is ignored by those professor who ought consider the possibility ........ but their knowledgeable brains are under control of the Carl Jung collective unconsciouness of the campus group / the campus collective of students ...whose level of knowledge is just beginning. Thus we have the BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology conflict of the 21 year old neophyte controlling the streams of consciousness of a 56 year old physics/ chemistry/engineering professors iron HEMOGLOBIN protein thought expressions. Thus these educated people are trapped behind the IRON CURTAIN of the molecular cell biology BRAIN wars.

Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state ...

Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state ...

Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state ...--> Gravity STATE of Mind.
Let's look at the  published  gravity messages in more detail.
6 days ago – A $66 million cut to the University of Wisconsin System's budget will not be made permanent, Gov. Scott Walker said in a letter to state  agencies ... 

Thus the astronomy newspaper , the STAR Tribune gravity message 66 in astronomy cryptic language... an algebraic  subset of the above sentence.

" A$  66 mil  cut  to the univers  .....con  .....system'   ...expanded states

A$tronomy 66 milky way connecticut to the universe  constant  system ......

Thus the referral to the gravity constant.  
The milk state (Wisconsin dairy cows) is the galactic represenative for the MILKY WAY Galaxy  ..
with headquaters in the city of 
Milky Way Universe  Key e= natural number life forms  .....subset code
Mil  + Wa + U + Ke + e  = Milwaukee.
The universities in Milwaukee have doubts about the existential abilities and powers of the universe  ...
becasue the Hierarchy Problem of physics states that humans  are superior to all other existences and thoughts. 
The state of CONNECT  ...the  CUT fabric of space/time communications  is denoted by the EARTH state of Connecticut which is near the communications BRIDGE ...known as cam.BRIDGE, Mass .....known as  intellectual Force  = Mass * acceleration of gravity  ...that is using the gravity interaction with the brain COBOL bio-computer word 32 ......32 cortex COBOL, 32 gravity squared,  32 oxygen molecule for the LUNGs   ...these entities and their  concepts have a  conference inside the brain symbolic processor.
---> SiGNAL


Above, the MYSTERY message from the Fond du Lac reporter news.

a) symbols Rio --> Computer Earth system 370 instruction for gravity

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
information from IBM System/370 Vector Uperations,. SA22»7125, and ... Suspend and resume I/O   --> RIO ... The operation of the following I/O instructions may differ ...


The Adesse Corporation VM System Product CP INTERNALS ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
You should be familiar with IBM System/370 architecture. We assume that concepts such ...... SIO: The Start I/O instruction is used to begin the channel program ...




b) binary symbols 1011

c) number 42 ...the Times Square astrophysics signal from Manhattan to agent 42 ...whose time origination point in the atstrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) was year 1942.    Thus we see  his  cryptic description below.......

1942 - present  ..............another  mystery CLUE
1942  pre-sent  agent ......thus who/what process pre-sent this agent



Stephen Hawking
Stephen William Hawking (1942-present) ... Stephen Hawking is the most renowned theoretical physicist alive. ... He was more interested in astronomy.





Stephen Hawking: Biography from › LibraryScienceAstronomy BookCached - Similar


Stephen William Hawking (1942) An English theoretical astrophysicist and cosmologist famed almost equally for his work on black holes and the origin of.





Stephen William Hawking Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia ... › ... › Physics: BiographiesCached - Similar

Stephen William Hawking 1942-, British theoretical physicist, b. ... Hawking was able to bring current astrophysical research to support the big bang theory of the ...




  • KST P --> KST Pacific Coast region
    KST P  ---> KST Physics




Thus..according to Max Born theory of atomic biop-physics life  .....we consider that LOGAN is  a math logarithms region.

Thus Darwinian evolution selected his parents to have the subliminal mind  idea in their symbolic brain ,,,that LOGAN was a good place to live....and it probably is  one of many good places.   Thus the bio-math life instinct in his parents BIOLOGY --> bio. LOG Y ....... recognized  Nature's future signaling pathway usng proper nouns.
IN addition, to algebra logarithms in his future CALTECH career........ the Darwinian evolution of symbolic life  ...of word   bio.LOGY --> nio. Log. gy --> biography log/dairy gy= gravity  ............. thus we see the book " Black Holoes and Time Warps"  ...with many messages  from this  composite, hybrid humanoid with  brain gravity garmmer data fields, etc.



What are more gravity signals?


Walker created the task force this year to oversee progress in the waste, fraud ... Initiative, created through the
Governor's Executive Order #66
G ............system  Executive Order #66 .
G is the gravitational constant =  6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2
U.S. Route 66

U.S. Route 66
Will Rogers Highway
Route information
Length: 2,451 mi (3,945 km)
 U.S. Route 66 (US 66 or Route 66), also known as the Will Rogers Highway and colloquially known as the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was a highway within the U.S. Highway System. One of the original U.S. Highways, Route 66 was established on November 11, 1926—with road signs erected the following year.[2] The highway, which became one of the most famous roads in America, originally ran from Chicago, Illinois, through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas,
New Mexico,
and California, before ending at Los Angeles, covering a total of 2,448 miles (3,940 km).[
G is the gravitational constant=  6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2
Above, we see Route 66 and bio-geography area with garvity parameter NM = New Mexico  and  nnnbelow, we see  Route 66 gravity signal for
gravity agent G  in Arizona ....and her science friends in NASA ..... that might try to understand the gravity SCIENCE WAR  signal to them.

Gabrielle Giffords Shot: Congresswoman Shot In Arizona (LIVE ...
G =  bio-physics gravity interaction with Fe= Ferrous oxide iron atoms within Fe= female structure.
with iron Heme group Fe(ii) ion bio-chemistry and a  ion communications LINK with Mr.G of  NASA to the Earths's ionsophere.
Jan 8, 2011 –
 Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head Saturday when an assailant opened fire outside a grocery store during a meeting with ...
The  empirical data of the tragic event is very useful for scientists studying the Drawinian evolution of gravity in humanoids  and the Drawinian selection process of gravity agents Mrs. G  anf the head equation.......that suggest the bio-physics  and gravity thought equation for humanoids 
Mrs.G  =  6.67 x 10-SKU11 Nm2/kg2
Thus we see the EARTH system of Nature ........and our subset humanoid  role  within the larger context of Nature, its intellect, and its various garvity and magnetic fields.  The equation  suggests .....NM = the gravity STATE of MIND    with the adjacent state of MIND = AZ = Alphabet  letters A to Z symbolized in the gravity brain symbol map by post office code AZ = Arizona. 


The M-theory mathematical-physics BOUNDARY WAR ZONE with n-SPACE. The symbolic universe war for control of languages. English words and sentences ,math equations, and social chemistry formulas.

by Herb Zinser 15. August 2012 11:18






The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet:

Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)
Minuscule forms (also called lowercase or small letters)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

The exact shape of printed letters varies depending on the typeface. The shape of handwritten letters can differ significantly from the standard printed form (and between individuals), especially when written in cursive style. See the individual letter articles for information about letter shapes and origins (follow the links on any of the uppercase letters above).

Written English uses a number of digraphs, such as ch, sh, th, wh, qu, etc., but they are not considered separate letters of the alphabet.




English alphabet



En --> evolution of atomic social science languages and political science languages

Schrodinger   atomic En --> Atomic English class messages for Virginia TECH and the Columbine High School library 



It is 5 Minutes to Midnight | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - Similar
The Bulletin informs the public and influences policy through in-depth analysis, op-eds, and reports on nuclear weapons, climate change, nuclear energy, and ...

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 
Bullet input to Margaret Mead nuclear family humanoids 
Bullet   of the Atomic Scientists  --> Office of Science battle reports


Cole Hall --> wave mechanics battle symbolized by in Oceanography class shooting

Columbine High School --> subset letters Col = Columns of the periodic atomic table messages in COLOR graphics in arrogant Colorado

Virginia TECH English class --> the  digraphs agent -->Written English uses a number of digraphs, such as ch

The digraphs --> di + graphs --> die/death graphs of Base 16 hex Y2K date of April 16, 2007 ....

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Background information
Birth name Cho Seung-Hui
Occupation Student
Born (1984-01-18)January 18, 1984
Seoul, South Korea
Died April 16, 2007(2007-04-16) (aged 23)
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Cause of death Suicide
Base 16 K  -->killings
Date April 16, 2007
7:15 a.m. and 9:40-9:51 a.m.
Location(s) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, U.S.A.
Target(s) Students and teachers
Killed 32
Injured 25
Weapon(s) Glock 19, Walther P22
Seung-Hui Cho
Hangul 조승희
Revised Romanization Jo Seung-hui
McCune–Reischauer Cho Sŭnghŭi
/ˌ sʌŋˈh/[1]
Korean pronunciation: [tɕosɯŋɦi] ( listen)

 Cho[2] (play /ˌ sʌŋˈh/; January 18, 1984 – April 16, 2007) was a spree killer who killed 32 people and wounded 25 others on April 16, 2007, at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Virginia, United States. He was a senior-level undergraduate student at the university. The shooting rampage came to be known as the "Virginia Tech massacre."[3]

The aromic En --> atomic English language copyright triangle law WAR Casulaties over  the right triangle equation.

April 16 +  Base 3 exponent 2  = 25 others 

Let exponent n = 2 

The mathematical-physics battle parameters at Virginia TECH

April 16, 32 dead, 25 wounded the  algebra brain police/cop --> copy --> right triangle WAR ...
the mathematics SCIENCE WAR data signal for Alan Sokal and the New York City university system math/engineering Intellectual War  departments ...with the Arch DUKE of Europe year 1914...represented by Duke University comatose science basketball  clowns.

April 16 +  Base 3 exponent 2  = 25 others 










M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Because the dimensionality exceeds that of superstring ...



We see the symbolic letters  ... 13 letters used by the  ARM, elbow, hand  Myoglobin  military  proteins of Nature's atomic bio-physics  systems.

Thus we see the M-theory signal ......of 13 dead at Fort Hood for the University of Texas in the city of Autism ....known as the State of MIND of the state of TEXAS.  On geography maps the proper noun label id the city of Austin, Texas ...near Fort Hood and the physics renormalization battle of Waco ... with Janet Reno's atomic bio-physics  theories of renormalization of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ...that is the Camp David parallel processing region of Camp  David, WaCo = Wa + Co.

Now, the articles of the Constitution of the United States of year 1776  ...the living Constitution  has evolved  with universities and reaserach labs like FermiLAB a new level of atomic social science perception  .....

1776 --> articles of the Contitution ..
2012 --> particles of the Constitution  upgrade the meaning of the
...............articles of the Constitution.


Thus, its important  for some professorial intellectual leaders  to sometimes be aware of the in the present verb tense of known existence. 

M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

1st A  ----->  to  -----------------------------------> M  spells atomic English language word

A to M  --> ATOM ...solid state physics and the periodic atomic table



M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
....................... NEXT step for stephen H....the symbolic bridge agent of cam.BRIDGE

M-the  or  y      - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Mathe or = orders  y-algebra chromosomes  
Ma  =  M + a = position M + 1 ---> entrance to N-space




Thus 13 letters N thru Z ...
N rotated 90 geometry degrees  becomes  symbolic life Z


This is the secret world of Australia science voodoo and NZ = New Zealand and
the year 2012 bio-computer war over the LU =Logical Unit - LUNG.

Now,  Australia knows of their role  in the  deadly LUNG battle at UTOEYA, Norway ...with the
LUNG = LU + NG = Logical Unit Norwegian  Government violations of the
BAL region  of Computer Earth system 370 ..Baltic --> Bal = Basic Assembler region.

Australia and their ciigarrette song and dance SMOKE SCREEN is another con-job of incomplete research and incomplete RD  in bio-computer systems  ....composed of the  son-of-a bit  ...the data bit of the son-of-a bitch .


Written English uses a number of digraphs, such as ch.
Thus the lies of Australia newspapers ...
what is a son-of-a bitch --> a-bitch --> a + bit + ch = data bit ch  of a digraphs of the English language manipulation bag of tricks...used by reporters and school language teachers with citizen/government approval.  Thus maybe, the TRUE nature of LUNG cancer is all the bull-stories invented by Australian  universities and citizens ...that take pride in arrogant bragging and  fooling other intellectual thinkers...about the English language command  words and their symbolic powers in biology and health.

Virginia TECH  and Australia and other English speaking countries think language is a toy to be abused by advertising and marketing and citizens bragging overs  nonsense.



Returning to 13 symbols ,,,sections of the alphabet .... we see some  orginal cconcept of year 1776 ...13 colonies, 13 stars,   and 13 stripes    .....a 3-dimensionl mathematics  cube of   EARTH space/ a matrix/ an array ...with 13 rows, 13 column, 13 geometry planes  ....and some relationship to the English alphabet partition into 2-parts   of 13 symbols/letters  ....the a to M region ..............the  N thru Z region --> alias New Zealand.


Back in year 1776 ...what was expressed via the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness ....where some concepts that managed to surface to the level of conscious expression .....and as such ...the American revolution represented the leading edge of atomic social science  thought VIA humanoid expressors.

William Shakespeare stated around year 1600 ..."The WORLD is a stage and we are the players"   As a reminder ...of the stage  PLAY ....the mathematical-physics TIME address  of year 1600 became  .... over 170 years later .... the   SPACE address of 1600 Pen (past writing instrument of Shakespeare and the future light light of Sylvania)   ....1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and the white electromagnetic spectrum  with nouns, verbs, adjective...the symbolic life of the visible white spectrum and  a sheet of white cellulose paper with black ink symbols/concepts ...the symbolic WHITE HOUSE ......of the eye/optical nerve/ Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain bio-computer  that requested and built the  super-symmetry physical building named the WHITE HOUSE.    Have we forgotten this duality .....this double-helix ...this binary structure of existence.   



13 colonies--> 13 col --> 13 columns of the periodic table (known at that time frame).

Or is the atomic En --> English alphabet of 13 related to the En--> Energy of atomic thought symbol equations.

English alphabet



Also, is the possible clue about the atomic English language of Z = atomic number 13.

  1. It's Elemental - The Element Aluminum

 - Similar
    The Element Aluminum [Click for Isotope Data]. 13. Al. Aluminum. 26.9815386. Atomic Number: 13. Atomic Weight: 26.9815386. Melting Point: 933.437 K ...
  1. How many protons neutrons and electrons does aluminum have

 › Wiki AnswersCategoriesScienceChemistryCached - Similar
    Rating: 4 - 30 reviews
    The element aluminum has 13 protons.
    It will have 13 electrons
    in ...
    there in aluminum? The aluminum atom has 13 electrons and protons and also
    14 neutrons.



Atomic Structure

[Bohr Model of Aluminum]  
Number of Energy Levels:3
First Energy Level:

Second Energy Level:

Third Energy Level:




What other CLUES may help us understand the M-theory symbolic structure and its EXTERNAL world  expressions. M-theory anger was expressed VIA Military-theory at Fort Hood with  the 13th letters of brain dead soldiers...that also became physically dead.



M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

1st A  ----->  to  -----------------------------------> M  spells atomic English language word

A to M  --> ATOM ...solid state physics and the periodic atomic table


Thus let's consider ATOM aluminum --> its symbolic information  components

Al + Lu + mi + num --> 

Al --> alphabets a ATOM ...the range from letter A to M (13th neutron)

Lu  + mi --> the Logical Unit of the Lucifer project  + mi --> Fer+mi = Fermi

--> L + UC + I + fer --> Location University of Chicago Interface  FermiLAB and the ecret Margaret Mead atomic  nuclear family ..... social anthropology projects

num--> number theory/ number space or N-space ....N thru Z

Thus the 14th N = Neutron of alumi.NUM  is an atomic  mathematical-physics information BRIDGE.


Thus we see the BOUNDARY  between  M-theory and  N-space has become a intelllectual war zone  ...remember your atomic bio-physics brain is composed of thinking atoms  ..... and your job is to amplify Nature's  thoughts, enhanced them with theory and models  and empirical lab research and then  provide atomic output data reports .....that help explain of the Margaret Mead atomic social sciences or   help run the nuclear power plants for electricity.   Thus we have    a partnership with Nature,  the atomic table elements of life  and mathematical space ..that ought be respected.


NOw we now fromt eh atomic English language WORD life --> Li + fe = Language interface ferrous oxide atom of the 26 proton alphabet of 26 English letters. IRONIC.     The director of FER= ferrous oxide atom RD location at Fer= FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois  will not acknowledge the equations of Life.

Thus the probability of official Life = zero at FermiLAb  ..
.despite the  diplomatic  orders from the atomic graography map ...PerU --> Periodic table U = Uranium atomic anthropology .....

a component of the Hierarchy Problem .... of Peru and the Galapagos Islands and the  Darwinian symbolic evolution of Pier ...

what are the odds ..that the probability of life = One.

In year 2012 ...this question remains open.
The Office of Science  will not acknowledge ..with proper diplomatic  protocol and ritual .....the existence of this dimensions of the 11-dimensions of string theory.


M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

M-theory extension ...l



M-theory  symbolic processor extension ...


  1. Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 - Similar
    In non-technical terms, M-theory presents an idea about the basic substance of the universe. Contents. 1 Background; 2 Status; 3 See also; 4 References ...


M-theory   + letters   N O P  


  1. Previous topic - IBM notice

    You can write this parameter as an assembler program label or as register (2) through (12). ...
    The last instruction in the LINK macro is a NOP instruction.

    Assembly language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 - Similar
    Block all results
    An assembler creates object code by translating assembly instruction .... For example, many CPU's do not have an explicit NOP instruction, but do have instructions ... Similarly, IBM assemblers for System/360 and System/370 use the extended ...

The NOP Instruction - IBM
  1. A THEN or ELSE keyword must be followed by an instruction. In cases where you intend that nothing should be done, use a NOP (no operation) instruction.

Thus we see how the Norwegian National assembly of human bio-computers ....programmed the  brain computer instruction into the NOP = NO.rway Police do NOP nothing to understand the European Science War battle of UTOEYA  in the BAL --> Basic Assembler Language geography region of Computer Earth .....the BALTIC region.

The NOP   = NO.rway People and
the NOP   =  NO.rway Publishing press  and 
the NOP  =   NO.rway Professors at the OS/JCL bio-computer university of OSLO ...also,  believe in the NOP philosophy .... do nothing to understand events on EARTH ...especially the UTOE battle--> Unified Theory of Everything physics which includes the Margaret Mead   atomic social science tragic events.


  1. Dimension - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 - Similar
    In physics and mathematics, the dimension of a space or object is informally defined ... of spaces, one is faced with the question “what makes En n-dimensional?

Euclidean n-Space - Pauls Online Math Notes - Similar
In this chapter we are going to start looking at the idea of a vector and the ultimate goal of this chapter will be to define something called Euclidean n-space.

Does Euclidean N-space have its own version of the En --> English language dictionary?

Let's look at the history of N wars>
Let's consider N + vowel ......thus let;'s partition N-space into its vowel components

What are some battles .....
No --> Normandy battle over the Normal probability distribution and the standard deviation + /- 2 represented by the  math war of World War 2

No --> Norway battle at UTC --> Universal Time Coordinates error in the Y2k biological clock  of the human brain computer sample space at representative of  UTC = UT.oeya Children brain software errors

No --> North Koren war in 1950/ 1953 with South Korean ....
North --> N
South--> S N-S --> N-Space data  signal with the DMZ ....

in modern words DMZ = 11-DIMENSIONS M-theory   + ( M+1 thru) Z 

No--> Norman Schwarzkoff and the  IRAQ and KuWAIT  oil --> orbital  instruction conflict
  1. 2.4. Interrupt and Process Binding  --> symbolized by IRAQ

    Ideally, interrupts (IRQs) and user processes can be isolated from one another ... This can delay interrupt processing through having to write new data and instruction caches, and often creates conflicts with other processing occurring on the CPU. ... Here, any wait for memory to be fetched into processor caches will have a ...

Interrupt And IRQs - Similar
An IRQ (interrupt request) value often needs to be specified to your computer when you're ... Most devices provide explicit directions on how to assign IRQ values for it. ... and saves them in a queue if more than one is waiting to be handled.

Wait for Interrupt (computer instruction) --> represented by kuWAIT in year 1990 war

  3. Acronym Finder: WFI stands for Wait for Interrupt (computer instruction).

Wait state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
A wait state is a delay experienced by a computer processor when accessing ... a variety of techniques: CPU caches,
instruction pipelines, instruction prefetch, ...

Thus we see physics word ORBITAL
...algebra subset letters  OIL .....hence the state of WAIT = kuWAIT 
with  oil/oribital data pipelines  ......the Darwin evolution of information systems into nrew formats, new dimensions, new expressions of existence using Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its applications. 

No ...more possibilities
No --> November 1963 and the assassination of   .....P resident .... K 
No---> November  2009 and the assassination of Pentagon resident Killeen 
No---> Nitrogen Oxygen of the Lungs of the No =Nobel series of bio-computers with abstract symbolic brain
No --> Dr.NO and the James BOND ...molecular bond messages from agent #0007 to the  Nitrogen people of the 7th Day Adventists Church of atomic bio-physics humanoids 

the Ni series us
ni --> President Nixon of Watertown  Ixonia Wisconsin
................................................n ixon       ..... Via the hexadecimal highway 16 parallel / supersymmetry to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Na -- N Avogadro  .... N atoms of  Avogadro's number per mole  ..helps explain atomic social science molestation crimes 

Nu --> Number -theory and the math NUMB-skull problem  caused by student math  deficiencies> Hence the Pink Floyd mathematics  song "Comfortably NUMB' ...... a warning message to university thinkers  of the paradox

7 = odd integer --> English word seven = s + even --> suggests its an even integer.

Thus a Bachelor of Science student in math is told 7 = odd integer of the FermiLAB oddone group.
A  Bachelor of Arts student in English is told SEVEN = implies even integer.

11 = odd integer in a math professor's  SKU11.
eleven = even integer in an English professor  SKU11. 

Okay. I give up?  Please tell me  the BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology brain ..symbolic manipulation trick.  Is this called BRAIN flipping?  It can be a very nasty trick ...that Lewis Carroll wrote about in the modern  ...... Alice in Dairyland contest fro Wisconsin intellectual   COWARDs  or  pioneer thinking Cowboys.


M-theory  symbolic processor extension ...

What can we do ...?
above map of the alps mountains of alphabets of  euROPE... string theory of Rope.
Rope --> R + ope --> Region open (data processing data set)
Nop --> No + op --> North Pole magnetic data sets for data processing  .....go to
Notre _ Dame  and fill-in-the blank
.....reaD  access method  ... the secrets  
Pope --> P open data sets of Benedict base 16 = XVI  in ROME -- Rom--> Read only memory
So much to think about.   The world of symbols...and word commands that are input to the human brain computer.
What a puzzle?   String theory physics ......about puppet string humans and their puppet SKU11 --> 11 Dimensions of  human particles like  WIMPS , bottom Baryons, etc.   What is your puzzle?   Is your brain trapped  in a symbolic circle  ...probably.   


About the author

CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA