The living EARTH cell is an interesting structure. The EARTH and its geography surface AND the activities that occur on the earth surface …..have many features of genetics and molecular cell biology.
For a perspective, let’s consider the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) as a universe test site. A distant virtual astrophysics observer …..an astrophysics geneticists with a universe vew - - - > would see the smaller EARTH as a cell.
Thus we have a VIEW of the living EARTH cell ……in some ways parallel to a human cell, Einstein’s theory of relative sizes and viewing positions …allows us to use this approach. Supersymmetry physics allows the use of concept: symmetry. The actual applied symmetry physics sizes may vary from small to large. Let’s use a college genetics textbook that explains the human sized cell ….and thru Darwinian adaption of symbolic concepts…adapt the idea to the living EARTH cell and its social engineering expressions.
Let's look at modern adaptions of concepts to explain social engineering problems.
If a distant, virtual astrophysics wished to have a basic, simple understanding of EARTHLY events and human affairs ......... what better place to start with...than a genetics textbook. Since ...humans are composed of physical biology genes, chromosomes, and DNA ...... then the external social behavior of a human is probably a social expression of anger / happiness of those same genes, chromosomes, DNA structures. Thus the Tales of 2 Cities --> physical cities and symbolic cities of words/ equaions.
There are a few different angles on how to explain this .... and the truth is pronably some combination blend of the concepts.
Another view that an astrophysics biologists may take ......after reading ...the George Orwell book "Animal Farm" is to look at the Earth biology human structures ...as say representative of animals. The British had some paintings /drawings from the 1800's depeciting dogs / cats playing at a table, etc.
Another painter had....symbolism ..... regarding Base 16 hexadecimal bio-computer systems ...such as April 16,2007 at Virginia TECH. Nine --> 8 data bits and 1 error correction parity bit ......such as played by IBM poker players with a dogma philosophy ...in engineering.
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Dogs Playing Poker refers collectively to a series of sixteen oil paintings by C. M. Coolidge, commissioned in 1903 by Brown & Bigelow to advertise cigars.
Dogs Playing Poker refers collectively to a series of sixteen oil paintings by C. M. Coolidge, commissioned in 1903 by Brown & Bigelow to advertise cigars.[1] All the paintings in the series feature anthropomorphized dogs, but the nine in which dogs are seated around a card table have become derisively well known in the United States as examples of mainly working-class taste in home decoration. Critic Annette Ferrara describes Dogs Playing Poker as "indelibly burned into ... the American collective-schlock subconscious ... through incessant reproduction on all manner of pop ephemera."[2]
Let's consider more examples ....keeping in mind that human people AND proper nouns / symbols ...are often interchangeable ..in some situations.
An astrophysics view of EARTH ...would see Virginia TECH and the Department of English ....and be reminded of the TALE of 2 Cities.....and would wonder..... what the 2 cities are. Virginia TECH ain't talking about their secret control systems .....so let's consider 2 cities:
1) the physical city / the world of physical biology and cement buildings
2) the symbolic cities built by the English department with brain symbolic buildings of ideas and thought
Take the above ....and let's consider the astrophysics VIEW of an EARTH LAB news account of the Virginia TECH tragedy.
Lucinda Roy, a professor and former chairwoman of the English department, had also asked Cho to seek counseling.[5]
Cho's mother also turned to her church for help.[6]
a) bio-computer LU = Logical Unit --> Lucinda
b) the chairwoman of the English department is like a symbolic mother to the many various students ...thus Mr.CHO is like a symbolic son...one of many.
That said ...... an astrophysics observer of EARTH LAB...could perceive and translate the empirical data of the tragic event .....and could consider the tragedy a PARALLEL to be descibed by the the above genetics book sentence ......
"The experimental system is Chinese hamster oveary (CHO) cells growing in tissue culture" ....in this case Mr.CHO in the intellectual cultures of the educational institution.
Now the concept of parallels is very useful and well-known ...and may help understand the situation.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_universe_(fiction)Cached - Similar
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A parallel universe or alternative reality is a hypothetical self-contained separate reality coexisting with one's own. A specific group of parallel universes is called ...
science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/.../parallel-universe.htmCached - Similar
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A parallel universe is said to be related to ours, branch off from ours and may contain extinct animals or humans. Is a parallel universe out there?
The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others[1] in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, before committing suicide.
Below ...we see the genetics textbook words ......the written script... brain behavior instructions for the programmable bio-computer Mr.CHO.
Thus...the words --> " Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells have been allowed to go through two rounds of DNA......
Thus we see that MR.CHO ..probably had permission from NATURE's genetics department and the Carl Jung atomic/ astrophysics collective unconsiousness of the Virgina TECH sudent /professor collective group.....their collective MIND. The university refuses to help explain this aspect of the situation.
William Shakespeare stated around year 1600 ............."The WORLD is a stage and MR.CHO is a player and 32 people are playing dead".
Thus the question ......who or what process is the director of the Virginia TECH tragedy? Mr.CHO is just a bit player ..in the grand manipulation scheme going on at Virginia TECH and other East Coast univeristies. If William Shakespeare ...had this knowledge 400 years ago ......why aren't the Virginia TECH philosophy, social science, humanities, and language departments helping to explain the BIG PICTURE ...the GESTALT behind this tragic event. Their incomplete explanation...and their complete lack of effort to understand these things ..is asthonishing intellectual neglect in year 2102 ...especially with the SCIENCE WARS and the many battles occuring in society.
The other examples are based on A23 --> the Boy Scouts of A = America and the A23 student mutants hostages at Marionette High Scool, Wisconsin ...another pattern is revealed.
The University of Wisconsin intellectual awareness problems are explained below. Don't bother the university. Their primary concern are the sports teams and their accomplishments. The head coach of football .....is the supreme HEAD over all university department heads ..superior to math, physics, chemistry and engineering department heads. That is why we have the HIERARCHY PROBLEM in atomic bio-physics human brains. The Carl Jung atomic collective unconsiousness provides this information on the university collective group of students /administrators .... and their policy of manipulation of science and math professors.
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Nov 30, 2010 – Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., hospital without ... The 15-year-old boy who held 23 students and a teacher hostage in a... well-liked, a Boy Scout, even-keeled, plenty of friends, loving family.
Other A23 mutant EVENTS along the Wisoconsin/Illinois boundary with Lake Michigan (the geography land/ water wave mechanics inerface) reveals some pattern ...some bio-physics SCIENCE WAR pattern ...woth the tide (algebra subset word tide of DNA nucleotides AND atomic wave mechanics of bio-physics life).
The A23 mutant EVENTS haver a Computer Earth system 370 geography computer address .....address space (in mathematical-physics of the surface of Earth).
1) A23 event at Marinette High Scool with 23 chromsome student hostages in the WISCONSIN genetics war
2) A23 mutant tragedy at address 2347 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago .............. the E2 dance nightclub tragedy and the Z = bio-physics impedance of Chicago verbal nonsense by bio-physics forces and their dance music and body language social science military alliances
3) A23 brain mutant tragedy of Bradley High School, Milwaukee represented by the shooting EVENT of Milwaukee policeman Norberg and Kunish ..resulting in the message of A23 --> Address 23 --> Address 2339 S 43rd Street ...... Badger Guns and its NATURE role in doing DNA codon calculation ...at the street equation ..43rd street. Thus we have 43 implies 4 DNA nucleotides math exponent 3 = 64 Milwaukee codons ......... of genetic social engineering messages,
Thus Milwaukee has failed the television show....the $64,000 question.
Thus we see the city addresses above .......form a geography column of land ...along the E = EAST side of Wisconsin and the E = East side of Chicago. Illinois .....near Lake Michigan water .. ...giving social science equation -- > East colunm ---> E Coli social diseases ....specifically A23 E Coli..
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by NK Gupta -
1966 -
Cited by 3 -
Related articlessystem prepared from Escherichia coli B syn- ... strains of E. coli were active in the copolypeptide ... to possess double suppressors--one at the A23 locus ...
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... CK-beta-8; CKB-8; Macrophage inflammatory protein 3; MIP-3; Myeloid progenitor inhibitory factor 1; MPIF-1; Small-inducible cytokine A23 E Coli .
What is the new version expression of MIP ---> MI = Milwaukee Public ...........thus we have the city social science arrogance muatants and philosophy mutants.
Below ...we see the Earth GEOGRAPHY diseased column of land .....the EAST column of land and the water interface - - > A23 E. Coli with the 3 empirical data examples of A23 mutant messages that ought be understood. The universities have no interest in this ...thus allowing the mutant problem to spread .....thus more tregedies in the future creates more economic jobs for emergency personnel and funeral homes.
Below, we see ..how the secret society subset at universities can manipulate the algebra life of amino acids.
The math life information provided by A23 = Addres 2339 s. 43 Milwaukee provides the key eqiuation.
The math life sentence words above --> the number of amino acids changes ....
using atomic English languages with therir math life features ...we translate
keyword --> amino --> to word ammo /bullets at badger Guns.
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Ammunition available for modern rifles, shotgun slugs, handguns & muzzleloaders. Find your load with Fusion Ammo to discover what's been missing from your ...
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Never settling for second best, the result is a company whose bullets and cartridges will deliver ... About our bullets: ... Need help finding the perfect ammo?
word --> amino = am + in + o
in = math symbol i + alphabet symbol n
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The imaginary number i is defined solely by the property that its square is −1: ... Real number operations can be extended to imaginary and complex numbers by ...
square root(-1) = i
Thus we view the word again.
word --> amino = am + in + o
now --> in = square root -1 n ....possibly suggesting we look at the alphabet position before letter n.
The symbolic life t...letter m has location 13 in the alphabet ...which is -1 from location 14 letter n.
Thus letter m can be subsituted for the 2 symbols ...in
Therefore amino acids .......have the amino biochemistry ....symbolic military powers inside the brain computer .....
amino thought --> brain alpha/numerics transformation --> ammo acids...bullets
This math laws of life transformation is seen VIA the amino behavior of:
--biochemistry major HASAN and the major amino acid battle at Fort Hood
-- Sam Hengel analayis of the BSA marionettes puppet organization (SEE puppet STRING THEORY PHYSICS OF atomic bio-physics HUMANS)
-- Mr.Cho ....... an amino acid messenger for Virgina TECH language departments and humanities
Thus we see pieces to an interesting puzzle......the astrophysics VIEW of EARTH and its subset human institutions and groups.