Rd-blog-number 4172 by Herb Zinser reviews the University of Wisconsin, Madison bio-math system with the microbiology math logic book by Joel Rob(bin).
We have the Madison, Wisconsin microbiology .. biochemistry humanoid .... an EARTH LAB with bio-math specimen name : Joel Robbin.
Jul 19, 2013 - Joel W. Robbin is a mathematician at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. His thesis was in mathematical logics, under A. Church of ...
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
In INTERNAL microbiology living language systems ..the above letter code of 3 symbols --> W.R ... in microbioiogy military situations ...the center dot/period .... may expand / grow to another circular/round configuration ... the approximately round letter a ... and send a SYMBOL MACHINE signal ....WaR .
The Robbin code --> Rob + bin ---> microbiology binary --> suggest their are 2 application versions of math logic used by Nature ....
1) INTERNAL biology and the Central Nervous System 370 SYMBOL PROCESSOR usage of logic and thought
2) EXTERNAL applications of math logic
The INTERNAL biology thought system and its social engineering thoughts may express ANGER ... and that INTERNAL microbiology math ANGER may generate OUTPUT instructions ... that are activated in some human ...... via Darwin selection of that human .. thus creating a visible crime .... that is creating a process control feedback signal about the LOGIC ERRORS in social engineering and brain engineering education policies.
Thus the famous Wisconsin example of the AXIOM of CHOICE .....by the molecular continuum comprised of biochemistry molecule structures named humans,
The Axiom of Choice (AC) was formulated about a century ago, and it was ..... Mathematical Logic around the world -- linklist provided by the Mathematical Logic ...
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Jump to The Axiom of Choice and Logic - Zermelo's original form of the Axiom of Choice, AC1, ... mathematics governed by intuitionistic logic, e.
A very practical example of the AXIOM of CHOICE ..... was the biochemistry molecular continuum decision ... CHOICE to send message in EXTERNAL world format .. about the AXIOM of CHOICE by angry molecules.
Thus in an informal way ..devoid of math rigor .... but nonetheless a bio-math logic display ...math logic in thought and action ...like..
Thus INTERNAL math logic made a decision .. a CHOICE about the format of the message to optimize its signal content ..... thus the transformation into an EXTERNAL information display ..... signaling EVENT with feedback codes.
A judge Friday sentenced a man who killed his mother with an ax to life in ... 12 that Mark D. Totzke was not criminally insane at the time of the crime. ... The body of Gloria Jean Totzke, 59, was found in her bed at her Oconomowoc home Aug.
..in other words
A judge Friday sentenced a man who killed his mother with an ax to life in ... 12 that Mark D. Totzke was not criminally insane at the time of the crime. ... The body of Gloria Jean Totzke, 59, was found in her bed at her Oconomowoc home Aug.
Above words...last sentence --. her Back --> implies Axiom of Choice feedback signal to the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Thus we see the systems approach ought include molecule expressions of their math logic ANGER ......
Now, to provide additional clues for interested researhers ... I repeat another blog post here,,,, that suggests some possible concepts to be considered.