Below, we see the DEATH SENTENCE of Texas of the TEXAS legal system ..... ...that is modern atomic English language expressed VIA EVENTS in Nature's message processing regions on the surface of Computer Earth system 370. A sentence is like a line .....a line is like a highway
maps.google.com -
3 hours 25 mins 199.0 mi -
I-35E S and I-35 S
What is the distance from Austin Texas to Tyler Texas? It is 233 miles according to Google Maps. Distance from tyler Texas to dallas Texas? 149.45 kilometres ...
How far is it to Austin from Dallas? In: Texas, Countries States and Cities [Edit categories]. Answer: It is about 200 miles (about 3 hour drive) per Google Maps.
Let's look at the DEATH HIGHWAY ......... that is the cities of DEATH.
--> Dallas and the 1963 President Kennedy assassination
--> Waco and the physics war between Janet RENO and the anthropology renormalization equations of the Waxahachie Super Collider
--> Killeen and the mathematics proof errors.....the math concept of neighborHOOD WAR with Fort HOOD
--> Austin and the DNA polymerase I repair synthesis using JOE STACK age 53 as the 5 --> 3 exonuclease activity to remove a few nucleotides giving erase I repair synthesis ........ OR
restated erase I repair synthesis ...........thus modern genetic accounting social systems.
What are the components of the I-35 HIGHWAY and 53 in their roles in modern EARTH evolution.
COMPONENT CLUE of 3 --> 5 ......a INTERNAL bio-computer drivers that are tested on the EXTERNAL concrete highway I-35 using human drivers
highered.mcgraw-hill.com/.../pluginpop.cgi?...535::535::/...Cached - Similar
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3'. 5'. Helicase. DNA replication begins when helicase unwinds a segment of the DNA and breaks the hydrogen bonds between the two complementary strands ...
oregonstate.edu/instruction/bb492/lectures/DNAI.htmlCached - Similar
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Enzymes that replicate DNA using a DNA template are called DNA polymerases. ... DNA polymerase I also has two additional activities: a 3'-to-5' exonuclease ...
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no DNA synthesis occurs in 5'-3' as well as in 3'-5' direction. only the difference is that ,that it is continuous in 5'-3' direction but discontinous in 3'-5' direction.
Below we see the 2-directions of the highway from Dallas to Austin. One side on the INTERSTATE is in the I-35 direction.
What about the other side? And what about the anti-parallel feature? Does that contribute information about the tragedies in the DNA directional signaling region.........the geography DEATH ZONE and its abundance of major national news events.
DNA --> Dallas North America region with Hy = Hydrogen Highway
Above, we see the molecule symbol of HO ......helping us understand the biochemistry battle at Fort HO in Killen, Texas.
DARPA ought go to the Fort HOOD Soldier READ Center and read some pages in a college biochemistry textbook.
Above, bottom of picture ...we see
A T --> Austin Texas and of course
3 5 ---> Interstate 35
Component CLUE --> WACO = WA + CO = WAXAHACHIE COLLIDER battle at WACO, TEXAS with Fe = Federal government and CITIZEN violations of Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic anthropology laws.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superconducting_Super_ColliderCached - Similar
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The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) (also nicknamed the Desertron) ... complex under construction in the vicinity of Waxahachie, Texas that was set to be ...
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50 posts - 17 authors - Oct 28, 2003
What are the chances that the super conducting super collider the govt ... a company in Denton, Texas called International Isotopes that would ...
COMPONENT of WACO WAR with Uranium 238 and Isotopes = 235
Interstate 2 directional highway labeled I-35 GIVES I -235 the Margaret Mead nuclear anthtropology highway for human isotopes(t).
Thus we have atomic anthropology insects ... a problem that ought be studied and fixed ...according to the SOCIAL CONTRACT laws between Nature and man.
Have the brain cells of UNIVERSITY math and science professors been kidnapped?
Yes, the Double-Helix thought process is having a battle ...per D.H.LAW book by Double-Helix Lawrence..."Lady Chatterly's cellular phone Lover"
Jump to Number of dimensions: In classical string theory the number of dimensions is not fixed ...
One such theory is the 11-dimensional M-theory, which ...
Theoretical physics adjective/nouns parameter list:
One, dimension, 11 M-theory --> applied physics mapping to REAL life events
One man. Dimmick, 11 years, Murder-theory
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Nov 30, 2011 – Suing: Jesse Dimmick is serving an 11-year sentence and also faces a murder charge. A man who held a Kansas couple hostage in their home ...
Modern Margaret MEAD nuclear family...atomic social sciences and atomic political science
What else do we see about genetics highway I-35 and its possible anti-parallel properities on the surface of EARTH.
We have DNA --> Dallas North America and Duluth North America ....both message processing regions with the I-35 information highway.
i-35 Interstate 35 Maps, Traffic, News, Transportation Info, and More. ... from the US/Mexico border at Laredo TX, all the way north to Duluth MN, just south of the ...
The city of ST.Paul (Dirac) communications bridge with the Mini-Max theorem of Minnesota decision makers.
Thus we have the Computer Earth system 370 MISSISSIPPI data stream ...that is
MISS + ISSI + PPI with
MISS = Management Information Social Schemes
PPI = Parallel Processing Instruction
Thus we have an EARTH communications BRIDGE collapse ...from Minnesota universities to TEXAS universities.
FermiLAB near DuPage County (Chicago region) provides the bi-directional geography ROAD MAP for 53 and 35 (355).
As you see ..the EARTH genetics evolution map with
ST.Charles (Darwin) and Geneva --> Gene V-A interation studies by the nuclear family successors to Enrico Fermi.
Route 64 is Computer EARTH Double-word 64 = 32 + 32.
Route 56 is for the IRON MAN highway to Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic home at FermiLAB.
Batavia ...of course...famous for the Batman cave.....really the underground labs at FermILAB.
Batman and Alfred --> Alfred North Whitehead ...that is NORTH AVENUE/Route 56 send Principia Mathematica signals to that intellectual convergence center.
Interstate 88 --> 8 protons and 8 neutrons of oxygen atomic highway RD center with LUNG breathing objects at FermiLAB.......
oxygen searching for self-awareness and self-expression.
Thus we see an interesting puzzle...about the various levels of existence and expression of the component of Nature ...that we are a part of.
We must understand our relationship with Nature. We must view ourselves as guests on Planet Earth and must consider the messages that are presented to us.