Herb Zinser's Science War reports - gravity
RD-blog-440 Excerpt from previous blog on gravity
The EARTH LAB...Earth Atlas battle in Milwaukee at S. 16th Street at Atlas (data bus) BUS Sales party and the shooting death of Jake Gerard.....known in astrophysics gravity life humanoid format as
Jake G --> Gravity
Jake G = universal gravitational constant city laws of Nature
.....G ... un .....the shooting gun is a tool used in the gravity WAR on EARTH.
Universities are familiar with gravity and its interaction with the atomic mass inside the human brain. Thus ..over the centuries ..this interaction mechanism ...between brain mass and the gravity field...has according to Darwin's theory of gravity evolution ...allowed gravity waves to pick up brain mass THOUGHTS. After a few hundred years of this process...the gravity waves have acquired their own gravity THOUGHT abilities...their own gravity LIFE.
Thus the current view of the situation in 2 steps is:
1st --> today ...we consider them as 2 independent life/thought formats:
Gravity thought waves with symbolic life and grammer --> humans with possible thoughts. Thoughts are considered math, physics, biochemisty....nonsense is not considered a serious, abstract significant thought...unless you are an undercover agent for Nature's investigative project into nonsense and tricks.
2nd --> then given their separate identities....we realize that gravity does flow into our bodies and brain ...and the interaction process will continue.....BUT...under what parameters. Thus a smart HUMAN brain that works in harmony with Nature's intellect and within Nature's laws ....probably will have a good relationship...a good THOUGHT marriage with gravity life.
But this basically works with older and wiser people.....over 46 ....over 56 (atomic weight of Hemoglobin iron), over 66 (gravity number 6.6 etc...)
Thus we see the component of the gravity field....gravity field WAR....and how the gravity life can take control of the human brain atomic mass...and implant thoughts ...murder thoughts.
The the human being doing the murder is just a vehicle for the gravity THOUGHT data field.
Universities are familiar with gravity fields,etc ...ask them for the details of their secret worlds. But you can figure it out for yourself...spend 10 hours a week for several weeks...and think it thru.
Let's look at another aspect of GRAVITY ..that is political science and the gravity of serious government problems.
The history of gravity human life forms provides us with the evolutionary basis of the NEWTON series of life forms.
Sir Isaac Newton PRS MP (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1727 [NS: 4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727])[1] was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian, who has been "considered by many to be the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived."[7] His monograph Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, lays the foundations for most of classical mechanics. In this work, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, which dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. Newton showed that the motions of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies are governed by the same set of natural laws, by demonstrating the consistency between Kepler's laws of planetary motion and his theory of gravitation, thus removing the last doubts about heliocentrism and advancing the Scientific Revolution.
In modern terms...we have GEORGIA TECH humanoid experiments in gravity
G = universal gravitational constant interaction with-->
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Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich ( .. In 1974, Gingrich made his first bid for political office as the Republican candidate in Georgia's 6th congressional district, ...
oereger.com Georgia Tech: Guage Theories, Strings and Gravity
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Georgia Tech: Guage Theories, Strings and Gravity. I'm sitting in a lecture hall at Georgia Tech right now, a little early for the physics colloquia series event today
Physics Department | Center for Gravitation and Cosmology
What can we learn about compact objects through multi-messenger observations and simulations?
plus.google.com Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich is an American politician, author, and political consultant.
He represented G = Georgia ...that is equation
G 6th congressional district as a Republican from 1979 until his resignation in
G = 6.67300 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
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Georgia Tech Center for Relativistic Astrophysics ... time in science, one that will witness a change in our understanding of gravity,
one of the four fundamental interactions of nature. ... Professor, Physics, Georgia Tech; 2008 - Adjunct Assist.
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Astrophysics activities at Georgia Tech are devoted to interdisciplinary research and ... Deirdre · Shoemaker, Astrophysics/Gravity and Computational Physics
Below, we see the GRAVITY field message about the gravity architecture of society ......via the gravity field interaction with brain atomic mass.
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An unbiased look at Newt Gingrich's political views. What does the current presidential candidate think about the important issues of the day?
Above,,,,the words
Newt G political views ...REALLY states
Newton Gravity life political views VIA human agent NEWT G. from gravity state of G = Georgia Gravity fields
Gravitational constant = G = 6.67300 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
gravitational constant - The Free Dictionary
The constant in Newton's law of gravitation that yields the force one body exerts on another when multiplied by the product of the masses of the two bodies and ...
What is the modern
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Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich ....... law of gravitation .......the force one body exerts on another
Thus we see ...VIA gravity agent Newt G. ...how gravity desire works. Gravity man Newt .....was curious about gravity affinity ..the force one body exerts on another .......thus, in his wisdom...he decided that CONGRESS ...being a multi-body institution...would be the ideal TEST group to study the gravity political force exerted amongst bodies. Thus ...CONGRESS...might be considered a gravity humanoid species doing various types of social science physics RD.
by S Zeng -
2007 -
Cited by 1 -
Related articlesGeorgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332. Currently Research ... HCVTMB Problems: Highly Coupled Variable Topology Multi-Body Problems
How do gravity field waves interact with a Newton humanoid?
Below, we see the waves of a double-helix and its nucleotides --> tides LINKS to waves ....
Above, the 2nd and 3rd line state.........
pairing of new nucleotides with those in the template strand.
He acted in William Shakespeare's play, ........ at the Strand Theatre in London, England
THus we see the
EXTERNAL geography country of EN.GLAND provides a map of the
INTERNAL molecular cell biology .....GLANDs ...... a map for the social biochemist
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In gravity words...the pairing of NEWTON nucleo
tides .....
Additional theory ..states that gravity waves LINK with nucleotides .....may create an attraction for similar structures with similar adjective/noun descriptions.
Thus Newt G and his atomic biophysics nucleotides attraction ...some sort of wave mechanics homing instinct ....to go to Washington, DC near the TIDAL Basin.
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The Tidal Basin is a partially human-made reservoir between the Potomac River and the Washington Channel in Washington, D.C. It is part of West Potomac ...
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See a map and directions to the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC, The Tidal Basin map includes markers with links to the main attractions on the Tidal Basin as ...
Thus we have a secret of physics ........gravity physics professors ain't talking.
WHY? Are there exceptions ...professors or graduate students fthat will help explore the theory of human gravity life upon earth.
Mar 6, 2008 ... The Gun Control Act, following the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr., expands licensing and ...
G = universal gravitational contast CONTROL laws,
G un --> Gravity unit control laws .....of gravity life forms.
Thus we have a gravity social anthropology legal system...whose existence ....... professors ought acknowledge. REALITY!