Matt Anderson killed in the Base 16 mathematics organization
theory battle with the Hex"FFA" --> his end-loader death
at the farm trailer site helps explain Computer Earth system 370
intellectual science WARS over the SYS1.LOAD.LIBRARY problem, etc.
--> Matt Anderson's last messages explain major parts of
Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its WORLD-wide application.
The most recently retired president of the Wisconsin FFA Association has been ... Sheriff's Department, Matt Anderson was driving an end loader onto a trailer at ...
In mathematics and computer science, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a .... The most common format for hexadecimal on IBM mainframes (zSeries) and ...
Representation - Conversion - Real numbers - Cultural
Base 16 hex'FFA- = F * 162 + F * 161 + A * 160
Oct 27, 2009 – Past State FFA President Killed in Farm Mishap ... the Sauk County Sheriff's Department, Matt Anderson was driving an end loader onto a trailer ...
In mathematics and computer science, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a .... The most common format for hexadecimal on IBM mainframes (zSeries) and ...
Representation - Conversion - Real numbers - cultural --> implies agri+ cultural problems
The Base 16 computer science religious conversion
from base 16 Hex'FA' ---> FARM LAND at .....such such location
to ....base 16 Hex'AF" ---> AF.terlife zone of Sarte existentialism
Thus we see the transformation
from base 16 Hex'FA' ---> regular universe symbolized by "FARM"
to ....base 16 Hex'AF" ---> the inverse universe dimension on EARTH
...the Wisconsin soldiers in the AF region are fighting in
Base 16 geography region of AFghanistan the inverse WAR zone.
Now the INVERSE WAR zone has come to Wisconsin and the Mazomanie region.
It's sad that Wisconsin citizens, the University of Wisconsin, and farm cooperative's have no interest in world-affairs that may affect them.
U.A.ARMY soldiers die in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN so Wisconsin citizens can tell each other bull-stories, laugh, watch television , party, etc.
Thus we see ..Nature's CAUSE and EFFECT tragic message to Wisconsin thinkers their leading young men get killed....
in the Wisconsin intellectual wars ...the brain bio-computer wars.
FFA --> Matt Anderson
Boy Scouts --> Sam Hengel
Who is next .....the Wisconsin CAD = Computer Aided Design copper-wire technology adapted to human bio-computer for the community CAD projects .....that is human CAD = CADAVERS.
The Virginia TECH human CAD experiment was on the Base 16 HEX/curse day of April 16, 2007. More leading young citizens learn about Base 16 Hex'AF' --> the AFTERLIFE parallel to AFGHANISTAN ..... incomplete explanation of these events are printed in newspapers.
Aug 20, 2007 – The most recently retired president of the Wisconsin FFA Association ...
Department, Matt Anderson was driving an end loader onto a trailer at ...
ONE view of tragic EVENT ...would involve the concepts below..... in the context of Computer EARTH system 370 and human bio-computers that are members a BASE 16 Hexadecimal organization like the FAA (sky aviation) or FFA( soil land)
A load library contains programs
ready to be executed. ...
A load library can be any of the following: System library ... The most-used system library is SYS1.
SCHCLOAD could be used as
the load library to execute
.. LOAD data set must be performed by personnel authorized to update 'SYS1.
Aug 20, 2007 – The most recently retired president of the Wisconsin FFA Association ...
Department, Matt Anderson was driving an end loader onto a trailer at ...
The other VIEW needed for understanding the mathematical-physics bio-physics tragedy involves the concepts below.
Application programming on z/OS
Load modules for executable programs Application programming on z/OS
A load module is an executable program stored in a partitioned data set program library. Creating a load module to execute only, will require that you use a batch loader or program management loader. Creating a load module that can be stored in a program library requires that you use the binder or linkage editor. In all cases, the load module is relocatable, which means that it can be located at any address in virtual storage within the confines of the residency mode (RMODE).
Once a program is loaded, control is passed to it, with a value in the base register. This gives the program its starting address, where it was loaded, so that all addresses can be resolved as the sum of the base plus the offset. Relocatable programs allow an identical copy of a program to be loaded in many different address spaces, each being loaded at a different starting address.
· Batch loader The batch loader combines the basic editing and loading services (which can also be provided by the linkage editor and program manager) into one job step. The batch loader accepts object decks and load modules, and loads them into virtual storage for execution. Unlike the binder and linkage editor, the batch loader does not produce load modules that can be stored in program libraries. The batch loader prepares the executable program in storage and passes control to it directly.
· Program management loader The program management loader increases the services of the program manager component by adding support for loading program objects. The loader reads both program objects and load modules into virtual storage and prepares them for execution. It resolves any address constants in the program to point to the appropriate areas in virtual storage and supports the 24-bit, 31-bit and 64-bit addressing modes.
· What is a load library? A load library contains programs ready to be executed.
A funeral service will be held at BETHLEHEM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, S10173
County Highway C, Sauk ---> Computer Science signal
--> While attending Sauk Prairie High School he served as President of F.F.A. for two years, was a 12 season athlete, a member of the National Honor Society and was currently on the Chancellor’s List at
Thus Matt Anderson was going for his Batch degree .... a college Bachelor of Arts of Bachelor of Science.
Thus ...he satisfied the needed parameters for the description of a ...... Base 16 humanoid bio-computer equivalent to BATCH LOADER.
The batch loader prepares the executable ...thus he was killed/executed.
The SCIENCE WAR in Wisconsin ...and the military parameters ....were outlined in an article for the many various Base 16 groups.
The Mind Has No Firewall - US Army War College
by TL THOMAS - 1998 -
The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, ...
The Mind Has No Firewall, by Thomas, in Parameters, Spring 1998. Defending friendly and targeting adversary data-processing capabilities of the body appears ...
Thus the body/brain of Matt Anderson was targeted was the brain Sam Hengel ...
as the party school universities and business corporations deny REALITY.
What are some other tragic bio-computer WAR events.
Authorizing the execution load library
... SCHCLOAD could be used as the load library to execute InfoSphere CDC but this is strongly discouraged. ... LOAD data set must be performed by personnel authorized to update 'SYS1.
A load library contains programs
ready to be executed. ...
A load library can be any of the following: System library ... The most-used system library is SYS1.
ready to be executed ---->
The U.S.Army has Basic training ..for new soldiers that enter the ARMY.
Since year 2000 ...that would be Basic Assembler Language training for bio-computer soldiers.
A programming bug or misunderstanding about human system ...could result in tragedy. Such tragedy occured .....
programs (Washington, DC brain programs)
ready (Fort Hood Soldier read y2k center) to be executed.
Thus the FORT HOOD Fortran social engineering programming language ...
at geography site Fortran --> Fort soldiers ran when Major Hasan started shooting.
Thus the Computer EARTH system 370 OS/JCL BATCH JOB execution resulted in a BATCH of 13 soldiers getting executed.
Thus we have advanced computer science policies form Washington, DC and various state assemblies/legislatures ...that is ...a group of bio-computer humans gather in a sate assembly / legislature to write assembly language programs for the citizen brains .....brain programs on thought and behavior,etc. An intelligently active citizen can accept or upgrade and improve upon the official state brain assembly program. However, brainless, arrogant, or intellectually lazy citizens just accept any bio-computer instructions in fashion that legislative year. Think of the situation as a puzzle from NATURE ..a maze ...
Maze - Wikipedia, the
A maze is a tour puzzle in the form of a complex branching passage through which the solver must find a route. In everyday speech, both maze and labyrinth ...
Maze - Maze solving algorithm - Celtic maze - Radial arm maze
Thus DARPA and their university and corporate friends FORT HOOD with the FORTAN experiment ..
SAFHFORT is the name of the Fortran-specific link-edit library and is used to resolve ... EXEC PGM=HEWL,REGION=1024K //SYSLIB DD DSNAME=&LIBPRFX
Thus the tragic event ...was used to resolve (something) ...via the JOB EXECUTION of 13 soldiers.
.... 00014000 //FORT EXEC PGM=&FVPGM,REGION=&FVREGN,COND=(4,LT), ...
In 1990/1991 the FORT HOOD the Carl Jung collective unconscious bio-computer group ....gave military DEMO
Fortran program receives an abend. During termination processing, module AFBVSIOS issues a CHECK against a DCB that.
Thus ...the 13 DEAD user's GUIDE to a complex world situation..........that ought be understood.
The compiler supports language based on FORTRAN 77 standards plus IBM ..... /*ROUTE PRINT RMTn //STEP3 EXEC PGM=PGM1,REGION=96K //STEPLIB ... › News › World News ›
Nov 6, 2009 – A US army officer called Major Nidal Malik Hasan has been named as the man responsible for killing 13 people and
Fort Hood shooting: 13 killed at US Army base ...
Fortran H shooting: 13 killed at US Army base ...
FORTRAN H Goo death revisits --> Pentagon computer science
There are many useful functions hiding in the Fortran H compiler that can be used by ... Because the H compiler itself is compiled in Fortran H with heavy use...
Started with a good compiler — Fortran H Extended. • Fortran H - one of 1st commercial compilers to perform systematic analysis (both control flow & data flow
Fortran H Extended
Fortran H Extended
Fortran H Extended -->Fort Hood Extended -->Fort soldiers ran from--> the Hasan extension --> the Gene/genetic General H = Ham extension
Fortran H Extended
Fortran H ,..... Darwinian selection ..using the algebra subset alphabet
Fort ...n H --> nidal Hasan ...selected for the computer science mission
IBM User's Guide, Thirteenth Edition
This chapter discusses JOB, EXEC, OUTPUT, and DD; the other statements are .... written to take advantage of the memory capacity of the IBM 3090 computer. ..... //stepname EXEC PGM=progname [,EXEC parameters] .... That is, if the data is input to a job step which invokes the FORTRAN compiler, the DD statement would ...
FORTRAN are references to the FORTRAN 77 standard, plus the IBM ...... JOB SAMPLEPG THIS JOB WILL COMPILE
· The Boy Scouts of America computer systems ERROR ......CAUSE and EFFECT --->
FORTRAN are references to the FORTRAN 77 standard, plus the IBM ...... JOB SAMPLEPG THIS JOB WILL COMPILE AND
EXEC HE SAM ---> Hengel, Sam
The other major computer FACTOR of Matt Anderson involves the trailer record.
Matt Anderson was driving an end loader onto a trailer at ...
System processes magnetic tape volumes with IBM standard labels,. American National Standard ... American National Standard Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information Interchange,. 9-Track, 800 CPI, NRZI, ..... Data Set Trailer Labels .
This record contains the volume serial number or volume serial (VSN or VOLSER) which uniquely identifies the volume. Next, any ... Last comes optional user trailer labels (UTL). ... Example 1: IBM standard labels (Single file, single tape) BOT ...
tape - Wikipedia,
As with the earlier IBM 7 track format it replaced, the magnetic tape is ½ inch ... recording) and
NRZI (non-return-to-zero, inverted, sometimes pronounced "nur-zee"). ....
Signaling EOT (end of tape) with space remaining to write trailer blocks ...
Thus we see Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its applications to earthly space/time and farm land.
Base 16 Hex'"FFA" agent Anderson died in this mathematical-physics battlefield .........but his fall ....... tipping of the farm equipment ......implies the INVERTED factor may be the problem area for corporate or univerisity scientists to examine.
Other blogs have covered magnetic tape....the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 NORTH POLE magnetic data field and the NIXON tapes.
Nixon the 37th bio-computer President of the United States in 1970 .....he was the parallel to the
IBM system 370 OS/JCL SNA VTAM copper-wire main frame computer.
The United States is a subset government of the Earth and its systems in the context of Nature's vast intellect that have evolved over the past million years. Nature designed and built the human Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer .....and Nature's advanced brain data processing models are in various stages of testing. Do you have the Y2K biological clock subroutine update fro your brain computer? You don't.....sad.
Thus we see the EARTH geology/geography processor with Einstein's data processing theory of the Galileo project started in year 16 16 --> the formating of Base 16 space and base 16 time.
Thus we have the COMPUTER EARTH magnetic field with device UNIT = UNITED STATES with the bio-computer NIXON tapes debate. The magnetic field interacts with our iron automobiles and farm equipment (Matt Anderson magnetic field and probable BRAIN war), interacts with the iron WORLD TRADE CENTER (the iron battlefield with plane geometry math weapons of choice...air planes), and of course, the iron Hemoglobin proteins of human biology ....and the Hemoglobin symbolic thoughts within our brain
Thus...what is the UNITED STATES Base 16 address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Earth device UNIT + EDS + Statistical test (of the universe and Nature's forces and elements and spirirts)
Thus the words UNITED STATES
.............................EDS --> Electron Data Systems of PLAN ZERO --> PLAN 0 --> PLANO, Texas.
Their intellectuals do not recognize these matters.
Thus we see Wisconsin and Texas ignore important questions.
What's happening?